Now this. This is counter culture.
Now this. This is counter culture
Other urls found in this thread:
all women are queens
Is it the scott pilgrim song?
I’m assuming there’s been a thread on it before?
Watch Ricky blow up to be a successful mid-level youtuber
Wow, how did I guess
It's a good song, but you don't have to keep spamming it. The discussion is all the same
>this is real punk
>this is incel shit
>this is the best song of 2019
>the guitar solo sucks
>all women are whores
>all women are queens
>have sex
There, no need for any more comments on this thread
>song reinforces mainstream patriarchal misogyny thought
LMAO alt right incels are brainless
I’m not a regular Yea Forums poster so I didn’t know but holy SHIT it’s a good song
Song of the year
this sucks and im glad you'll die alone
Cuco tho
lmao at soipunks parroting establishment lines while LARPIng as revolutionaries, while anons on an indonesian roller coaster model forum are the real transgressives
>"women are whores"
Tough crowd tonight huh
meanwhile (you)
>same beliefs as the church, pre 1980 west generations, and middle eastern countries/india
>dude we punk
>being a fedoratipper in fucking 2019
>same beliefs as major multi-billion dollar corporations, celebrities and popular online communities
>dude we punk
The song's lyrics are cringe for the most part (some good lines imo) but the guitar solo is actually ok so that talking point is retarded.
Reminder the creator of the video is a faggot who has to hit on teenage women around the age of 17 to get pussy and gets pissy when he gets dumped
I don’t care who made the video mate, just the band who made the song
>Negative XP
@katewells18 is her IG btw.
Tell her to pick this clown up from the circus.
Queens of shit and piss
I care because he used pictures of girls without their consent. Weird af and I want the video down to stop seeing this stupid fucking song all over Yea Forums.
Couldn't care less who negative xp or whatever incel trash music.
>faggot who has to hit on teenage women
Doesn't compute
If it’s on the internet it’s gonna be used by someone, no matter if they want it to unfortunately
Proof of this of some other girl in the video. I tried DMing him personally but he mocked me. Tried getting my friends to contact youtube but nothing :/
Still doesn't fall under fair use.
lmao hoes mad
>he used pictures of girls without their consent
Dont tell hitler I used his pic guys
nothing you can doo. pictures like that are public property when you share them online
2020 will be the year of the white man
We coming back boys
love the humble brag/attention fishing technique of this tweet. women are retarded children who should be treated as such
>pictures like that are public property when you share them online
lol do you honestly think that? pictures always belong to somebody, whether it be the photographer or the website they were uploaded to.
>Dont tell hitler I used his pic guys
*adjusts glasses*
>nothing you can doo. pictures like that are public property when you share them online
*subscribes to geeks + gamers*
>2020 will be the year of the white man
*avoids eye contact with oncoming negro*
>We coming back boys
*strangles mother*
>love the humble brag/attention fishing technique of this tweet. women are retarded children who should be treated as such
*closes 35 tranny porn tabs*
I kinda like this board
>projection: the post
Why would someone avoid eye contact with a negro? What are you implying here?
>looks 30
this is the power of white women
incels deserve to be gassed unironically
"as a bit"
get fucked, you fucking roastie hahaha
Considering Incels are rapidly turning into Inceljadis whenever they get suicidal, do you think that's a good idea? I can't imagine it'll be long before an Incel Truck of Peace at this rate.
that's why you gulag them
good idea, or chemical castration + registered sex offender.
nobody is punk
nothing is punk
punk music stopped being punk
and is no longer punk
and will not be punk ever again
incelism was invented by police officers, the first documented incels
ricky is a fed
white women is evil
i'm your dad
xièxie by celer ayyotty 2019 fuck you gamer
Women like having sex, bruh
kill yourself you fucking mad roastie lmao
Luckily I won't be marrying such thots. Funny seeing all the mad hoes ITT tho
white girls hate sex and can't cum
They also like having a beautiful family and a husband to love.
Holy fuck. Actually based. We need more shit like this.
>54 posts
>23 IPs
stop spamming your butthurt faggot pop punk garbage. Art whores exist since before scott pilgrim you talentless retard
The repeats are seething (((progressives)))
sounds like ariel pink but bad
are you idiots deaf? it's dollar store blink-182 with edgy lyrics. The absolute state of this rotten board
Does this mean Edgar Wright is a hack
kys m8
you are severely wrong and i want you to know that this is taught to kindergartners before there allowed on school computers
Still, is it better than /k/ommandos?
Nah. Yea Forums is still shit.
This is 'counterculture' if you are a cunt. Are you a cunt?
this is literal sub-ween trash. how can you enjoy this? if you use liking the lyrics as a defense you're a fucking retard
implying your not judging them for judging some one else and your conclusion leads to a double edge sword of your also a cunt for calling them cunts
incels are mass shooters, you're objectively cunts
It makes me feel good when I listen to it.
hoes mad
hoes mad
Not being with someone that ia only into sex for the sole reason of procreation. Not even memeing this is the only good way to be. Sex for pleasure is immoral, shameful, and wasteful.
ok dumbass. listen to good music
>being Chris-Chan
You're on a site full of porn and drawings of barely clothed Japanese schoolgirls mate
>implying im here for anything other than Yea Forums and /ck/
that extremely subjective to say that any thing is a good or bad without providing a basis of good and evil. to themselves the shooters are heros, whos to say your view is any more valuable than that of some one who sees the art hoe manipulation as the ultimate predatory social behavior of the 21st century
ok wew this is just getting silly at this point I'm too baffled to respond lol
Women like having control
Hoes mad
>0 arguments
The 17 year old you tried to groom has a manlier jaw than you
Joe rogan tho
Do you think the people that jerk off to cartoon porn fall in the hypergamy parameters?
idk prolly
>implying im trying to argue and not just make fun of you