Attached: EB-qiaAUIAAmW89.jpg (1536x2048, 384K)

Other urls found in this thread:

cutest girl in the galaxy~

Attached: 65866210_809160336148912_9007806517634242923_n.jpg (1080x1350, 245K)

post her tits

Who's this?


Attached: ECBUNlhVAAEPZSy.jpg (1333x2000, 356K)

very true

Attached: EBI80b4UEAE7jYl.jpg (2731x4096, 2M)

any slugman in


cutest girl in the galaxy~

Attached: 1561438395785.webm (402x720, 2.94M)

cutest girl in the galaxy~

Attached: 1565869989_1481128.jpg (658x848, 210K)

Attached: 1562701561381.jpg (1200x1800, 192K)

our girls

Attached: f_6h5Ud018svcj6gutt216o9y_lk8vo3.jpg (1362x1362, 424K)

Imagine having to listen to cpop.

what the fuck are you doing

Do you think JYP does the signature "Jeh Wah Pee" whisper as he slowly slides it into her?

Attached: JYPTzuyu.jpg (720x405, 40K)

any shartman in


Attached: 1565214766134.jpg (1199x865, 111K)

haggy is way cuter than that uggo

cute nerd

she won't betray us, rrright guys?


Attached: EB_VuXFU0AISN1R.jpg (2052x1062, 295K)

Attached: 2019081514395020300.jpg (530x828, 96K)

he's married

Itzy in your area

Attached: 1564195893087.jpg (960x850, 127K)

quiet cuck

It's real breh. Sana loves to dig in when she's tipsy.

Attached: Sana extra slutty when drunk.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Attached: 67593653_854034111646074_6005322685149295380_n.jpg (1080x1350, 103K)

Of course she will. They all do.

gay af

Attached: EB6tiL_X4AA7YnB.jpg (1000x1500, 177K)

rosie :)

Attached: 3312a0ba79b06e9ad77486c1144cdf37.jpg (564x1002, 80K)


10 9 8 7 6 5 10 4 3 2 1 3

This is IZ*ONE's #1 visual
Say something nice about her

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Attached: twice.jpg (1103x421, 297K)


Attached: 1547247230109.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)


Attached: tae 35645.jpg (640x359, 30K)

wtf happened to heej and jinsoul?

rip izone then

eunbin is one of the biggest whores i've ever seen in kpop

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Attached: 1565884564798.webm (1280x720, 2.07M)

>you'll never flirt with tipsy Sana


Attached: twicetranny.webm (534x480, 423K)

thx for posting our girls twicebro

just goes to show that without photoshop loona are really busted


Attached: 마이 리틀 텔레비전 V2 19회 190802 1080i H264-2.webm (1288x720, 2.95M)

haseulie my bird bride

Nayeon said yes.

Attached: PARKED.png (1188x1190, 535K)

she looks so cute thx for posting

Attached: j_13gUd018svcvp2mxdfgg7c3_e2rmby.jpg (1919x1338, 350K)

kpop? more like krap pop

hayoung we know what you did


Attached: dFmiiEu7BJKgu1d4.webm (924x718, 1.98M)

Ty for keep posting the prettiest girl there is

Attached: 0000000sana-pholar-1051v451d45dc4551c41dccdcd.jpg (1080x1620, 353K)


should I get into LOONA or is it better to stay away from it?
I liked love4eva and hi high and I thought I might give it a try

she really is amazing

Attached: d_0f9Ud018svc1bcrldpla4hal_kkwvav.jpg (1280x1917, 224K)


Attached: 7pts1qjc7id11.jpg (595x594, 81K)

i'm in love with Hwang Yeji

Ty for keep ESL, seamonkey

you like 2 of their worst songs lmao

That's a man, baby

Attached: 1531199311726.jpg (1000x1449, 200K)

fuck this bitch

are there any orbits that truly think hi high is a good song?

Attached: 1565848108875.jpg (750x1000, 96K)

that's hardcore as fuck

who is this semen demon

So it can only go up from there

I know only those 2

slug is a man? damn i knew it

just watched some snsd lives
they were fucking based

What's ESL about that sentence?
t. ESL wondering

based me

Attached: ECBfGfZVUAAALSI.jpg (2563x3844, 920K)

The US incited all of this btw and continues to egg it on
They started it by formally acknowledging Taiwan as a sovereign state, now they're continuing it by telling China to respect Hong Kong's autonomy.
They desperately want China to crumble so they can claim east asia as their own

i like loona :)

Attached: 1543925867923.png (611x669, 432K)

why does kpg like falseflagging so much

i only know like 3 loona songs but hi high was one of 2018's best songs

50 yuan deposited in your social credit account

nothing in this post is true

Attached: IMG_20190815_092711.jpg (430x860, 87K)

t. chinese shill

Stylish is the best song on ++
Heat and Favorite are also better than Hi High

thank you for keep posting
should just be thank you for posting
or thank you for continuing to post

Attached: EB6wMB8UEAAL0Mk.jpg (1333x2000, 493K)

Attached: ey oh ey.jpg (1080x810, 738K)


maybe they want china to crumble because china's expansion is a threat to the entire globe, due to both their blatant disregard for human rights and for the environment

Attached: BlueCrazyAsiaticmouflon-2.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

honda hitomi looks stunning when slim

Daily Dubu!

