What music does this feminist ugly bitch listen to

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She's cute and correct

She's correct, all men should actively and vocally oppose feminism wherever it strikes. A slave caste race of chastised and impotent cattle-men (also known as soiboys) serve exclusively as useful idiots and vote fodder.

dilate transsexual whore

based, fuck the patriarchy

Third wave feminism does not help us. It’s a mess and it’s counterproductive.


Until men stop objectifying, belittling, and committing violence against women feminism is necessary. We got a long way to go.

I’m not the best one to ask.

the only thing sadder than an incel is a tranny larping as an incel for Yea Forums upvotes

I, however, am a patrician, and will deny you your (You)

Women should not vote



There is no denying that the male gender commits many crimes against females. Third wave feminism has spiraled into pure extremism and it gives all of us a bad name. If you want to stop the hostility between the two genders, the the lunacy that is third wave feminism. You can stand for our rights without labeling yourself.

*stop the lunacy that is third wave feminism.

Sorry for the typo

yeah that's why we're on the much more improved and intersectional fourth wave feminism. keep up sweetie

Or better yet, we take all women's undeserved rights away and go back to patriarchy that works

Then what does "feminism" mean if not fighting for equal rights, respect, and opportunity? I don't want to let right wing smears about tumblr blue haired fat people make it a dirty word, don't give the opposition that reframing power.

I believe in equality and I don’t consider myself to be a feminist. I’m not going to take on a label to define myself. If you truly believe this “fourth wave” is going to develop an improved reputation, I don’t know what to tell you.

Feminism was never about equality, it was always a female supremacist movement led by unmarried hags

Men and women are not equal, deal with it

incels are not human

Sailor Moon is feminist propaganda

Then control your own herd – if you don't want feminism associated with shrieking tumblr dangerhairs claiming the title in the name of dragon-kin and fake trannies, reject them openly. I have never seen any famous modern feminist figure publicly denounce an extremist using the title "feminist".

>claims to be able to decide who is or isn't human
>doesn't have a soul
Silly woman

Like it or not, that is the reputation that has ended up sticking. Why must we have an entire ideology based on the simple, basic concept of equality? Any decent person believes the two sexes are equal. I think we should drop feminism, I believe there is no saving it at this point.

She gets tamed by the cock.

OK roastie

Sailor Moon is mental illness magnet, much like hello kitty and feminism

Or /pol/ and /r9k/

>not all feminists are screeching pink haired dykes!
>all anti-feminists are ugly neckbeard incels

Pick one

Men and women are not the same and trying to fit square pegs in round holes only causes suffering. The primary flaw of feminism is judging women based on the standards of a man. Just as assbackwards as judging a man by the standards of a woman.

what do you all get out of hating women this much. like, where does it get you. you're not even funny or clever about it. anyway, shouldn't we be talking about, uh, music?

but they usually are

We don't hate women, we understand their nature and that they are basically overgrown children which are spoiled by the gynocentric system

What are you trying say

They're mentally ill sex crazed idiots who need something to blame besides themselves for not being attractive, because that would mean actually taking responsibility.

>Men and women are not the same

I agree completely, and I think that's an important point to make. Equal does not mean the same. Men and women are drastically different, but we are both equal as humans. That is one of many issues I have with feminist ideology.

Nice try, but as a radical centrist i agree.

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>actually taking responsibility
Funny because that concept is completely alien to women

Then we agree, no problems here. We are both equally valuable in our respective roles in society, families and relationships.

That doesn't mean the law shouldn't treat them unequally, or society in terms of respect. Even very intelligent women who accomplish more than men still get treated with disrespect by men or seen only as sex objects. There needs to be attitude changes.

It’s nice to agree with someone on here. Thanks for being a reasonable guy, user.

Men build civilizations while women always complain

>We are both equally valuable in our respective roles in society, families and relationships.
Hahaha imagine being this delusional

What song should i listen to while reading this thread?


>in society


You're complaining about women on Yea Forums and the only civilization you built was in Minecraft

you seem to be the one looking for something to blame (women) for how deeply hateful you're feeling. get good

Lmao what
The law treats women so much better than men it's ridiculous
They get less punishment for the same crime
>muh objectification
Oh fuck off, you only cry when you are not objectified by Chad

Ok, I understand your point. Unfortunately, that’s sort of unavoidable though, based on the way male minds work. We may not understand, because our minds are different. Males have much higher sex drives, so sexualizing women is inevitable. That does not excuse harassment of any kind. Sure, men should keep themselves in check with how they treat and view us, but we need to understand the perspective they are coming from. We’re talking about biological/psychological hardwiring here.

