it took one song to make worst year in a decade for music into the best year in a century for music.
It took one song to make worst year in a decade for music into the best year in a century for music
you fucking incels are cringy as fuck, they still arent going to fuck you
That song?
Money Machine by 100 gecs
way to miss the point
>crunkcore for trannies
No thanks. That shit already sucked when Brokencyde was doing it. I don't need dogshit bubblegum bass chipmunk vocals on top of it.
stupid horse
You sound really mad
Yeah because crunkcore is terrible. This was already established several years ago.
Earfquake wasn't that good, user
Did you listen to the album? It’s not actually crunkcore... that’s a meme lol
Thank you for avatar-faging, this way I can immediately hide all MEW threads and I don't have to read your shilling or your ramblings.
It's a very clear descendant. You can lie to yourself and say it has more artistic merit because you want desperately to believe that your trans idols have created something new and incredible, but they haven't.
It's not even a good song or correct, Instagram ruined a generation of women. Scott pilgrim didn't even make back it's budget.
Wait gecs are trans?
>new MGMT
>new Vampire Weekend
>this masterpiece
the holy trinity
social media, corporate media, gamergate and the 2016 election have combined to ruin an entire generation
the jokes write themselves
Lmao Ricky btfo by trannies
What website is this from?
rate my penis dot com
I don't see the big deal with the song, it's well done and makes fun of women. Is it illegal to make fun of women?
Things that ruined women:
Adventure Time
I Spit on Your Grave
Kill Bill
Sailor Moon
Scott Pilgrim
How do you end up this cucked? Is it the BPD?
2 can play @ that game incel
Things that ruined men:
(500) Days of Summer
A Clockwork Orange
American Psycho
Duke Nukem
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Fight Club
Ichi the Killer
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Scott Pilgrim
Taxi Driver
And this is probably way more likely to be true too.
why is Yea Forums obsessed with this mediocre song
Its one mentally ill incel faggot who made a song because some high school chick wouldnt touch his microdick
it’s a hit on tv too
i wish this was true....
Based incel. I look forward to his mass shooting.
literally seething tranny
>d-d-dude it's the GIRLS who won't fuck me who are dumb, not me dude! they're all like art hoes too, yeah! in fact, I'm not even INTERESTED in them! (which is why I keep spamming this song and making threads) yeah see how does that make me an incel?
Permavirginity is your future.
both correct
lol didn't expect the song to actually be good. nice
better than being disgusting tranny. btw you will never pass
>trans woman
>he's too blinded by his insecurities to face the fact that he's attracted to some trans women
lmao pathetic. get a therapist buddy
ok what the fuck is with this being a "bad" movie now and who the fuck is ricky?
not that I dissagree, but why even post this. it just reienforces them
No he doesn’t.
oh and hoe are this mad? lmao
the rest of their music is actually really, really good. like, extremely self-aware and catchy. I have a feeling these guys are going to get big
It's one guy. And he's an Asian incel
>(500) Days of Summer
>Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
>Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
>Scott Pilgrim
i thought only women consumed these products
The guy who wrote the song consumed those products, got rejected beacuse he's a social retard, and promptly blamed womenkind for his problems instead of blaming himself for having a warped perspective of the world.
Better than what they’re shilling.
based, transgenderism is literally autogynephilia
cope and dilate
michael cera has done far, far worse to men than the art hoe in the movie did to women
Yea Forums is ruining every one
Lol that song is piss poor and nobody outside of Yea Forums incels care about it. It's not viral, it's not important, it's not a hit. It's a meme song for your outcast community. Nobody gives a fuck about this garbage song, and the only people who noticed it outside of you warped autists mocked it.
both correct
fuck the jewish mind poison called hollywood
Nigger if the person is suffering less because from their dysphoria by doing that crazy shit what does it matter? What would you recommend to that person to help them if what they’re doing is unhealthy beyond saying “lol get help”?
This song helped me snap out of my shitty fetish for art hoes,thank you Negative EXP
Fuck you Sarah you dumb,asexual,mentally ill pill popping androgynous short haired tomboy BITCH
I thought you didn't want women to be whores?
incels want them to be whores for them and them only. all the trad values muh degeneracy stuff is an obvious cope.
>mentally-ill tranny
NOT A MAN user
>Scott Pilgrim
>consumed by women
It’s consumed by underage numales, it’s like their perfect fantasy
>American psycho ruining men
Idk how this could happen unless you were a mongoloid who didn’t understand the entire point of the film
quit larping as someone who's had sex
have sex
What is the song?
calm down retard it will be ok
It's not fine user,it will never be fine again
It will be ok user, the same shit happened to me, you just have to move on
i'm the most liberal, feminist poster on Yea Forums I guarantee you, but this song is growing on me. it's actually punk as fuck and has an energy music has been missing
is there no more room for humor or edginess in music?
How would an obscure 1970s horror film ruin women?
Matter of fact how did most of these ruin women?
Honestly there are some people who think of themselves as Tyler/Alex/Patrick but they are few and far.
it's not funny, it comes off as some guy sincerely whining more than any sort of satire.
it's not punk either, this guy is just advocating for regressive morality and going back to conservative values of the pre 20th century. unless it's punk to think like your 80 year old granddad, it's not punk.
Most people here are just Travis
>is there no more room for humor or edginess in music?
not when it's thinly veiled incel propaganda
also i guarantee i'm way more liberal than you
I mean you would have said the same thing about Tyler, The Creator being homophobic with his liberal use of "faggot" in the early 10's. It was just edginess
Punk means thinking for yourself
Honestly I thought the song was a joke at first because how could anyone in their right mind think that Scott Pilgrim had an actual profound impact on women and culture
this isn't comparable to tyler. tyler was being edgy for edginess sake and came across that way. the most homophobic thing about his music was just that he used faggot, even though we all knew he was friends with frank and syd, and now that we know he's gay it's okay that he used that word. with shooter over here, he's generalizing all "empowered" women as lying, cheating whores and uses Yea Forums and incel terms in the song. tyler never specifically said that he hates gay people, like shooter is.