Attached: 1451020750575.jpg (900x1350, 1.29M)

Attached: EA8KsQjUcAIhNzN.jpg (2731x4096, 1.5M)

she is slim dumbass

if they were worried about that then they'd get the UN to stop them from colonizing Africa

everybody recognise beijing gov as the one on the mainland, but taiwan is a sovereign state and was never part of the popular republic of china, those are facts.

yes that's why she's so beautiful now. it must be for their next korean comeback

Attached: sneak peak.jpg (1200x799, 380K)
poona satellite and curiosity composer

im happy u fags moved on from posting white coat pics

Olivia is the only good one

Attached: 1565152966946.webm (1080x1920, 2.46M)

she was always slim

Rosie :)

Attached: 9d089cb217a2d7879e9d81445a397d10.jpg (1367x2048, 306K)

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Shuhua finna slit Yuqi's throat tonight

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Attached: goobygoob.jpg (611x611, 33K)

how much for this bobblehead

Breakthrough is actually twice's best song this year

now that i can watch every thread


Attached: D3SBZ4lXoAEV2Rx.jpg (1352x2048, 268K)

idk why 'ty for keep posting' is grammatically incorrect, i suppose it technically might be correct, it's just not said like that. maybe in old english or england or some shit like that it wouldn't sound as weird

Things are going to get real awkward in the dorm

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Attached: EAUESrfUIAAWfdd.jpg (2048x1453, 422K)

I think I'm developing an eye fetish.

Attached: 1564846836669.jpg (1000x1500, 174K)

>turn it up is actually twice's best song this year

So glad my group doesn't have traitors

on my cock

is this hayoung?

more like daily uggo

don't get too used to her, her group is disbanding early next year

from a brown-haired piggy to blond bombshell

>please post classic white coat yejis
sure bro

Attached: D2_xRs8UgAATg2L.jpg (2048x1388, 281K)

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i just finished my workout an now i am randomly doing bicep curls between posting for maximum efficiency and gainz hehehe

Attached: DyCkOlaXQAE9ss2.jpg (254x260, 6K)

What time is kcon?

Article: Jessica, small face in big sunglasses

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+673, -22] She tried to get into the Chinese market but it didn't work so she's just like everyone else selling things on Instagram

2. [+558, -25] She makes me realize how important it is to keep good relations with people in your life

3. [+425, -23] Don't care ㅋ

4. [+24, -2] She has no fashion sense, her sunglasses look so tacky

5. [+22, -5] I remember seeing her in a drama a long time ago with Lee Shi Young. She was the supporting role and totally dolled up but didn't hold a flame to Lee Shi Young who was dressed simply with short hair ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

6. [+18, -2] How bad does your character have to be for the other 8 to completely cut you off like that

7. [+16, -3] I've yet to see someone leave SM and do well on their own

8. [+14, -2] I would've milked Soshi for all I could before leaving but instead she left for a guy and tried to start a business only to end up as another Instagram business

9. [+12, -3] I am jealous of her life, though... she's already achieved everything she wanted with Soshi, started a business with the money she made from Soshi ㅋㅋ feels like her life just keeps flowing without any obstacles, which I'm envious of

10. [+9, -1] Her entire life is staged

11. [+8, -2] Nothing works without that Soshi backing, huh??

Attached: jessica2.jpg (540x673, 62K)

Attached: 68514938_745888885848177_8724262954062577664_n.jpg (960x960, 250K)

that nigga is so fucking ugly

Attached: 1565608582258.jpg (1080x1080, 153K)

i love yeji so much with all of my heart...

wtf that's a man in a wig

but have you seen his legs

>6. [+18, -2] How bad does your character have to be for the other 8 to completely cut you off like that

>7. [+16, -3] I've yet to see someone leave SM and do well on their own
it's almost like SM blacklists artists from the industry

god knetz are stupid

Attached: nazirin.jpg (2244x1547, 1.11M)

>50 Yuan per post shill
Better go to some bluepilled craphole like youtube Chen.

>telling China to respect Hong Kong's autonomy
Literally what the entire world tells them. Commie scum needs to be put in their place and rot in their shithole.

based straight white male chad

Attached: 658901_361734_228_org.jpg (1200x1921, 524K)

sorry meant for >

like wanting to fuck eyes?