Men literally cannot perform the societal functions of a woman. One without the other throws the entire system out of wack and BAM we’re cavemen or dead.

anyone here smoke weed

how will incels ever recover

I hate incels because they are mass murderers waiting to happen. They disgust me and I don't like them congregating here.

There is literally nothing wrong with being sexually desired.

Wash your smelly cock, incels.

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Women are literally useful only for making children, once we have sex robots and artificial wombs they will be completely useless

Have you ever wondered why they turned out this way?

Dilate tranny


>Women are literally useful only for making children, once we have sex robots and artificial wombs they will be completely useless

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>Have you ever wondered why they turned out this way?
>Dilate tranny

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Not an argument.

Without men there is no society
Without women there are no families

Fuck this thread and fuck feminists

And raising children, and supporting men’s emotions and needs and motivating men to do anything but drink, murder and jack off all day. You’re confusing the failures of modern society and their impact on the modern woman and the intrinsic nature of woman and their role.

Because they're mentally ill entitled yet undesirable men who are unwilling to put effort in changing themselves so they come up with wackjob gender theories to justify their pathology instead?

>the (working) status quo for thousands of years is a “theory”

neither is stating obvious facts and appealing to nuance to avoid taking a stance

OH so are you just gonna spam pics now chapo tranny?

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Objectification is a meme and a complete misunderstanding of how male sexuality works.

>modern women
>supporting men’s emotions and needs


Go outside, talk to a girl irl, and stop reading redpill infographics

Oh, so you think it’s possible to live in an ideal world where all men suppress their sexual urges and make stupid mistakes/poor choices/actions? Hate to break it to you, but’s that’s impossible.

Stop white knighting dumb nu-male

Learn to read, idiot. Retards like you are part of what allowed the (((captialists))) to convince good men to (((liberate))) their wives (by entering them in the workforce and instantly doubling Goldstein’s worker pool).

*stop making stupid mistakes.

Again, sorry for the typos.

I have. Most women want to be led, and those that don’t have been convinced they don’t. They want a strong man to take charge and build a home with them. That’s the foundation of gender roles for all of human history, aside from right now.

>unwilling to put effort in changing themselves so they come up with wackjob gender theories to justify their pathology instead
So incels are basically the same as niggers?

I can't wait for Islam to take over this failed society

So /pol/ finally got woke on capitalism, but they still only narrowly focus on "jews" and sexual/racial neuroses. Keep reading some more and you'll figure out the truth eventually.

Arabic supremacist movements wont help anything, and they treat their women like less than dogs. The solution isn’t to go too far the other way and turn our gynocentrist society into a literal hardcore patriarchy.

>implying you're not the one who acknowledges that the ultra rich are a disproportionate drain on society, but fails to acknowledge the ethnic makeup of this group is wildly different from society in general

incels are worse

Same to you. Once you understand the biological component of social manipulation and the true origin of evil you will realize the truth, commie cuck.


>that nose

It's not though. It's mostly WASP. Sure theres some Jews, so what? Sheer numbers, more Protestant cunts with billions. This shouldn't matter because we're talking about individual rich elites, not a whole ethnicity.

Having forsaken Man, God and her God-Given Natural Role as Loving Wife and Mother, Woman is left alone in the wilderness. As her Biological Clock slowly runs out of steam and her wastline grows and grows, desperate Woman turns to Yoga, Fad diets, box wine, Astrology and ''witchcraft'' diagnoses self with fibromalgia and lyme's and starts accumulating an unhealthy amount of cats. Congratulations you have officially joined middle management! You Hillary Clinton Wonder Woman you. Also sexual liberation means you can, theoretically, get Tindr dick every once in a while, but that zoloft really killed your sex drive, last time you felt violated although he was one of those enlightened men and everything was meticulously consensual and contractual.

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Incels are losers that should be wiped from the gene pool and so are trannies(chapos), and radical feminists

both sexes objectyfy each other, deal with it

I'm not even a woman or tranny bruh, I just don't hate my mother or girlfriend or 50% of humanity and am sick of seeing this shit on Yea Forums.

