I've been listening to those suicidal doomer playlists you can find on youtube. Good shit.
What's the point, Yea Forums? You guys are the closest I have to friends.
I just want it all to end
I've been listening to those suicidal doomer playlists you can find on youtube. Good shit
just have sex dude
stay strong user, your patience with life will be rewarded.
Happiness is genuinely the point of life, as in a world without inherent purpose only hedonistic joy, something that itself brings enjoyment and is thus better than not feeling it at all, is worth it. Your purpose is to find what makes you happy. What you're doing now is not that.
It will take effort, ignore your attempts to hold yourself back until they stop appearing.
Nervousness means you care, otherwise you wouldn't be nervous. For this reason, doing what makes you nervous is the key to finding what makes you happy.
Go forth user, succeed.
Stop listening to music that reinforces negative thoughts and feelings within you. If you're unhappy with your lack of friends then try to think of way to socialize and meet new people.
Thank you, anons. I know I'm just some random attention seeking fag on the internet, but this means a lot to me. I feel a little better now.
It's 2 AM, I'm gonna sleep.
Life's as much fun as you make it desu, making fun of the rest of society brings me endless joy.
Whatever escapes you desperately crave mean nothing. Life is about the experiences you can accumulate. Even my suffering is something I treasure.
Suffering is as much a part of life as anything else and should not be ignored. It's how we become truly closer to others.
Frankly, life wouldn't be worth it without suffering.
Objectively life has absolutely no meaning. We try to make something out of it by crafting identities that make us feel safe in our respective in-groups and indulging in hobbies, but ultimately everything that we do is just a distraction from our own mortality. Find a girl/guy/whatever who isn’t annoying and who you share sensibilities/ a sense of humor with (the most important thing in the world) and be comfy until you reach the void. That’s the very best you can hope for, spending your time with someone who doesn’t piss you off, who you can build some sort of life with. The tragic reality of it all is that she’ll provably end up breaking your heart.
>Life has no meaning because of mortality
If anything, the thought of having a finite amount of time makes life more worth it. Your time is precious, so why choose to squander it? Think of the context of your life, all that has ever been, think about what might've been different if someone spent a little more of that precious time with you. .
Fuck apathy.
Why would you prefer to return to the void? That shit is boring. You can't even cum. Fuck that.
Defend that point, because it's often said by people with little thought to their philosophy.
if you were really into this doomer shit and wanted it all to end you would have livestreamed your pathetic an hero attempt already
you have the emotional depth of a 14 year old girl but you're even worse because you refuse to better yourself
This is a simplified look at the issue, yes, there are a lot of people who have no emotional depth, but a lot of these people do have some problems, just because they don't KYS right away doesn't mean their experiences and pain aren't legit. We need them to know that indeed, there is a problem, but one that needs fixing and only they can fix it, by telling them that they're full of shit , they'll feel worse and probably double down on their woe is me attitude.
With all of that said;
Doomer meme and its playlist are cringe, don't make shitty memes, reach out to loved ones or specialists if you truly have a problem
To which point? That life is as fun as you make it or that suffering is as much a part of life as happiness?
Yes, the majority of people who believe that life is what you make it are people totally ignorant to the rest of life and it's seemingly endless misery, but when I say it I mean to say that gaining perspective is key to understanding yourself. Life is what you make of it - what you understand and what you do ultimately defines you and your finite experience.
When it comes to suffering , it is sort of like understanding your otherness. To understand and bridge that means to overcome yourself and continue forward in ways that are impossible without having experienced suffering. Happiness might be the end goal of life, but it's only through suffering and the understanding it breeds that we can obtain true happiness.
listen man it's simple just go wash your ass and do something.
Go outside and pull on weeds, study something useless, go out to a bar get drunk by yourself then call the bartender a fag until he knocks you out. When you sit all day doing nothing your it's easy for your demons to come and remind you life is awful. Distract yourself and maybe one day you will realize you want to fix your life.
you're such a fag lol go outside read a book
Dude, literally everyone thinks about how they're going to die. Every single day. You aren't special. Just no one's as much of a pseudointellectual pussy about it as you are.
i make big cooms it make me feel good im coomer big cum
Quit listening to playlists you fucking zoomer. Aquire sex and attention span.
>You guys are the closest I have to friends.
lmao imagine being such a loser
I really don't buy the concept of happiness. It implies a permanent state of well-being free of problems and stress. It creates an expectation towards something unattainable in the real world. I have a good life which I'm satisfied with, but it couldn't be described as happiness because like everyone else I have difficult moments every now and then. I think a better word for happiness would be satisfaction.
I agree that suffering is necessary though. Not because it leads to some abstract concept of happiness but because it gives you higher understanding of yourself and also increases your sense of empathy towards other people. It helps you to figure out what you should focus on, what's important in life and how to be a better friend/partner.
Your such a fucking faggot
>You guys are the closest I have to friends
Well go out and get actual friends then you stupid cunt. Make friends with people you work with, assuming you have a job. If not, get one. Take up martial arts or boxing or something. Get to know real people instead of faceless anons.
Listen to King Gizzard
Me too. I've grown to like them quite a bit, to the point where I load up some of my favourite songs in audacity, slow/pitch shift them down, and transfer them onto my phone so I can listen to them all the time.
Don't get me wrong, I don't sit around feeling sorry for myself thinking I'm depressed or something, I just like the music. It's comfy.
I've also found that the less you think about the meaning of life, the more meaning it has
>inb4 obvious
pathetic cunt
disgusting 9gag boomer meme
kill yourself and kill the faggots who commercialise wojaks.
you can only be doomer if you're Eastern European
58 year old speemer
he speems zeems pippity peems all over the place
he no like the negro man he drink beers and coop boops to big hentai tit dickgirls
why modern world not get it bro
heh... nothin personnel... kid...
zeem speeming is pretty cool
Walking through a park at night is not negative, it's just a contemplative vibe. I hate negative music and films and emo shit but there is a place for the doomer aesthetic and it is not necessarily negative...just bittersweet or what vinegar is to taste.
lmao faggot.
Listening to Outer Limits Recordings, enjoy the music, then realize that when Sam committed suicide, he probably believed he was an ugly piece of shit with no talent, which was obviously not true.
Your life is valuable user. Don't throw it away like that. Watch Evangelion if you need to be distracted and convinced of your self-worth, idk, but just don't do it. Your attempt will probably fail and you will end up crippled anyway.
me so sad where big tity goth gamer gf
>doomer youtube playlists
remember: EARLY
>it's just a contemplative vibe
yeaaaa im contemplatin bruh, nowamsayin man I'm not like all these losers who dont contemplate I'm a cool dood who thinks about life n shiet maaan I got mah beanie I got my cigarette I'm the coolest mommajamma on the block cause I'm not just sad n shiet, I'm XxXDePrEsSeDXxX - thas rite boi, can u handle this?
>Your life is valuable user
It's not nice to lie to mentally handicapped children. How dare you deceive him like that? Shame on you!