If Scott Pilgrim ruined a whole generation of women who watched the movie, which song/album/artist did the same?

If Scott Pilgrim ruined a whole generation of women who watched the movie, which song/album/artist did the same?

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Death Grips

unironically billie eilish

Cardi B will do an insurmountable amount of damage to young girls.

fuck off negativexp your "music" is shit


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This movie ruined a whole generation of farmers

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Back to incelreddit wojakshitter

unironically kino

>Scott Pilgrim ruined a whole generation of women
That's giving that movie too much credit. The "alternative" chic has been a thing since the late '70s and early '80s. You could even argue alternative lifestyles goes back to the late '50s and early '60s with the whole beatnik and flower child/hippie craze. It probably even existed in the '20s with flapper girls.

In any case, the wave of blue-haired, taint-pierced alternachicks has its roots in Punk fashion which then spread to the internet. It's difficult to point where it suddenly took off (many blame SuicideGirls, but no one knows for sure), but this fashion aesthetic was perpetual by the late 2000s.

not to mention it didnt do very well in sales. so a "whole" generation" is wrong

how does this guy negativXP think he'll get away with it? I just read the lyrics and they seem to be very antagonistic for today's times. I bet he must be receiving death threats right now.
Pretty funny song though and what he says is true, the kind of awkward truth nobody wants to point out.

This, the women in the movie weren't just cut from whole cloth, they all were stereotypes of the early 2000s dating scene. Anybody who didnt get this really missed the point of the movie.

Have these people never seen Ghost World?

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Fuck off negativeshitpee your le controversial advertising campaign isnt gonna get you known on the internet

God, that movie's writer is the epitome of the beta male.

I literally just read the lyrics now, I haven't even heard the song.
If you're so adamant on combating him, what are you doing on Yea Forums instead of going to fight him IRL?

I think he's just a lonely guy who drew a shit card in life. You really shouldn't think of everything in terms of power dynamics.


>I-I-m not even him!
>btw fight me irl faggot
cringe, yikes, bluepilled, I could fucking stomp you mr limp wristed incel


>12 posters
>20 replies
Definitely no samefagging on here. Fuck off shill.

you really are angry. All I asked is how the guy does get away with it. I guess it's because the people who get angry at him are actually coward keyboard warriors who don't fight IRL. Makes sense.

You're not fooling anyone negativexp
Also drop addy, if you're close I'll come by, beat your ass and have my girlfriend film it so I can convert it to webm and post it in all your shill threads

i like it

Not at all what he said faggot, maybe try reading before memeing

Exile in Guyville


how many other men's dicks does she tastes weekly?

>"Scott Pilgrim ruined women"
>movie is literally about a gimpy, nerdy loser getting a MPDG

You kids are fucking idiots

All these mad roasties in this thread lmao

Why do fatr efties love to play tough on the internet

Lana del Rey

>"alternative" chic

I FUCKING HATE when people spell chick "chic." It's not chic. Fashion is chic. Chic is pronounced "sheek." Become literate, you fucking idiots.

Modern "leftists" don't have a sense of humor. In fact I'd argue most modern humans lack a real sense of humor. They only simulate "humor" by sharing memes online, but only if it aligns with their own headcanon dictated by general elites programming.

they used it correctly dumbass, theyre describing the style not the women

in this moment i am euphoric

they love to play the bully they had in high school

That song was kind of hot shit. Also probably ironic bait to get people to get to freak out

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Fuck arthoes, but ricky is an autist himself.

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I don't want to listen because from looking at the lyrics it seems to be rap, which is universally garbage, but damn. Hahahahaha I can see why this song really struck a nerve in some people. Whores aren't human

i cant take it anymore
stop posting her

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his best song

This is basically circa-2009 Wavves for losers.

Yea Forums did really ruin a whole generation of young man (me included) !

its just Yea Forums being as shitty as always

Ladies of class listen to The Moody Blues
Emotional and adventurous type listen to The Beach Boys
Rebel chicks listen to The Kinks
Whores like The Beatles

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