Do some research on who actually spreads the philosophy, where cultural marxism came from. Read up on the Bolsheviks and Weimar Germany. The communist revolt of Russia. Learn about the Frankfurt School and the communist infiltration of Hollywood and the educational system. Learn about the international finance system. Learn about who controls the media, the pornographers. Learn about how feminism started.

Imagine bemoaning the decline of women's role in society while shitposting on a music board.

>implying niggers arent

>OH so are you just gonna spam pics now chapo tranny?

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feminism and mra incelism are both pointless identity politics
unite as a class against the people fucking you all collectively

nobody here hates women, we just acknowledge their inferior role in society while recognizing their superior role as family keepers and nurturers

"Complicated answers to complicated problems are too scary for me, therefore everything bad in the world is the result of International Jewry"

Wanting what is best for a woman and society is not hating woman. Allowing them to destroy themselves without speaking up is a far more hateful act.

A traditionalist scoffs at the idea of putting a woman on the front lines of war. What kind of a nation would we be, what kind of MEN are we, to put our women out to die? A (((feminist))) sees this natural response and spits in its face. (((They))) would send your daughter to die.

Dont care about race, everyone sub 100 IQ should be systematically shot for the betterment of society

user are you... being racist outside of Yea Forums?

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>nobody here hates women
maybe not you specifically, but there are dumbasses on here that do and spam shit constantly
see that one song i wont name getting spammed today

You first then.

Willful ignorance is the greatest evil there is. It’s obvious you refuse to do the research.

But that would be anti semitic

5 shekels have been deposited into your account

You don't get to decide women's role in society, you pathetic fuckwits. People have the right to self-determination, and no amount of desperate Pearl clutching from pathetic faggots such as yourself will ever change that fact.

Scared you would get filtered?

Enjoy raising your cats

Imagine living in fear everyday of the guys who make bagels at the corner shop.

I'd prefer not to send women (or anyone) to die in a war, but I do think if we have a military it should be 100% voluntary and if a man or woman wants to enlist for some reason, that's their (poor) decision.



No you just refuse to take responsibility and expect men to do everything for you

God if it means not marrying a milquetoast simpleton such as yourself I can honestly see why women don't want to.

A society without men properly acting as men and women properly acting as women is not a society that lasts for very long. You don’t have a choice to fight against that intrinsic fact. Reverting human sexual relations to pre-civilization levels (no culturally enforced pair bonded monogamy) is a fast track to destruction.

So why did they pick to be office drones? Not many willingly want to be this shit its just better than the alternative which no women is fighting to become anyway

Did this thread get posted on Twitter?

I'm not a fem user, my dude. I just wasn't emotionally abused so severely as a child that I can't recognize that people, regardless of their gender, have the right to self-determination. You're not the master of the society, you are spare parts from somebody worthwhile.

We've been doing fine since the 60s, at least decent looking professional men and not gamer fuckwits whining about not being gifted a wife for nothing.

Spoiler alert, most people including women are milquetoast.


Go outside and realize you are an outlier, most women dont wish to turn out like you

Your fundamental mistake is thinking that people’s desires and goals are part of their intrinsic nature and are not imprinted on them at a familial and cultural level. Even the most radical harpy could have been a loving happy wife born in another time and another place.

What can be done to subdue the sickly sway of feminine values? How can
we silence the interminable whining of feminism’s sob sisters? In a
nutshell: Woman must be put back in her place. Man’s great error was
to put woman on a pedestal, when she is far more at ease on her knees-
where she belongs. The only way to subdue feminine values is by
subduing the female herself. Woman must be reacquainted with truth and
force. She must be reacquainted with truth through force.

Since woman is above all an emotional creature, appeals to her
“intellect” are worthless. She must be shown in no uncertain terms the
absolute nature of the master/slave relationship endemic to the sexes.
What plainer way to demonstrate this relationship than the simple act
of rape? This primary act reveals beyond a reasonable doubt certain
irrefutable verities: Man is taller, woman is smaller. Man is strong,
woman is weak. Man is master, woman is not.

The ritual we now call marriage originated as abduction, rape, and
enslavement. In those happy-go-lucky days, one’s rights were not mere
abstractions based on legislation, but rather the outcome of what
could be imposed by physical force alone. Force was recognized as
truth in action, and the outcome of force was acknowledged as justice.
Although this principle has been widely disavowed, it’s truth is as
absolute now as it ever was.

