John Lennon beat his wife

John Lennon beat his wife

Attached: JohnLennonbeat his wife.jpg (1440x801, 144K)


>John Lennon beat his meat

Attached: DePfHz1U0AAQphH.jpg (1200x1200, 255K)

>massively successful musician
>alpha as fuck bitch slapper
He's an inspiration to us all.


forget to do something OP?

Attached: 1557313502970.jpg (640x640, 137K)


Attached: download.jpg (244x206, 4K)

John Lennon beat his wife

at what?

Well at least i have one thing in common with him

They always beg him to beat less.

so did ringo and paul

Stop this is only funny on reddit

>John Lennon beat his wife

And the point is?

My father beat his wife. Constantly. For about 18 years. It's not a good thing. In regard to my father or John Lennon. But again, what's the point? That famous people do human stuff too? Phil Spector killed someone. Kurt Cobain killed himself. Michael Jackson diddled with little kids (allegedly).

Again, what is the point?

Attached: philspector.jpg (4200x3081, 1.56M)

wtf why did vinny make this

yeah man just a normal guy killing people i've been baited huh

>John Lennon beat his wife
Everybody knows he was an asshole. The only good Beatle was George.

Marilyn Manson removed his rib and sucked his own wee-wee :)


someone post the audio
you know the one

i'm wearing a john lenon shirt with that exact face and "peace n love" written below it

chat member made it I believe

Attached: 67229 - artist-cryptidkitten meat sceat scoot streamer-vinny.png (1200x1200, 2.1M)

>Again, what is the point?
he beat his wife, user

>Marilyn Manson
You mean Paul from The Wonder Years?


Let it leak
Let it leak