Attached: 1563828515402.webm (1106x858, 2.9M)

...literally who? Fuck this nugu.

They are fucking right?

newfags are a disgrace

Attached: yeji message hong kong.jpg (1106x591, 41K)

that's really not the vibe i'm getting from this

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Who's getting mogged

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Attached: EB_krtRVAAAZWNk.jpg (682x1024, 89K)

the state of newshits

Attached: 1565512605966.jpg (1000x989, 169K)

i love this pabo

Attached: 1564274703928.jpg (2250x1500, 1.06M)

No, looking into them big glowing deep eyes eyes and drowning in them.

Attached: 15622085601321.jpg (900x1200, 214K)

Attached: momo stretching.webm (654x700, 2.94M)

fuck china and fuck chinese pigs
*turn off huawei router to evade another ban*

lay and are probably genuinely loyal to the party

Why does no one care about her solo debut


can't see shit

Attached: EB7qcoXVUAI5y-k.jpg (3000x1687, 688K)

the prettiest bird

the ugliest manfaced tranny in kpop

>dirty soles
Maybe it's just me, but I can't stand that. They should really mop-clean the stage before.

>Huawei router

this but im using huawei phone and drawing tablet ayy lmao

gosh dang Yoyomi's eyes are so fucking big

Attached: 15634767309890.jpg (854x854, 136K)

Attached: yurióculos.jpg (768x1024, 88K)


although dbh performing barefoot isn't all that great, and I like feet generally. but it's just not a good look imo

as long as Yuehua gives everglow three comebacks a year I don't care

this is even funnier than yuki's face

Attached: 1565880711971.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

So we support China and not HK right?

Attached: 14202145454417.jpg (1080x1350, 1.43M)

blind shit

Attached: 7e7438f.jpg (1080x1350, 232K)

Girls find it more comfortable

it was much more peaceful during blackpink hours

>consciously buying Chinese electronics

wow, it's fucking nothing

Attached: EB73g_9VUAAUn0G.jpg (4096x2465, 888K)

Oogieboys noooooooooo

Attached: Uuop8Uw.jpg (1536x2048, 535K)

what does this even mean

you are wrong

We support SKorea

Is that the uggo Momoland?

Attached: weki meki feetsluts.png (1366x768, 1.26M)

quack quack lol

apologize to yena

Attached: EB8Jl0TVAAAbtx7.jpg (1000x1500, 160K)

>having huawei router
>having anything huawei

Attached: dubu 9807.png (864x1300, 2.31M)

Attached: 1562483013551.jpg (1920x1080, 323K)

You'll have to be more specific because that could be any of them besides Nancy, Yeonwoo, and Ahin's tits.

is her face flat

it was much more peaceful during blink tempter tanturm hours

Jane, Taeha and Daisy are cute too.

>buying overpriced shit because "muh chinese government wants to spy me"

>the uggo Momoland

RVF Day 2's B sides are sounding pretty good so far. Hopefully Umpah Umpah doesn't disappoint.

Attached: EB_h7PmX4AE5Osm.jpg (1500x1000, 360K)

TriHard the cops are coming TriHard


Attached: c_020Ud018svcwoakq53iwnpj_o94set.jpg (1080x1036, 271K)


Attached: EB73g_6UwAAW4Ab.jpg (4096x2730, 974K)

We never have to worry about their b-sides

are there any audio teasers for umpah loompa yet?

t. Chink Shill

people avoid buying chinese in general because is shit


she is fast

old and busted

Jane yes, the other 2 not so much.

Attached: 1565679002085.jpg (1200x1800, 229K)

shut your whore mouth, dog

Attached: 14202145454643.jpg (2980x4470, 2.67M)

meant for

ballads are so much better than kpop

Attached: grandma.jpg (1000x1000, 229K)

you were the one trying to ruin it everyone knows

she looks like those funny looking flat-faced cats

post em

oh god. they are literally DONE

Attached: DwUtJWDVsAA-pam.jpg (800x1200, 165K)

A granny more busted than Irene

cute af


i buy it cos it's cheap and im poor as fuck

she's starting to look like her ugly ass mother

let's not go THAT far user, grandma Irene is on another level

lmao wtf

Attached: ECA8biHUwAA6wyh.jpg (830x1080, 136K)


Attached: 3itjbwmm75921.jpg (822x750, 60K)

you were the one trying to ruin it for everyone

Attached: minji_1954.jpg (1200x1800, 261K)

There has been a lot of negativity towards tzuyu recently and I don't like it

Attached: 1550378394803.jpg (1039x1200, 199K)

fuckin yikes

Attached: 142021464645717991.jpg (2048x2048, 795K)

Attached: E0Q8aRC.gif (442x388, 2.58M)

remember these taiwanese animations

Attached: clc.jpg (1080x810, 115K)

isn't Tzuyu still very young? this makes me sad

Attached: 1564110201584.jpg (869x720, 237K)

lol just thought of poonani and it made me laff

Attached: 1547807871322.jpg (269x269, 15K)

About to k-tribute this senpai.