And the only truth a woman is capable of understanding is that which
she can feel wholly within the depths of her childlike emotions. At
one time, those emotions could be swayed by the sweet notion of
romance, but her envy has long since destroyed that. These days, the
only way to restore balance between the sexes is by fear and pain.
Fear commands respect, and pain demands understanding (read:

Rape is the act by which fear and pain are united in love. It is the
triumph of harmony through oppression.


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If that were true, where's your wife incel?

>bait and switch

okay dumbass

>no correlation
try again

So you want authoritarianism? Ok Adolf this is America and we don't fw that here

>we’ve been doing fine since the 60’s
The frightening part is you actually believe this. Civil discourse. Violence. Divorce. Suicide. The world is crumbling. Do research. Stop judging men and women as interchangeable beings.

What kind of a man would I be if I wasn’t emotionally charged at the prospect of destruction?

Fucking some Chad because she didn't find herself yet

Your fundamental mistake is being a simpleton who assumes that all people born of a certain gender are psychologically programmed to want to be parents be default. Not everyone wants to be one, and in fact most people make bad ones. How about instead of desperately trying to get women to go back to when they were sexually submissive in order to increase your dating pool, you accept that may be creating more people for the sake of it is kind of fucking stupid.

>pearl clutching faggots thinking they're inane ramblings are owed a response

the absolute state of reactionaries.

Ok. How many of you agree with the following statements?

Men and women are of equal value. There are differences between them, they have separate innate strengths and weaknesses, but they are equal. They both depend on each other and that is the way it should be. Current feminism has an issue with extremism. Some men have an issue with sexism and incelness. We should both stop with the insanity before we further alienate ourselves from each other.

>we've been doing fine since the 60s
lol what
The 60s were a time of major civil unrest, rioting, racial conflict, and war. Since the '60s birth rates have plummeted, self reported happiness in both genders has tanked, and we've lost any semblance of useful democratic discourse. We've been sailing from bubble to bubble economically with some of the worst crashes in history occuring since the '60s (basically all of them except the Great Depression). Manned space exploration essentially ceased after the early 70s until the present. By pretty much every possible measure, society has become less stable, less happy, and less prosperous. The only thing advancing is technology.

>Men and women are of equal value
Lol stopped right there

*their, lol

Why do you keep fixating on abuse and family issues? anything you want to share user?

Civilization cannot exist without some level of authority, be it religious or governmental or even a singular leader. Humans require leadership and direction.

If you think the United States lacks authoritarianism your eyes have been closed. The powers that be have just decided to treat you as work cattle and consumer cucks instead of men and women. These beliefs you have? That’s not you. Your thoughts and beliefs originated and were selectively passed down by the powerful for a reason. You aren’t woke, you aren’t above it all. You’re just another brick in the wall.

Humans who are mentally healthy typically don't go on ramblings about how women need to be sexually submissive again.

Not an argument

And to think this started as an anti Sailor Poon thread

I thought I was the only girl on this website, Jesus Christ, this has been an interesting night.

>conflating modern parenting issues and subversive social influence with intrinsic flaws in humans


>We've been doing fine since the 60s
This is the most ignorant post in the thread by far

So, just for the record, do you actually care if anything he's saying is correct? Because at this point you're basically just saying it's wrong because you don't like it.

>dude I'm so enlightened to the fact that everybody else is an idiot, not me though. here's a Pink Floyd lyric to show what an intellectual I am

Yes, but I have a feeling if we got into specifics you would freak out.

>histrionic whore who fails to get attention offline comes and proves my point without a single hint of self-awareness

you are cute, wanna hang out?

>implying you made one to begin with

>conflating an

Agreed to a point
>re incelism
This is a male pathology bred out of entitlement and misogyny. It's not up to women to fix that, but 100% the man. The problem is when the man doesn't accept it and expects women to have sex with him while bringing nothing of value to the woman. They're individuals with a choice and shouldn't be forced to accommodate lonely men if they had no interest in them.

So you can't actually argue against a Pink Floyd lyric? If his argument is trivial, show it.

This is neither an argument nor a position.

What the fuck are you rambling about retard

God I gotta stop doing this on a phone fuck

>conflating antinatalism with the desire for people to live self-determined lives

nobody actually believes in self determination, leftists believe women should be represented proportionally in all professions regardless of their interests and inclinations, which are probably a product of internalised patriarchy anyways. They believe that straight or monogamous people are ''sexually repressed'' regardless of their stated preferences. Just look at their taste in art, everything has to be bland and didactic. The Christian concept of original sin at least produced a civilisation that lasted 1500 years and gave people meaning and a sense of purpose.

