Jack Black: ‘Nirvana were the last big rock band’

Jack Black: ‘Nirvana were the last big rock band’
Is he /ourguy/

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This man is the embodiment of intellectual laziness

Actually Radiohead (1995-2003) was the last big rock band

That would be tame impala.

That's a fact talking in terms of cultural impact.

>There was ever a big rock band

it's just an objective statement unless you want to quibble about standards. i like to think that royal trux is the last great american band

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Foo Fighters
Queens of the Stone Age
Arctic Monkeys
Tame Impala

That would be Skid Row

They’re big not Nirvana big and that’s the point Jack is trying to make read the interview before you slander his name

John Coltrane was the last big rock band
Biggie Smalls was the last big

Not Nirvana-tier big
And not rock

i love you for pressing post

I love you too user

muse was the last big rock band (1999 - 2006)

but they were neither rock, nor big nor even really a band when you think about it

eh, felt like their first 3 albums (Showbiz, OoS, Absolution) were pretty heavily alternative rock oriented, just mixed with experimental rock and stuff.
Black Holes was pretty rock oriented, but more experimental than their albums before

What about Linkin Park, The White Stripes, and My Chemical Romance? (note that the only one of those three I like is The White Stripes)

Still no where near as big why can’t u people understand this

Boomer mentality but he's ultimately right.

nirvana is just as much a pop band, just 'heavier'. in tame impalas early days they were just as noisy but now hes more electronic dance oriented.

almost all music is pop music, just heavier

According to Google, Nirvana sold 75 million records, and Linkin Park sold 110 million.

Nickelback is rock, right? Or was it Black Metal? I get the two mixed up some times.

it's actually commercialised blacked death so yeah... not even close

The statement is simply wrong, why can't you understand that, retard?