Have you ever fallen in love with a musician

Have you ever fallen in love with a musician

Attached: billie kart.jpg (640x640, 95K)

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Get better taste

pretty sure that body is ripe for childbirth

I actually fucked a 18 year old that looked just like Billie a few years back
Her pussy was the tightest shit I have ever experienced

Bit crazy, tho


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Yeah, but why you post a pic of Billie?


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Fucking hell, look at that body!

yellow ass teeth wtf

Those are normal and healthy-looking teeth, you teeth-whitening mutt

Yup. But he's not wicked famous, just in a band that does gigs around the city and occasionally interstate. Gosh though he's beautiful.

Pic related is my rendering

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what? did they seriously talk about pooping?

braaap quaan confirmed

Normal for someone who never brushes them maybe

read this until it enters your empty cranium

more than half the world's population is female and you infatuate over a single fake manufactured celebrity because she's on the internet.
time to get out of your parents basement and look around fucking incel

>the sound of ten thousand incels crying out in pain

ok, you were never taught dental hygiene
Go be gross somewhere else

She’s got huge titties though

They are literally almost completely white, you fucking fat fuck

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maybe laurel halo :0

Hey cool
You are wrong about everything

>she actually talked about how she loves pooping and how solid her turds were

wtf is up with zoomers

She was going in depth for a long time about how she loves the feeling of a good shit. Anal queen confirmed.

>hurr white teeth aren’t normal or healthy
>hurrr those are almost white like they have almost been brushed
go be gross somewhere else

I'm done falling for your bait now, unless you're genuinely retarded which I don't know what is worse. Whitening your teeth doesn't make them healthy by the way. Cheers, fatso.


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Good, fuck off then
Maybe go buy a toothbrush

My mistake for stooping that low, you're right. Anyway see

t. Britcuck

>Americans destroy their teeth through bleaching and pretend it's healthy
>Americans think loosing all your teeth at age 60 is normal

Attached: Americans.jpg (384x395, 24K)

Go shoot up a school, lard-ass schizo.

>retard thinks taking the farthest opposing viewpoint will somehow make him right about his waifu’s lack of dental hygiene

>b-b-b-but it look white so that mean it good

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Not your only mistake


>thinking masturbating to a picture is love
please, please, dont visit websites like this when you are underaged.
its damaging beyond repair,

You don’t have to print out your mistakes, we saw them the first time

it does feel good to poop tho

Those are nasty you filthy brit ogre

>Opposite viewpoint
>When you're the one saying fucking teeth look unhealthy

>normal is nasty
Oh I know you think like this

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Maybe in your inbred hovel

Why is she wearing CWC's shirt?

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Learn to read

I'm not even British, but keep clutching at those straws, fatso.

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>keep clutching at those straws, fatso.

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Good thing I'm not British lmao

Does this mean she is boyfriend free?

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stop it
you are just horny


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I have not seen Laura brannigan for a long fuckin time

she was perfect, lads...

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t. disgusting rot teeth euro

I just want to lay in bed and be a big spoon, while holding her hand

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She is flavor of the month tier. And a shirty one, saint vincent and geimws had better threads. Even the fags obsessed with the Paramore cunt posted better pics

Drunk again?

Look at the big phat thicc but and HUGE tits

What the fuck are they feeding women these days?

Americans only like women over 40 user. Liking anything under 40 is child rape to them. It's the result of all of their local evangelical preachers molesting them when their were kids. Respect their preferences. They will start crying otherwise.

Nice deflection Jeffrey

Attached: himmlercollage.jpg (1200x1200, 277K)

>Himmler collage
audibly keked


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Fuck off back to the containment thread

What's so groundbreaking about that? Of course ugly guys are going to feel really special if they manage to date an attractive girl. Attractive, successful guys aren't going to give a shit because they're already attractive and successful.

>dsmn my wife of 4 years broke up with me but i dont give a shit since im rich and attractive

>the really fun tea

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Stay in containment faggot

kpg is the only reason mu is stil alive

>Says the cancer
Wrong again gayboy

Off yourself, subhuman, worthless slime. Words can’t express just how pathetic and burdensome you complete losers are to the continued existence of the human race. Your interest of obsessing over those girls is honestly just miserably pathetic. Go do something with your short, overweight lives or end them before you post your cancer ever again.

You don't get all white teeth by simply brushing.

Sorry, please ignore me, i just HAVE to say, nice fucking arse and those look like some heavy bangers. Phew!

You would be surprised
Try brushing once in a while

no and if i were i need to see a lot of footgame before.

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That's not what user's saying, retard


Nancy Sinatra if ya get me nigga cause ya know I ain't playing around with shit sssssshhhhhh shush I really wanna seee dem boots was made for walking aiit ya know I'm all about dat Venus In Furs I'd fuck her anal while she would be singing SHINY SHINY SHINY BOOTS OF LEATHER into my ear alright

you can't escape

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Bruh she's getting smashed by nigs in their 20s on the regular. Chill.

That's jewish mandated sex

Give an ugly bitch money and a music career and she thinks she rules the world.

Give a fetus a vagina and it thinks it rules the world


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*ahem ahem*

Have dilate, cringcel

with grimes

Oh yes, I have.

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A little bit
I just wish she didn’t get triggered so easily

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shes also a 5/10 at best


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Even explosive diarrhea feels good when it finally ends.

Fuck off numale/roastie