Bon Iver doesn't like Kanye anymore due to politics

>Speaking to Pitchfork, the Bon Iver star said the two had since grown apart due to their differing political views. While West has been outspoken in his support for Trump, Vernon is a fan of Democratic candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

>“I can’t really kick it with him anymore on a personal level, just the energy,” Vernon said. “But I’ve got mad love for him and we’re still friends.”

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He says he has "mad love" for him you retard

call me thog because i literally do not fucking care

>"Bon Iver doesn't like Kanye anymore due to politics"
>He LITERALLY says he loves him and that they're still friends
Fucking retard

why even bother giving it a clickbait title on here?

because OP feeds on outrage and he knows it works

Imagine being the kind of fag who stops being friend with someone over political views.

It's a thread not about Negative XP or Billie.

Gotta get those clicks somehow.

both of their most recent albums have been shit so who cares

If you say ‘kick it’ and you’re not an urban black youth you should kill yourself.

i've always hated this faggot. he reminds me of FJM with his pretentious boring music

this. and he's lucky to even be on a kanye album

>Vernon is a fan of Democratic candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

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wigger fag


>kick it
Why does this gentrifier yuppie bearded NPR white brooklyn piece of shit try to talk black?

bon iver was a shitty indie folk acoustic guitar fag that co-opted the indietronica wave and all you corny derivatives gave him a pass


Bon Iver music is pure fucking rubbish though.

based and thogpilled

it's funny how people still celebrate homosexual pedophiles like Michael Jackson, but a guy who likes a politician you don't like is persona non grata.

fuck michael jackson, hope he rots

lmao tru
2012 all the Yea Forums p4k teens were eating this guy up, yall thought this gay shit was cool dont lie

I've never been a teen on Yea Forums

I have a friend who hasn't talked to me in over a week because I said I would probably vote for Trump in 2020

To be fair, you're supporting a racist.

and also, you're probably very low IQ. ignoring all capitalistic politics, imagine supporting a person lessening endangered species laws and overall making the planet a dirtier place to live.

nevermind I was a retard and misread your post, carry on. now I look like the low IQ one.

i fully agree. retard trump voters are either in support of him because muh second amendment, muh trick down economics, or cult of personality. there is no in between.


Dude sorry but.....seriously what the f-ck? Are you forgetting
-Blatant racism
-Sexual assault and hates women
-White supremacist
-Stupid retard

Wow man it's so cool to pretend to be an SJW online, you're really a volkisch warrior

racism of course as well, maybe goes under cult of personality because they all like how "he tells it like it is"

>anyone who cares about minorities or children even a little bit is an “SJW” or just pretending
Yea Forums has rotted your brain

bon iver is an even bigger hack than kanye. fuck him

>d-don't wanna pick up the phone kanye?

>that's fine, you voted for trump anyway >:(

We let wiggerism be the norm. FUCK.

God I hate wiggers.

Your tricks have no effect, jew

that's what you tell your ex friend right before he goes to jail for 20 years that you have no intention of visiting

you are that friend

>can't really kick it with him
>mad love for him

Who actually talks like this

I am? Damn thats based

This made me laugh.

faggy 'ironic' wigger hipsters who want to be 'down with the homies'


Cringy early millenials

tryhard wiggers

You just described ALL Democrats. It was bad with Bush, bur it's ten times worse with Trump. If you like Trump, you're an evil racist in the eyes of any Democrat. Beyond redemption. Even if Bon Iver wanted to hang out with Ye, he probably has 20 friends tell pressuring him not to support Ye and to cut him off because he's toxic for liking Trump.

Bon Iver's music is such garbage. How do people listen to that shit? It's so fucking boring.

try having a gay friend in maga country, see what you're treated like

rent free

Overly political nerds are annoying people anyway and its probably better they remove themselves from your life over dumb shit like trump

Are you a fairy?

Trump supporters are way more reasonable than psychotic, seething Democrats. None of them had a problem when Obama deported millions and dropped more bombs than Bush. They just don't like Trump and are brainwashed with talking points but he will be reelected because all Democrat candidates are pathetic and the party and its people calling everyone racist is a failed strategy. They will lose in 2024 as well.

Republicans would be far-right in any other country. You are absolute racist dog shaggers, fuck off.

You sound brainwashed

>what about obama tho
Obama did a lot of fucked up shit too, and I don't support him. Trump is more damaging to the social fabric of the country though because of his rhetoric emboldening racists and his lack of economic/environmental regulations. Obama was more just bog standard business neoliberal capitalism, which is shit but at least he wasn't defunding the EPA and saying climate change isn't real.

Obama does need more criticism from the mainstream liberals though, I agree. Bank kickbacks, Yemen/Syria, "hope n change" then getting in bed with Wall Street/Hillary, etc.

