Anyone have her nudes?

Anyone have her nudes?

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Phoebe Bridgers btw

omg she’s sooooo quirky :333 COOL GIRL ALEERRRRTTTTTT

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Someone posted them on here the other week but the thread 404'd

Yeah I got them but 4channel is a SFW site so I can’t post them here

C'mon bro please jannies won't find out I swear

image hosts exist

I have this one. She posted it herself though.

Attached: 1562188443945.png (878x1142, 1.51M)

Have this one too.

Attached: Screenshot_20190619-233818_AZ Screen Recorder.jpg (720x1280, 457K)

how is this music related

She's a musician, and I can't find them anywhere else on the internet.

Does MatPat’s wife Stephanie have any nudes?

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Maybe but I doubt they've leaked. Then again it can happen to anyone that's mildly famous nowadays.

She posted this a while ago.

Attached: VideoCapture_20190815-053745.jpg (479x852, 33K)

Fingers crossed.

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Is she retarded or something?

it doesn't matter if she's a musician
how are nudes of her music-related

Something about her looks a little off to be fair

There's a bunch of threads about r7cky and that shitty incel punk song up right now. Why don't you go complain about those.

Some kid my fiance babysat watched matpat videos and she definitely sounds off and I'd never seen her until now and it's her whole face. She kinda looks like she has a vacant stare and a bit of downy face. I would listen to the videos playing and I always thought the guy was kind of mean to her but she was too simple to notice or something.

because i want to bump this because i want to see her nudes

Yeah well me too


I've actually really started to like Stranger in the Alps. Motion Sickness brought me in, but Georgia keeps me from leaving.

Also nudes? that aren't on insta faggots

i'd rather see matt's nudes than her hook nosed pasty pale flesh.

It took me ages just to get that neckbrace pic. I had to scour this place for like a month.

Have you heard boygenius? Pretty good too imo.

Yea, I'm into the first half and see myself getting into all of it. I'm playing her other side proj Better Oblivion Community Center still for now. You about it?

Yeah it's aight. I used to listen to some Conor Oberst songs so I enjoyed it.

However the main reason I'm here is to track down these alleged nudes.

Replied to wrong person

Yea, I've never gotten all that into his music, but I like her parts and their voices together alright.

See she's touring for the National in Australia next year. Hope that doesn't mean we'll be waiting extra long for a new solo album from her.

Especially since we already waiting a gotdamn long time on these nudes. Who boutta hook a hitta up

Be nice to Stephanie, anons. She’s a sweetheart and a cutie pie pie.

You should watch MatPat and Stephanie’s GTLive livestreams. They’re an adorable couple and they obviously love each other very much.

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