Why do you hate her?

Why do you hate her?

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Industry equivalent of david flair

because i dont like being "told" what to like by the induustry (jews)

Becuase she doesn't know how to sing/make music and just flex with that weird sleepy personality. Also I hate women

The constant spamming (by you)
Other than that I wouldn’t think about this thing at all

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Horrible influence on girls, who will grow up thinking it's okay to act like whores, and that society is somehow oppressing them into submission. It's false, market-produced rebelliousness.

bellyache is her only good song

Vocabulary of a fifth grader, intellect of a toddler.

>boring-looking white girl with a "don't care" attitude
The only thing missing is obnoxiously dyed hair.

Everything about her is fake

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Shes great

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oof, user I have bad news

She is the epitome of thot/slut culture. She is part of the problem as to why women are becoming degenerates

I wish she would open her eyes all the way just once

we have this thread every fucking day

A boring version of /ourqueen/

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I refuse to listen to her music, buy her music, discuss her or her music, buy a ticket to one of her gigs.

All because she is constantly plugged by the industry. I don't resent her, she's just a real idiot like everyone her age. Riding on the waves of loaded parents and a label hellbent on pushing her down our throats. Half the time subhuman kpop/grimes posters are doing the label's work pushing this fucking grumpy looking cunt.

Because Yea Forums told me too and I'm a fucking sheep
-everyone in this thread

I have actually listened to her top singles multiple times and it's garbage.

I think her debut record was a really decent popalbum, y'all are just cynical cause she attracts a teenage audience.

>Why do you hate her?
Billy Eyelash "Why do you hate her" Thread no.237
Seriously wtf is up with her shills?


I don't think about her at all.

I think she's boring and I hate how all music sounds so bleak, I want some fucking energy. Modern music lacks energy (inb4 nigga beat hopping rapping shite)

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No, quite the opposite really.

The fact that she has so many fans is why I listened a second time after hating the first time around. Should have gone with my instinct instead.

she is an industry plant her parents are well connected and most likely a part of some satanic network people like you need to leave Yea Forums forever

women have pussies man tf wrong with u

but Lana's been boring since Honeymoon


I'm actually neutral to Billie. It's the shills and haters I can't stand...

Billie stop asking this question you know why!

All you do is post about yourself you fucking plant!

OK boomer

Not hate, indifference. Kids need some sadgirl music, I suppose. My generation had some and so will the one after it.

Even her tits?

her brothers is a pop genius. still hard to believe he produced the last album at 21



I hate all zoomers. And I don't like things I'm told to like out of principle.


She an industry plant. She's a fake manufactured person who ((they)) tell you to like.
So no, fuck her. I will not be listening to her any time soon

Because you fucking shitposting faggots won’t shut up about her. She’s not unique or fresh in any way. Fuck off kike

Still wanna see 'em.

because she ripped off the crash bandicoot soundtrack innit lad amirite m8

literally just listened to a couple of songs by her for the first time, so the hottest of takes:

because her sleepy/whispery vocal performance gets old before a single song finishes. I was wishing her song (my strange addiction) would ramp up into a noisy/scream ballad, but, nope, more sleepytime