The truth decades, Americans have gotten their understanding of ''gender roles'' and sexuality from tv ads pornography and various ford foundation initiatives. ''Equity'' is just a pretext for endless social engineering and making humans into perfectly pliable atomised consumer units. its telling leftist morality works with analogy of sexual assault even they are aware at some level that their whole set of assumptions leaves them feeling alone and violated.


>implying people are self-determinate

For the record i love my mom, my sister, my grandmother, my cousins and your mom too lol

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Your sexual insecurity isn't an argument either

I’m going to disagree with you there. I agree with you partly, however, I believe the current American culture of shame and hatred towards men has enflamed the incel issue significantly.

Can't fix ugly, Plenty of incels probably could become decent looking. Some are so ugly and the years of social retardation runs so deep that a good portion of them will never EVER get laid.


This is neither an argument nor a position.

I feel like you don't believe in self-determination because you've let cynicism dictate your life, but I still do. I don't give a fuck what some faggot book written two thousand years ago says about gender roles, I care about right now. Right now all I want is for people to live their own lives without mouth-breathers such as yourselves crying about the decline of Western Civilization while masturbating to loli hentai. Just get a fucking grip and recognize that your belief system isn't the center of the universe and that other people have their own rights. You literal fucking NPC.

If men are supposed to have all responsibility for themselves and society why did they lose their authority?

Good thing nothing he said had anything to do with sexual insecurity, other than what you've projected onto it.

You love the women in your life because they fit your very narrow view of what women should be; mothers

And the solution that minimizes social stress and resulting mental health issues is genetically engineered catgirls for domestic ownership.

You can’t seem to grasp that you are just as programmed as anyone else. All societies are programmed. We are discussing what programs work and what don’t, you can’t not have a program.

If we got rid of third wave feminism, we’d be able to mend these issues significantly within the next few decades.

>blah blah blah everything is fine I don't care
The only NPC here is you fucktard

You just saying it is so doesn't make it true, you bootlicking dope.

This. Women naturally WANT to do what they should do.

The faggy 2000 year old book isn't an argument itself, but simply a description of what sexual norms were 2000 years ago. The argument here is that those rules appeared to work better for society.

What the fuck kind of projection is this? Why do you love the women in your life?

many incels would under the current rules of feminism, be able claim to claim oppression from asperger syndrome and say women are ableist for not wanting to fuck them. I wonder how they have not discovered that loophole. Theres also the trans loophole, it is evident most ''trans women'' are in fact incel class traitors, who in their retardation think they have found an easy way out. That's why 90% of their so called civil rights movement is just them complaining about normal people not wanting to fuck their grotesque asses.

Agree to disagree, because yes there are negative cultural influences on men, there is also a ton of cultural pressure on women as well to look like kylie Jenner and be super skinny with a fat ass or whatever. Media/culture in general is fucking up everyone.

What else should they be? Men do everything else better

You literally can, you're just too much of a fool to think outside of your extremely limited worldview, so you just assumed being an ignorant shitfuck is an inate part of the human condition.

You don’t understand youth development, social engineering or how humans work. I would suggest studying some anthropology, developmental psychology and any civilization in history.

The only thing that isn't fine is that Pearl clutchers such as yourself are still moaning on about this shit in the futuristic cyber year of 2019. I mean fucking hell, there are some more important issues to address on the planet than whether or not women will fuck you

>ignorant shitfuck
This is neither an argument nor a position

Tell me, what beliefs do you hold that are self determined?

say it with me user


Because they're human beings capable of love and creativity like everybody else.

I don’t understand how other women don’t see the issue here. Many of the problems between us and men are directly caused or worsened by the influence of third wave feminism. It’s an easily observable phenomenon. All you have to do is look and see the correlation.

You seem to be having reading comprehension issues if you think traditionalists want sex with women to be MORE accessible.

Turd Flinging Monkey claims every man should claim to be a transgender masculine lesbian to get oppression points

His worldview is wider here, because he's simply taking as a rule that the norms in any society (ours, the Aztec Empire, medieval Bavaria, China, any human society at all) will be imprinted on children and young adults. That's simply a truism. Children are a product of their society. You're rejecting this for reasons you don't make clear.

