Drunk in my room alone again

>Drunk in my room alone again

Attached: 46610.jpg (1475x1142, 361K)

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Disgusting, dont romanticize your degenerate habit. The piece of art you posted is now tainted with my impression of you

ignore this faggot , impressionism is based
put on loveless and spin around in circles for me user, i wish i was drunk so i could do it with you

>not listening to Loveless while BEING loveless i shiggydiggy

>as a fellow loser i find this based!!!


baste thread

shut up faggot, this is now an impressionism thread

Attached: the-windmill-1859.jpg (1280x914, 272K)

Nothing wrong with that. Life sucks, do things that feel good.

Hey retard, that is realism, learn 2 art before you post here again

Hedonism is a gateway drug to failure and depression.

>spotify recommends loveless
>it's the remastered version
>for some reason spotify doesn't have the rights to all the songs on the remastered version so the album skips over the song sometimes

Attached: vangoghmuseum-s0133M1970-3840.jpg (3840x1702, 2.31M)


wow what a shitty painting lol

and streamfags still have the nerve to act like spotify is worth defending

Attached: lmaoingatyourlife.jpg (478x463, 40K)

its the other way around retard

If you're already a failure and depressed then it's the only thing that keeps you going.

please explain how

>Van Gogh

Go home and watch your banksy documentaries you swine

not that user but van gogh it's absolute garbage, one of the most overrated artist in general, i mean just look some of his pictures, they're all garbage, do it now

>enjoying a piece of work because of a name

also banksy is fucking shit too

>have NOTHING in life, no family, nothing
>Spend years LIFTING, reading books on meditation and mindfulness, studying history, learning new languages, spending time outside hiking camping and reading books for days alone, traveling around the country, join the Army, go to college, and just generally "improving myself"
>even get in a few relationships via tinder with females who I realize after a month or so I honestly cant even stand
>still hate my life
>realize that alcohol, benzos, and heroin are honestly the only shelter from this storm

Not fucking garbage at all it has good use of complementary colors and impressionistic rendering of the hill of montmartre you fuckin noob i literally study van gogh you dickweed heres a watercolor of the same fuckin thing merry christmas.

Attached: 296559.jpg (1090x800, 234K)

>Enjoying a piece of work because it's by an artist you like and therefore shows development and change of their skills and style

Attached: Vincent_Van_Gogh_-_The_Iron_Mill_in_The_Hague_(1882_July).jpg (2360x1417, 952K)


>he doesn’t just subsitute the DAT version

Attached: 8465B889-DF9E-4F65-BB03-10F1C4B78F7A.png (1125x2436, 2.1M)

not impressionism or realism, it's romanticism, predecessor to impressionism. But you know what, this is /mu so what do u expect

More van gogh enjoy this as you listen to the album game, dames, and guitar thangs by eddie hazel

Attached: vangoghmuseum-s0094V1962-3840.jpg (2995x2480, 1.68M)

based vangoghposter

Enjoy this van gogh painting of the bible and la joie de vivre by emile zola as you listen to chance the rapper sing about the joy of loving his wife

Attached: vangoghmuseum-s0008V1962-1920.jpg (1920x1591, 639K)

what a unique sentence.

>joie de vivre

do you guys dig this band??
they sound p gay tbqh

>letting other people influence your opinion of art this easily

Me after I can’t get weed anymore

u might be right but whats the point anyway no matter what u do ur life is still going to be pointless

This, how the shit do you not know romantic art when you see it

>its another "alcohol is degenerate episode"
this meme isnt funny and doesnt make you look cool

Attached: 1fe8677f62bd428dfb9d4cc39dcc846b--funny-cute-your-mouth.jpg (236x177, 6K)

>imagine being peak hipster