This entirely unironically

So by that logic, Obams is a bigger racist because he deported more people than any President. You're just spewing the talking points. You know nothing


I can't tell if the people posting like this anymore are being ironic or on the brink of shooting a place up, and that's so depressing

>not believing climate change has been proven to be made by man is worse than murdering innocent people with drone strikes
this is why you lost in 2016 and will lose in 2020. you're not wrong but you argue like a child

neoliberal democrats are also racists, yes
biden and clinton especially, those are pretty easy examples and a lot of suspect stuff out there from their 90s days.

obama deported a lot of people although the key difference was his rhetoric didn't scapegoat mexicans/immigration in general for various problems like trump does

in europe democrats and republicans would both be right, one center right the other far right

For Americans
Trump doesn't believe climate change exists at all and we should do nothing to stop it. He also supports removing environmental regulations to stop corporations from damaging the environment even further. The effects of this will lead to many deaths in the long run/

how is caring about the wellbeing of your country dumb shit. how is arguing about death grips on a chinese fingerpuppet image board more worth your time than caring about the current state of affairs of your country.

It's sad. Politics dive the people and give all this shitty music. Fuck it.

Oh no, I don't like his rhetoric reeeeeeeeeee. There is no left here, either. Clintons are Republicans. Obama is right wing. Neither supported gay marriage. Who fucking cares? People vote with their wallet, not their heart. Both parties are an illusion, it's all dogshit. Freaking out like Trump is evil does not make you look sane or rational and has destroyed the Democrat party. Republican party is shit, too. People will vote for whoever has balls. Stop believing media talking points. Grow up. Realize what country it is, stop thinking it's a fucking Hollywood drama. People are not babies, we've been through hell

imagine arguing about politicals unironically.

i understand that not everyone who is a trump supporter is a racist, but everyone who is a racist is a trump supporter. he clearly panders to that demographic


Hillary would do the same thing as Trump but say " I believe in science!" and you would go back to sleep like the faggot you are who slept through Obama dropping bombs because he did it with a nice smile. You have no principles, quit pretending

imagine this level of projection

To make this easier to understand:
Democrats and Republicans are big tent parties because of the 2 party system, and there are different factions.

Democrats largest faction are neoliberal capitalists, they believe in capitalism with few regulations, tax cuts, global trade, automation, and pay lip service to social issues for votes but never do anything about it. They're more similar to Thatcherites than leftists.

There's other factions like Social Democrats who want increased welfare state and taxes on the wealthy, but they're smaller and mostly advocate for European style policy. There's also factions that are primarily concerned with identity politics like lgbt and minorities who will vote D but may not agree with the economic/social stuff.

Republicans are also capitalists, and pay lip service to social issues from a Christian morality perspective that they rarely actually follow. That's the main separation. They also are even more laissez-faire and don't have any pro social spending wing to reign them in. They're typically more socially authoritarian. They have other factions like single issue gun voters, white identity types, religious right, and libertarians.

>both sides are stupid

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Today I will remind them

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Based and worthless pilled copy and paste CNN talking points poster

Retarded nihilism. You've been through nothing, like everyone wasting their life on this shitty site.

there is no left in american politics
socdems aren't left, that's basic bitch EU policy since WWII
america is just ass backwards and that's why they have the largest income inequality, they don't have healthcare for their citizens, and 3 people alone have more money than half the country combined

have you seen footage of his rallies? i dont think it's a leap to assume that most racists in america like trump. doesn't necessarily make trump himself a racist but is not a great sign


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these people will just deny everything
they'll just say "umm how is that racist" "oh youre just a librul snowflake offended by everything" "send em back? not racist"

butthurt trump supporter resorting to onions posting, who would've thought

>a rapper disagrees with another rapper about something

They are rappers. Both of their opinions are worthless.

bon iver isn't a rapper, he's a shitty indie pop folk singer

>Elizabeth Warren
[gagging and vomiting]

>82 posts

poser detected

nobody here cares about Kanye, fuck off fake woke poster

Republicans are such evil pieces of shit they are against a billionaire paying 2% more in tax to pay for sick children's health care.


americans are evil pieces of shit
period end of discussion

Politics are gay. jake paul here finna *dab* on yall politicucks

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based jake paul for dabbing on tha institution of marriage

Fuck bigots and fuck SJW’s. You’re all absolute idiots and you both do equal damage at the end of the day.

>but I'm above all of you. i'm different.

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Pick a side, centrist fag.

you're just as bad if you assume everyone talking about american politics is either a bigot or an sjw.

he is actually and this stupid fucking white boy political feud is about as grassroots as jeff epstein

fuck you cop

Sure, you can joke about it, but it’s true. Both sides have a problem with extremism. I go about my life trying to view all perspectives and choose a reasonable stance on political issues.

If they would go silent on you over something as petty as politics, you dodged a bullet. Find a new friend.

CIA sup

>attempting to be fair and balanced is a bad thing.

Enough with the goddamn tribalism. You’re going to get nowhere with that attitude.

