Whats the most Incel music?

>inb4 incel gtfo

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Your favorite music

I am already a huge kpop fag

Smartest answer

Most people will say all of metal, but it's specifically drone metal, because that's what a lot of art hoes migrate to and incels try to cash in on some drone metal pussy. They fail of course.

power metal

Sutcliffe Jugend or some shit

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negative xp

Anime and video game soundtracks.

What the hell are you talking about? Art hoes don’t like drone metal

incel gtfo

Oh yes they do. You know Boris and Earth? Fans are mostly art hoes and nu males.


hey, I was gonna say that

nu males get laid more often (>0) than yout incel fatass

Anime openings

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Quick question, how do we define "incel" on this board? I've seen it used at people who say derogatory things about women, which I think makes sense most of the time, but I also see it used as a generic insult in a variety of contexts. Does it have multiple meanings?

negativexp made this thread as an excuse to reply later with a link to his garbage incel music

If you have to ask, you dont belong here and should go back to your subreddit immediately. Anyways we're all posting in a quazi shill thread so

I hate reddit. I'm just curious as to what it means on this board because I see it used so frequently in completely different contexts.

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reading this almost sounds like the monologue to the opening track on a midwest emo album

Power metal is less angry incel and more goofy autists

yes originally it was a support group for guys who couldnt get laid that then aimed their frustration and put the blame on everybody else and now its basically the same level of meaning as nazi or cuck nowadays, but youll look like an antifa soiwad using it as an insult

Trout mask replica