What's your favorite movie Yea Forums ?

what's your favorite movie Yea Forums ?

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eternal sunshine.

No Country For Old Men

Big Trouble In Little China

The Deer Hunter

the sword of doom

The good the bad and the ugly

Fear and loathing in Las Vegas


Taxi Driver

kangaroo jack

Donnie Darko

Cars 2


OP check this out:
Here are SIX THREADS ABOUT YOUR SHITTY MEME SONG THAT ARE ALL UP AT ONCE. Yours is not only the NEWEST but also the ABSOLUTE WORST of them all!! Please jump off a fucking bridge. Yea Forums is dogshit enough.

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Cinema Paradiso or Dazed and Confused
Is it as good as the other films by Terry Gilliam? It's been on my watchlist for a while

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

I turned this movie off during le wacky seinfeld scene
Everyone keeps saying "it ruined women!" And it is p cool how butthurt people are about this, but do women even like this cringey garbage? I only knew nerdy guys that liked it

I don't know what are you talking about

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First day on Yea Forums? This board is always filled with retards spamming the same threads. The mods barely do shit


A lot of good replies in this thread. I'm proud Yea Forums.

The Wicker Man (1973 ofc)

This thread is clearly about movies. Please leave the Yea Forums movie discussion thread immediately sir.

The Wicker Man (2011 ofc)

>Yea Forums is dogshit enough.
is what i said
trust me i've dealt with the constant Kpop threads on page 1, retarded spam threads and all other colors of nonsense on this board for years, this meme is by far one of the laziest and shittiest yet though. i'd tolerate it to an extent if the actual song was half good at least, but it's just dogshit indie rock with terrible lyrics and production. what a retarded thing to latch onto. at least the Little Dark Age spam was sort of funny and based around half decent music

that guy's song is shit, no wonder he can't get laid. no talent.

anyway scott pilgrim is a shit movie made when "hipster" fashion was starting to become a thing noticed by normies 2007-08, so it's basically just a cash grab to take advantage of that like 500 days of summer, nick and norah's infinite playlist, and other shit.

I didn't even listen to the song you retard

the michael cera one where he kisses the cute girl
yeah, Juno



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Top 5.
1. Evil Dead Trilogy
2. Eraserhead
3. Ichi the Killer
4. Akira
5. The Blair Witch Project

Honorable mentions:
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Hills Have Eyes

Either Platoon or Taxi Driver

Blues brothers

American Psycho

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this nigga eating beans

For me it has to be the unrivalled kino of ‘Fils du Masque’ (2005)

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Either Mulholland Dr. or Perfect Blue

its amazing

End of Evangelion.


hard choice but I'll have to go with Stroszek or Gummo

based, first movie i saw that I actually liked

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Funny Games, either version is fine

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Imagine liking any film on this list

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no true favorite
off the top of my head:
12 Angry Men
Dead Poets Society
The Legend of Drunken Master

Baby Driver

But I like a few of the movies on this list and I don’t wear fedoras

:( nice trips for me


Why is Its Such a Beautiful day on here? I guess I could see it being a bit pretentious, but it sticks out around these other movies

Super but all Ellen Page scenes are cut