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>women want a family
Yikes, do incels really think this?

>t. soon to be known as the cat lady
Stefan has a family and he's absolutely right.

Except none of this shit happens. The whole idea of a wall is a massive cope. It doesn't describe anything real that happens to women but instead expresses a resentful man's desire to punish

since when did milfs fall out of favor so hard here?

They haven't. Not here nor anywhere. Men age worse.

Milfs are for buddy fuck. The greatest thing about them is that they are desperate and easy as fuck. Just buy some wine. And you can creampie them all you want, they won't get pregnant.
Milfs are based but they are already used.

We do a disservice to women when society tells them that they can "have it all" when it isn't true.

Not music related faggot
Try Yea Forums

I'm a boy
Roastie cope

That's is simply not true. Testosterone ages you better.

[citation needed]

There is a significant drop off in attention once a women passes 25, but even older women receive more love in a month than a guy will his whole life.


most zoomed post I’ve ever read
every 30 year old single woman I know who used to be hot in her 20s is freaking the fuck out because guys want younger hotter women

Stefan is one of my favorite artists

off-topic garbage

talk about cope. girls peak at 18-21. after 21, the roller coaster begins its descent. women’s only value is their looks, so yeah it’s important

Damage control.

That's Billy Corgan under his atheist ancap pseudonym you idiots.

She still won't fuck you Monsieur

don't what'll be worse - this or the mentally ill alt right women replying and agreeing

whats the ultimate alt right goal again - just more white faces in the world? I'm not up to date so I don't know if they're jew blaming and fascist sympathsizing or a cowardly in-between at the moment

Fucking Molyneux kek a proper nutjob that

Not true by the way. Have sex, roastie.

>whats the ultimate alt right goal again - just more white faces in the world?
And how that's a bad thing?

...and what value do you have? You prove my point with our obvious resentment of beauty.

that's a yikes from me sweaty