Post your favorite hip hop album and the number of
black people you personally know.
Pic related; 1 black girl
Post your favorite hip hop album and the number of
black people you personally know.
Pic related; 1 black girl
Never listened to an entire hip hop album
Don't know any black people
the colombian kid from highschool who lives near and i still see in the street from time to time
Was friends with 3 in highschool and have my very own nigga certificate to back it up.
about a dozen
youre all fucking racist plebs
thats a weird way of admitting you dont have black friends
keep projecting moron
user its okay one day youll actually leave your parents basement and meet a black person. I believe in you
well at least you know how to follow instruction i guess
still pleb tho
and racist confirmed
Are you scared of black people? Is that why you act like this. Its okay user their not scary they are very nice and interesting people.
4 (including me)
GZA - Liquid Swords
A lot because of college. But I remember the first time I saw a black person, I was like 4 and on an airplane for the first time. I asked my dad very loudly if that was a real black guy like on TV and he had to apologise. Good times
15-20 I guess. My school my pretty much 50-50 and I've kept up with a lot of my friends from those days.
I don't really keep track
Marshall Mathers LP
I grew up in a shit neighborhood and then lived with drug dealers for a bit so about 35, only about 20 of which I've actually hung around and talked too the others are known just because they were frequent users.
this man exists on a plane that few can even comprehend. advanced
2. But they’re over discord
a tie between gkmc, DAMN. and the last tribe called quest album.
I'm Puerto Rican with black family and friends since childhood so like 50
1, he's Australian Aboriginal though
doesnt count, abos are not exactly human
Countless. I'm white but I was raised in the ghetto. I know many black and spics people.
I don’t have a favorite but this is what I am listening to now. and 3.
I live in Detroit so, I know pretty much countless black people either through going to school with them or working with them at various jobs or just knowing them as someone who live in my neighorhood.
based euro or asian bro
36 chambers
I know one black girl. She lives across the hall. Gives me head for Vyvanse, pussy if she's desperate and I act like I'm low.
I have six favorites. Jeffery, Barter 6, Beautiful Thugger Girls, Slime Season, Slime Season 2, 1017 Thug.
I know zero black people
0 now, but 1 when I was a kid
i've never seen a white person
About a dozen or so
Based American
All of them
Death Grips - The Money Store
I know two half blacks
Sounds about right
Now this is truth
Majority of my friends are black that's prolly like 10
I like southerplayalisticcadillacmusik.
I only know one nigra. Have known a couple in life.
I wonder why
I live in the countryside of Croatia, what would you expect
Damn, whats it like there? Also why do a lot of Croatians love rap?
im black
comfy and calm. I never go into the city
I'd say alot of us like rap since we're the whitest country on earth, it's especially foreign to us.
>big L
>being friends with yourself
you dont have a family?
he already answered that
Anything other than 90's rap or Wu Tang is fucking garbage
>bout a dozen..
based amerimutt
Used to go to an almost all-Black school, rarely got along with the Kenyans and the UK nigs but the Somali's were ok (quite friendly and opened minded). The mixed-race niggas were the fucking worst and made me lowkey prejudice. Don't listen to Hip-Hop.
im bulgarian. slavs like rap because the average iq is 90 here.
Im on the 4th song that album actually go hard.
i was raised around my white family since all my black relatives live in puerto rico
except for my mom and grandpa