>get proven wrong
>"w-well your friends will abandon you and you will go to jail for 20 years"
wtf are you even talking about, schizoid?

u fag

bitch those same camps were there during Obama’s presidency

Justin looks like Ninja with yellow hair.

>dude like I have no real opinion because then some people might call me an incel or beta cuck
Centrists are cowards

>obvious troll being obvious, and truly thinking he’s funny and clever.


His first three albums were perfectly fine though. His newest one went into full-on Daley bullshit.

if you're so brave why'd you let Yea Forums bully you into being a neo nazi

>health care
fucking socialist, there are no free lunches. btw thanks for the bailout after the gfc

Kanye is overrated shit and it doesn't have a thing to do with his politics

whos "bon iver"?

I've seen the opposite of this as well. Political extremists are fucking insufferable, regardless of side.

sick kids make me laugh

good winter

really? what did he say that was racist?

not every centrist is a fencesitter, though. I end up averaging out in the middle even though I take a lot of hard lines on many issues, I'd be a cuck to some and a fascist to others. I find myself liking ideas from both the left and right.

as soon as I see someone use that word, I know instantly they are a dumb fuck and I stop reading/listening


Is that wrong, though?

I doubt most democrats voted for trump.

He looks like he says "y'all" a lot

never heard that. im being honest.


Weird man who released an alright folk album in the late 2000's leading him to get recognized by Kanye West early in his career and being thrust into the mainstream through collaborations and similarly alright follow-up albums.

Ya know, it's funny how when anything's brought up about funneling money to citizens, it's always "but we don't have enough", "but that will use up a lot of money".
But when it comes to bank bailouts and proxy wars, there's not a peep. The money just flows.
America is fucked.

bon is good and iver is winter

uh yeah believe or not, a lot of dems hated hillary and voted trump out of spite. he was an unknown for the most part, but most were already aware of hillary’s bullshit over the years.
now everyone knows without a doubt that trump is a joke and a failure (no wall, immigants still flooding in) and hillary isn’t a threat this time
trump is finished and the tantrum from him will be entertaining.

because people who say rhetoric are usually douchebags

the serf genes run strong in the general public, republican voters in particular.

You guessed wrong and your arrogance is why he will win in landslide in 2020. You have learned nothing


alright you based

I do, it's working out fine.

Other countries have actual far-right parties.

>trump is finished
yes, im sure Bernie will sell out again and old white man bumble-fuck biden will be president.
my point was most, if not every, dem is a racist

Don't expect anyone to genuinely answer.
Both sides are a shell game and neither gives a fuck what would benefit the people. This has been proven time and time again.

Why are borders racist?

>If you like Trump, you're an evil racist
>20 friends tell pressuring him not to support Ye and to cut him off because he's toxic for liking Trump
they're right tho...???

countries are gay

how? like, in realty though

Biden has no fucking chance. Neither does Bernie, Kamala, etc. They're all dead. Trump has it locked. It's been over. He will win a bigger victory than 2016. Stop deluding yourselves now and start realizing the strategy of saying racist to everything doesn't work and you might have a chance at 2024. Unlikely, though. Democrats seem hellbent on ruining all their good will and faith by attacking every day Americans. Saying Americans are evil racists means you will lose badly. Get ready for Don Jr. as President witg that strategy.

Well, nobody wants a retarded friend, he did right

It's pretty sad Trump has it locked in desu. why are americans so stupid, bros?

Keep preaching intolerance and telling others their beliefs are evil. You're a bigot. Democrats are fascists. Ye is liberal, he just likes the Trump attitude. Bon Iver is a baby

I can even imagine how your face is

Children's health care? Naa just throw em in cages get everyone worked up over a spray tanned monkey while the same lizards who have been running this country for the past century continue to feed off of division and chaos

>I can’t really kick it with him anymore on a personal level, just the energy, But I’ve got mad love for him and we’re still friends.

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lol, not so fast, he'll probably vote for yang or Bernie or some shit

>Don Jr. as President
based, throw on tucc as vp

Epstein's already beginning to be memory holed. We're boned as hell.


I usually hate posts with that image but this is pretty on point

Hence why you were surprised Hillary lost in 2016. You can't imagine others not sharing your view. You're a brainwashed child

Prove it.

Divide and conquer is working spectacularly

People are so dumb. Kanye's ideology transcended politics. He wore the Make America Great Again hat as a symbol. Despite being more to the left politically, he wore the hat in response to people being divided and not finding common ground. He felt like despite different ideologies, people should still get along, and not be put into boxes. Left or white, black or white, we're people. The hate he got for wearing the hat just proves that he was right.

Kanye once again proving he's an autistic genius.

Kanye fans fucking kill me. The guy can barely string a sentence together in interviews and can't make an album without a bunch of other people doing the work, yet you guys insist it's all deeper when there's nothing fucking there.
Fuck outta here.

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not to mention the absolutely retarded shit he spews and then has to take back
im half convinced its all publicity stunts just because of how fucking stupid it gets sometimes