Holy fuck, how can one debut album be so BASED? Literally every song on this is amazing.
Holy fuck, how can one debut album be so BASED? Literally every song on this is amazing
watch this and you will never praise this album again: youtube.com
>all the band members honk the horns on their cars to create the opening noise
This is a neat story. Working in a literal metal plant where they blared dadrock all day taught me to appreciate these things.
Eddie Van Halen is one of the greatest guitarists ever, they were decent songwriters, and David Lee Roth is extremely charismatic.
Nobody's ever thought Roth was a great vocalist. He was there to put on a show - he was literally doing gymnastics and kung fu while singing
probably because it was released in the 70s
I only want to listen to this album more after hearing that
70's truly were a based time
He's not a great singer, but his voice works for the songs. The man's got charisma, no doubt.
Atomic Punk and On Fire are great underrated gems
It is quite possibly the best debut album of all time.
>The four members of Van Halen, and their manager Marshall Berle, met with Warner Brothers executives for the unveiling of the artwork for ‘Van Halen’ (shown above) towards the end of 1977. What the label offered up that day was a marketing disaster in the making. The proposed logo renders their name in a jagged, abrasive-looking typeface. Strangely, the cover photo, places drummer Alex Van Halen in the foreground while lead singer David Lee Roth, eyes shut, appears at the rear of the shot. Guitarist Edward Van Halen, standing to his brother’s left, grimaces. Bassist Michael Anthony, posed next to Roth, looks like he wants to cry.
>To say the meeting got tense fast would be an understatement. “You should see the first album cover Warner Bros. designed for us,” Edward explained later to Guitar World. “They tried to make us look like the Clash. We said, 'F--- this s---!'”
>After enduring a torrent of criticism from the Van Halen camp, Warner Bros. scrapped the proposed artwork. The label then hired photographer Elliot Gilbert to shoot the band onstage at the Whisky. His shimmering images of Roth, Anthony, and the Van Halen brothers, with their glowing trails of color, made clear that Van Halen was a live act hot enough to melt rock.
>In the meantime, designer Dave Bhang drew up a new cover and created the now-iconic winged ‘Van Halen’ logo. Edward recalled that after Bhang showed the band this logo the quartet “made [Warner Bros.] put it on the album so that it would be clear that we had nothing to do with the punk movement. It was our way of saying ‘Hey we’re just a f---ing rock and roll band, don’t try and slot us with the Sex Pistols thing just because it’s becoming popular.’”
Based. But honestly, I don't think it looks that bad...shitty as hell compared to the final one, but this doesn't bother me.
>be broke
>release amazing album
>buy a Gibson
lol it kind of reminds me of how Star Wars had originally planned to use cheesy 70s sci fi synth music for the soundtrack. Luckily some random woman who I think was in the crew pointed out that it would age the movie horribly, and I think she recommended using classical music to distance itself from the rest of the science fiction genre, which wasn't taken very seriously at the time.
But yeah, kind of like this, if they had messed up that one detail, Star Wars might've been relegated to the fringe sci fi niche, and it would've undermined the whole thing.
Lucas should have asked Yes or Rush to do the music for Star Wars, prove me wrong.
I like the Star Wars soundtrack, but that's a cool idea. Though it might've been a bit ahead of its time... though Cat Stevens did a great soundtrack for Harold and Maude.
That might actually be a cool project, to redo the soundtrack for Star Wars using bands like Yes, Rush, Hawkwind, Pink Floyd, stuff like that
also Can
>Gene Simmons' greatest contribution to rock 'n' roll was getting Van Halen signed
If you want to do a soundtrack remix I'd go for The Expanse over Star Wars.
Close but no cigar, this was obviously the biggest achievement of rock n roll history
Non singers think this is bad. Singers know it's fucking amazing.
It sounds silly because it's out of context
I was always better
Sammy haggar is a fag with no personality
Little Richard did it better
It's more of a James Brown thing
nah George Clinton homie
Jelly, Dave?
this looks like a hair metal band
tomato tomato
Sammy is the better singer, Dave is the better frontman
Music was Dave was better as far as hard rocking music goes by miles....so all the hard rockers and metalheads love to loathe Hagar, but fuck that because I like some poppy shit too. and "Van Hagar" did it better than anybody, and still rocked harder than haters will ever give credit for....Hagar haters act like every single song was "Dreams" or "Right Now", which are both amazing fucking pop rock songs
the only thing that stopped this album from being a perfect 10/10 was ice cream man
but appetite for destruction is perfect...and this is coming from a guy who knows VH were about 3 times better of a band than GnR
"hair metal" didn't exist yet in 1978, and that scene as a whole was largely the spawn of Van Halen anyway.
Ice cream man is great though
Push comes to shove is the best van halen song
GnR are trash though
His jewishness really jumps out at you now
I get what you're saying, but don't agree.
Ice Cream Man is a song I enjoy for it's humor, but really is a song that I think could have been cut, and isn't really strong as a song other than the fact that it's silly and funny
Gn'R have no song like that, but to me what they do have is some songs that are just kinda filler like You're Crazy and Anything Goes.....which to me, a couple tracks being mediocre is a worse offense than one track being a joke.
Running with the shekels
Van Halen is the most over rated band of all time and eruption is horrible shitty guitar wank
I bet you like The Smiths, wuss
Are you kidding? He sounds amazing.
no but seriously, i really like every track on appetite and vh 1
i was actually just echoing a comment that those Canadians said on that YT channel with sam dunn
apparently they really dont like covers and i kind of agree
Based. Can you imagine listening to Eddie's guitar playing qhen
VH kicks ass if you're drunk or high
I'm drunk so I hit submit too early
I've barely listened to The Smiths, actually. I just like listening to music with a little substance
Van Halen are actually underrated.
Gimme some examples then, why not? You seem like a man confident in his taste and confident in lambasting others, so surely you're not a coward
Agreed, Van Hagar did way more than just pop stuff and had some absolute bangers
Yeah but Hagar hate is a meme in itself, plenty of VH fans feel they aren't being true VH fans unless they join the Hagar hate club
sounds better than your favorite singer
I used to play rock music you know
I believe it! But what genre do these guys play? I would reckon bedroom boy pop or indie office wave
no wonder rock is dead when every band looks as soft and lame as these dudes
On Fire is the most underrated song on this album
It's great.
I blame Deftones.
This, underrated aspect of why rock is dying
No bite grit or sexuality left
So s.o.yrock is a thing huh?