Source: Google it Chuck

>be me
>come back to Yea Forums after a couple of weeks or /r9k/ing
>see this thread

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Yup. I’m not writing a thesis paper on my years of research in a small text box. I’ve given you places to start, the rest is up to you.

>Still thinking gender traditionalism is an argument

lol k. I don't really think I'm going to take advice on what constitutes a healthy human being from people who are spending their evening crying about the fact they can't beat women anymore.

A beautiful disaster, isn’t it?

I see patriarchal norms as a bigger culprit

>lol you are mad about economy and environment collapsing because you can't get laid
Are you a complete fucktard? Jesus christ

i think you are really dumb but think you are really smart

If anything incels are the ones that want “free love” to be even more radical. Notice how supporters of the failed system think everything is about sex instead of thinking about the wellbeing of people or society?

Women do want to be sexually submissive, why do you think 50 shades of grey is so popular? Sex is all about dominance and submission, politics, like much of human endeavour is really all about sex too.Old Dr Freud was right about completely everything.

People don't actually want to live their own lives. Even the liberated women follow the mass line opinion on twitter and consume all the products they are told to consume. when people try to live their own lives they end up miserable, the average person 50 years ago had much more in the way of a stable identity

>years of research
>/pol/ infographs and 8 chin pdfs

> lol you are getting fooled by Capitalists to blame women for the economy and environment

Are you?

There is nothing wrong with hitting women

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Evil men exist in all times, flaunting the flaws of a system that works far better than the current one is not an argument.

Humans are inherently patriarchal. That’s our biological programming.

Ok mind reader, tell me more about the woman hivemind.

Are you really such a cynical sociopath that you can't imagine liking somebody just because there is a human being? Christ almighty what a sad existence.

>I KNOW WHAT WOMEN WANT. I didn't ask them, but trust me.


Neither is saying that women should be sexually submissive to men and that we should go back to a time when gender roles were more prominent. It's blind nostalgia for a bygone age.

Except free love bullshit and sexual revolution has brought us to this situation

no no sorry, i didnt mean that about your last statement. i meant that looking at everything you said in this thread


Jesus, that word. Hierarchies are based on competence, not male’s hatred and oppression of our gender. Has it ever occurred to you that most women aren’t inclined to pursue positions of leadership? I’ve never felt held back by any evil, all powerful “patriarchy”. What if most women do not want take that role on? Do you seriously believe males in power hate us and actively work to occupy positions of power and influence in society? Do you really think they hate us that much?

> lol you are getting fooled by Capitalists to blame Jews for the economy and environment

Women are more aggreable and conformist, that is a fact, how can you argue against that?

It’s not nostalgia, it’s a verifiable truth that it is not only the natural order of things, but the means in which all great societies have formed and been maintained. You don’t know your history and honestly you don’t understand the hearts of people.

Are you really such a cynical sociopath that you can't imagine wanting somone to live their own life just because they are a human being? Christ almighty what a sad existence.

Correct. Incels aren’t typically the ones that argue for traditional values. They just want sexual availability.

Please be my centrist girlfriend

No, you don't understand the hearts of people you assume that the rotten fucking Cherry pit beating away in your chest is the default of human kind. It's Nostalgia, my dude. You're idealizing past societies that you were never a part of based off some vague idea of what you think they represented. You're a fucking simpleton and an absurd one at that.

Historically that's how it was until liberation movements. It takes time, women have only been on equal footing for less than a century and the number of women in leadership positions are increasing each generation

im sorry but you are just making me feel smarter :/

Kek, I wish I could. Actual centrists are hard to come by nowadays.

That's not an argument for or against anything, fuckwit.

I would rather them live a happy and productive life instead. If they desire the wrong choices for society or themselves that is a failure on the culture at large.

>implying niggers are a race

They are also attracted to political extremes, I am convinced most male feminists are incels in denial

Because it's a generalization

Every single reply you make is simply more insults and assumptions about someone based solely on the fact the hold beliefs you find objectionable. Take a step back. Do you not see anything wrong with that? Who's the angry, hateful, projecting one here?

You are an idiot who doesn't know shit about sociology and history

Them living a happy life is contingent on them being able to make their own decisions you fucking simpleton. This isn't The Truman Show, these are real people who are indistinguishable from you and I. You have no right to determine other people's lives.

And that’s a good thing! I’ll I’m saying is, we’re not living in a patriarchy because there are many men in positions of power. We have the opportunity and accessibility to change things, we are not being held back by men, we need to take responsibility and improve things for ourselves.

