>the man who saved Yea Forums
The man who saved Yea Forums
>gets rejected by a 17 year old art hoe with a better jawline than him
why do people think that useless spic made the song? I made the song retards, he just made that stupid video and got all the views.
Actually I made the song.
so he really is just a seething incel huh?
hes one of those "ironic" incels who fits the description to a T, but thinks hes not an incel because he jokes about it
Tits or GTFO.
but user i'm a man... are you gay?
>this bullshit again
why didn't i think of this
oh yeah it's because menace ii society is better
MIIS is better, but Boyz has a character named RICKYYYYY in it.
only cause it had MC Eiht
You might not like Ricky, but he has certainly pulled off a more successful troll job with this song than most people ever will.
how commendable.
what an impressive feat that will surely improve his life
Why is Yea Forums so easy to trigger, bros?
nah the story as a whole was a lot better, and the preachy bits were woven into the story better. the whole gentrification speech in boyz felt so out of place, whereas sharif in menace felt so much more natural.
t. trolled
they killed my lil nigga sharif
Ricky will never reach my level of quality posting.
I feel like by making the Caine in Menace a person with flaws, a product of the environment he was in, everything felt more real. I like Boyz, but Tre feels a lot like a stand in for the writers, like someone just observing the violence surrounding him.
actually the opposite. Yea Forums was slowly but surely moving away from is epic autistic Yea Forums roots and here comes this unfunny faggot reinvigorating them. pretty sure at least 90% of the people posting threads about him and le epic arthoes pwned!! song are underaged AND new
Sounds like he saved Yea Forums then
t. underaged and new
>newfags and redditors calling each other based and circlejerking over hating art hoes is saving Yea Forums
we should let it die then
It's just r/the_donald underagers
No I made the song
There are people on here who are unironically politically progressive, which is getting triggered: the ideology.
>inb4 no u
You fucking faggot, why to spoil the movie you fucking dumb cunt. If I could find you and rip your fucking penis from your body. I would. I would boil you in acid. Fucking dumb cunt.
If it triggers you fags, I'm all for it
including an >inb4 doesn't negate the fact that presumably nor politlcally progressive incels are triggered enough by the existence of art hoes to keep 3-4 of these threads in the catalog at all times
>doesn't like Yea Forums and wants it to abandon its roots
>hates underaged new people for keeping Yea Forums the way it's supposed to be
Maybe you should just find a new site that better suits your completely faggoty tastes.
great ebin troll I feel so pwned I'm literally pissing and crying