>because "muh chinese government wants to spy me"
Not just that but because supporting evil regimes isn't what most people want + Chinese products have zero quality control and are known to use the cheapest available parts.

omo bean

exactly, she's like 19yo but nigga be styling her like she's 32


stills mogging their waifus

Attached: 1544283071459.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

blackedstink sucks. go Stan loona

cope plebs

Attached: 1563927211044.jpg (2443x2621, 1.62M)

actual chinks are here, they started shilling after the china shit talking yesterday

comeback freaking WHEN?


Attached: tzuyu bottle success.webm (900x1080, 1018K)

Attached: minji_2210.jpg (1200x900, 212K)

i know what i'm emptying my beans to tonight

Attached: 51508.jpg (596x250, 22K)

fuck you and your whores

But there are 5 other girls in her own group that mog tzuyu to death

you know who they are

Attached: JYP reading netizen comments.jpg (2000x1333, 366K)


this is so fucking stupid user, yes for some cases like some no name brand but we are talking bout huawei, tech etc.

BTW most of your tech component are from china fyi, to hate on regime is fine but to say "MuH ChIna Quality" is just blindly hating and it makes you look stupid

it's the chinkshitters

>i buy it cos it's cheap and im poor as fuck
Literally what 99% of mainland chinks do. Welcome to the hive.

shut the fuck up chang

this is the most emotion I've ever seen her display

no one could mog tzuyu

post girls with huge eyes

Attached: 15596837814471.jpg (750x750, 59K)

no, there's none

Attached: D8Ecl46X4AEVbW-.jpg (753x1145, 286K)

I can't believe how ugly she is when she laughs. you can't really call someone like that a visual

they have jap comeback in september tho?

post someone who looks good while laughing then


Attached: 1565812850356.jpg (750x1207, 793K)

have some artificial tears

Attached: 1496710858222.webm (888x500, 2.86M)

only you believe that and replying to your own post (the first one) isn't gonna change that

majority of the world are considered 3rd world with utter shit wages user, i cant dish out 700usd or 1000+usd for any samsung or iphone, on the lower end spectrum, the china phone just have better specs


apologize to blackpink

u mad user?

Attached: Tzuyu.full.137018.jpg (800x1200, 80K)

much better without bangs

Attached: 1540918943020.jpg (430x639, 60K)

Attached: c_220Ud018svc3suzko2rnt2k_phx0k0.jpg (600x745, 74K)

sorry, try again

holy fuck she's so brain dead

i like twice

Attached: ECBcIURXoAI0Bbd.jpg (1152x2048, 169K)

she aged like milk

euro tour when?

they are becoming sentient

Imaging hating on a cute and innocent girl like this
You'd need serial killer levels of mental illness

Attached: 1555077316778.jpg (1200x1800, 376K)


nothing aside from the promo video

Attached: EBT7OTfWsAIxtkn.jpg (1200x1799, 212K)

they are chinks


unironically the smartes idol in kpop right now

Attached: b_fe3Ud018svc169simw87blp9_yrno3.jpg (1344x1920, 674K)

It's just envy, they know their waifus don't hold a candle to chewy

sally discussing hong kong politics with elkie...

Does anyone else here shitpost stuff that they don't actually agree with for the memes, or is it just me?

Attached: hmmm.jpg (800x1200, 152K)

Serial killers aren't ill, killing each other is natural.

stop posting poona. you're not on /trash/ or in some tranny community.

Hit the wall at 20. Sad!

Attached: D-FQrlTUYAAuDWU.jpg (1200x1800, 395K)

we're here

Attached: download_20190520_122416.jpg (1040x780, 90K)

>need serial killer levels of mental illness
>every chink born in current day china that has been indoctrinated by the government

pick both

Attached: 14200202019292.jpg (1080x1350, 137K)

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Attached: 7QnThVLd5byNG4q2OQkd2KYO8IEEOlr-AQR73_PcIxA.jpg (960x960, 129K)

like you actually mean that

Attached: temp_1565189215273.-2120074460.jpg (1080x1207, 264K)

forgot your blackedpink avatar again

have you met chinese people in person?, they seem to be really fucky-y in the head, even for esat asian standards

Yeji’s Feet

that's just one event
I'm talking about whole tour like last time

who is the qt on the left?

better than a tranny group. faggot.

Attached: lisasmile.webm (718x478, 134K)

the irony

Why is Dami so fucking useless?


probably next year at some point

that guy's witchfu

>disgusting fake eye bags
>cringey fake emotions
useless old bitch



Attached: tumblr_ouu33dPxzZ1qk12q0o1_1280.jpg (1279x1920, 397K)

isn't Lisa a tran