Your angry strawman is neither an argument nor a position. Society is crumbling around your “new rules”, and every great society has flourished under the classical paradigm. Nostalgia has nothing to do with it, I was born into this hellscape. You don’t understand the world very well.

Will you provide a counter example or will you simply insult me again?

*He holds

Women are easily manipulated, if they can vote, should children too?

It's still mostly true

I dont live in america so i never had first-hand experiences with blacks, maybe it's worse than i think

do you honestly think I care? I'm here to dunk on retards, not to convince them that their simplistic way of thinking is wrong. I can't use "facts and logic" to reason people out of a position that they didn't reason themselves into.


Okay, but if all you can do is jeer and insult him and laugh about how witty you are for doing it, that's pretty sad. Like, you're trying to "dunk on retards", but you can't actually win an argument with one. Is this an epic new form of trolling where you start by losing an argument and end with calling him a nigger?

So you are just a Troll with poor understanding and hasn't refuted a single point

guess why male feminists are so enthusiastic about 'sex work' and pornography? we are transitioning to a polyamorous relationship economy were every interaction is commodified. you pay to talk to your shrink and you pay your partner for sex.

>Implying that saying that women are the cause of the downfall of Western Society itself isn't a strawman.

At least pretend to not be a complete fucking retard my dude. I don't owe you a rational debate because you've yet to bring up a single comprehensible point that isn't just emotional posturing.

I don't know, you seem pretty easily manipulated by dumbass things. Should you vote?

There still exists a lot of residual influence from those past norms though, and it's good we're moving away from it as a whole.

>it takes time

yes, like thousand of years of evolution to distance ourselves from the million years of primate evolution where the most dominant males dictate what is done and what isnt with only other males ever contesting that role.

lmao if you think you incels are winning itt
yall sound retarded the whole time

Do you think your decisions are an inherent part of you? Cultural programming determines your desires. Once again, in another time and place a screeching harpy of a woman could have been a genuinely happy wife, convinced she was acting on her own volition and falling in love.

You are not you. You are the amalgamation of your experiences and influences both intentional and otherwise, in your life. This is a fundamental INTRINSIC fact of human biology.

Taking this knowledge into account, a society must push to influence the people in a way that is most conducive to a healthy, happy and productive lifestyle, or it has failed as a system. “Freedom” (for what it is) works on a society that has already been properly programmed. But a decaying civilization needs a strong hand to set it right again, this has been true after the death and rebirth of every civilization ever.

people like you are holding back progress

I can't win an argument with them in the same way I can't win an argument with a flat earther. Nothing that I say, insult or beautifully written paragraph, will ever convince them that they are objectively wrong. That's up for them to determine themselves.
Again you people imply that your arguments necessitate a response in the first place. You don't go running out into the street yelling inane, baseless horseshit and expect every random passerby to engage your ideas like a true enlightened child of Socrates. you're not owed a response because you didn't put effort into your original claim. why on Earth would anyone waste their time trying to refute it

Shit nigga that hardcore done switched my view y'all, what a stellar fucking argument

You are correct, that is your strawman on my behalf. Nowhere did I say women are the cause of civilization’s decline. They are certainly a contributing factor, so are modern men.

>you've yet to bring up a single comprehensible point that isn't just emotional posturing.
That's what you have been doing

How are you objectively right?

wahhhh girls won't touch my peepee better enslave them like the good ol days

hope you die

How do you know that your belief that everybody's identity is artificial isn't itself artificial?

If you were arguing with a flat earther you'd have a globe, a picture of Earth from space, a gyroscope, maybe an astrolabe. What have you brought? Projected anger and insecurity? If the Earth is round, show us the globe.

This is neither an argument nor a position.

>And that’s a good thing
Lmao is this ironic

Most people are confused if we don't make an effort for them, bad actors who might not have their best interests in mind will just go ahead and manipulate them. modern feminism is just an expression of liberalism the idea that the only real goal of life is to be an independent completely self determined human being whatever that means.


We don't owe schizophrenics a legitimate response because they don't have legitimate arguments. It's just mentally ill babble. Incels are Alex Jones tier.

Come up with something original or shut the fuck up

Oh but it is, that’s what i’m saying. My thoughts and desires and beliefs are formulated the exact same way. Nobody is above it all. You’re never getting out of the matrix.

no, I'd have anti psychotics ready

This is neither an argument nor a position.