

Attached: billy.jpg (1040x950, 111K)

Omg what a unique insult.

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He's an asshole we get it. Doesn't change the music.

I'd compare Billy to being like Dave Mustaine. Trump is clearly used to insult Billy because the ex-band member is still ass hurt.

I actually think that the comparison is apt, because Billy Corgan is a delusional douchebag. But, like you said, being a douchebag doesn't change the fact that Smashing Pumpkins (and Megadeth) did some of the best rock albums ever.

btw David Pajo of Slint is the ex-bandmate (Pajo was in Zwan)

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Liberals get triggered over the smallest things.

Yeah, I just looked it up... I love Smashing Pumpkins, but I love Slint, Tortoise, Stereolab, Royal Trux, and Yeah Yeah Yeahs way more, so it seems like Pajo's actually the more valuable musician, at least for me.

He compared Corgan to Trump. It sounds like you're a triggered conservative, and you're projecting.

To be fair, it's not the most hardhitting insult. I think the user was just pointing out the fact that the guy made that statement about Corgan thinking that it would be hurtful is kind of silly.

orange man bad

why? being compared to any public figure who has said multiple stupid things and has a bad reputation with a large amount of people isn't exactly favorable

But it's a totally meaningless comparison because it uses surface level observations that are widely known about both individuals.

Out on tour with The Smashing Pumpkins
Nature kids, I/they don’t have no function
I don’t understand what they mean
And I could really give a fuck

Sure, but let's be real, no sane person regards Trump as an absolute villain. At most, he's a moron. There are a lot of insults the guy could have used. "Orange man is bad, you, Billy Corgan, are similar to orange man" is a pretty weak insult.

>by ex-bandmate

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Corgan is an alex jones tea party trump loving nut, so it doesn't work

You mean the billionaire President of the United States?

>implying Alex Jones is conservative

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Exes are always such jerks. Billy is a sweet boy nature kid with no function. No bully pls.

people that dislike corgan will laugh at the statement and use it as an excuse to bash him more. people that like corgan and/or trump will get pissy. it really isn't that deep. it was very likely meant to be petty, i don't think he was going for a super profound statement
what does that have to do with him saying dumb things and not being liked by people

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When I hear the lyrics to any pumpkins song, I certainly don't think of Trump, and I know billy probably voted for him, and I did (cause I hated hilary).
I've seen the pumpkins 2 times live, 97, and last year. I don't associate the pumpkins at all with Trump. I try not to mix musical taste and politics. It makes me hate most musicians, so I just ignore their politics for the most part since they don't live the life of a poor wage slave like me.

You sound like one of those people who adds emphasis to “““my””” president

wtf i love billy corgan now

Anything that doesn't support the globofeminist union is a counterrevolutionary long live the shelitariate.

Imagine unironically taking this picture of yourself

He’s the most influential paleoconservative next to Tucker Carlson.

Is this guy trying to make me like billy more? I wish more guys were as cool as my dude trump! Billy can have all the ice cream scoops as he wants if you ask me! I hope him and trump go on an ice cream double date and both have 2 scoops fuck the scoop nazis keepin tabs on our ice cream!


Shitty fucking band

Literally hitl.. i mean donald trump