Get used to it dude, people don't fucking like you.
the "scott pilgrim ruined an entire generation of women" song. the latest misogynistic meme.
>targets a small group of women
Way, way, way more people don't like incels. Say any of this stuff in public and see if you don't get told to fuck off.
source on this image please
i want this image but without the shitty text on it
>incels calling someone mentally ill
lmao that's rich
If the state decided they wanted to genocide incels, I would unironically have no complaints and would probably volunteer to join the firing squad.
Relax, the song isn't that good; It's fun, but not profound.
The point of the song is to push buttons and it worked substantially.
It's punk and is extremely satirical; the writer of the song is literally laughing at some of his own lyrics whilst singing the song. It's a post-ironic song, where it holds a lot of truth, but is still insanely absurd. SPVTW didn't actually ruin anyone, but it's funny to pinpoint the stock of women plummeting at an unprecedented rate on one thing. Women ruined themselves and they know it.
there's nothing wrong with women
"muh modern woman" is a cope by virgins to explain why girls don't like them rather than putting the blame on themselves
/pol/tards look up to Bateman
That gives me a good idea for a dead kennedys style song
>gets dumped by a 17 year old as a 22 yr old
only like 10 women at most are mad, the rest are just incels screaming roastie and betamales at the rest.
wahhhh at one point we were too conservative so you should be ok with and support women making horrible live choices that will have impacts on generations to come as the american family dies
Recommend me more music like Negative XP
there is a girl in the band too retard
his songs are the best shit I've heard in a long time
>implying capitalism isn't responsible for decline in birth rates
>blaming muh women instead
Japan and Korea have the lowest birth rates and large family declines, and these are not feminist societies at all.
>implying birth rates are the issue
i believe in freedom of choice in almost all aspects of life but look at the stats on outcomes of children raised by single mothers, look at stats on divorce rates based on number of previous partners. its undeniable that promiscuity among men and women is to an extent detrimental. being raised by a single mother is almost as bad as being retarded in terms of results
someone post the tolkien/jazz meme
he just needs to learn to sing and record a cunt hair better. His melodies are actually pretty solid
Seems pretty punk if its going against the grain and making so many orbiters seeth
Sauce I wanna see if she's cute
Seems pretty gay to post a tiktok thot
Meet kettle.
seems pretty gay to not
do you mean the one in the video? that's pre existing footage of another band I'm pretty sure
Laura Les is, she made a song about dysphoria on her Soundcloud. How to dress as human
how the fuck do this many people give a shit?
because this same thread keeps getting spammed
>he's generalizing all "empowered" women as lying, cheating whores
but they are, though
women hate being called out on the fact they're literally the niggers of gender
>A girl won't date me so I will make a shitty music video for a pre existing song and include her in it.
Let me play a sad song for you on the world's smallest violin
>there's nothing wrong with women
Both men and women have never been worse.
just because a woman isn't barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen doesn't mean she's a whore
if she's a woman she's a whore by default
out of the loop, which song?
Why is everybody posting the girl from that movie now? What's happened?
except most of this thread is a bunch of incel idiots saying how great it is
lighten up granny, that song is hilarious
what the fuck is the song
because it is great to see stupid vapid whores getting called out for being useless drags on society
Wait until you have a few more years under your belt and a few more notches in your bedpost.
i hope every incel gets rectal cancer
And that's because of American (mostly Jewish) capitalists who make damaging media
Damaging Scott Pilgrim vs the World?
No, that movie's harmless compared to shit like Kardashians, Instagram, Avengers and the NFL
look i'm sorry stacy rejected you because you wouldn't shut up about burzum but don't pin that on the rest of the female population
Incel and a /pol/tard. How fucking pathetic. This idiot got brainwashed by the only sense of community he has.
A Clockwork Orange
American Psycho
Falling Down
Fight Club
Kill Bill
Natural Born Killers
Sailor Moon
I Spit on Your Grave
Thriller: A Cruel Picture
/pol/ is capitalist and I hate men far more than women
Keep the anti semitic shit out of it then.
i'm so sick of the incel spam that's been popping up the last few months. at least with the /pol/ spam i had fun arguing against people who hate me. this is just depressing.
Like every Seth Rogen movie that has ever been made
If this song isn't the greatest bait of the decade why does every single thread either reach autosage or get deleted? If you make a thread about it, that thread will never fizzle. It's literally 100% effective bait.
>And that's because of American (mostly Jewish) capitalists who make damaging media
i have a hard time articulating how i feel about the kind of white girls who spent all day on tumblr 10 years ago because i know nothing about them and don't have the vocabulary or academic background to really criticize them effectively
i just call them becky and leave it at that
(frig off ricky)
Anything from Hollywood is pure cancer for all genders. Don't watch that trash.
Easy now. All I'm saying is, you know all those old blues songs about women being hurtful and unkind? They're not so far off from the truth.
but muh superhero and le dark brooding loner badass like le drive is so epic xd
yes a lot of people are shitty, including women. that doesn't mean that all women are evil sluts. men can be equally as shitty.
I don't know what the fuck is going on in this thread anymore
I've been trying to say this the whole time
Hell the point of this song applies more to men imo because they're the ones who got the manic pixie dream girl idea from these schlock films
it's not a fallacy when we do it
Yeah, but man, a bad woman can ruin a fella for a a long time. I had one that had me all screwed up for years. That was a long time ago though.
That type of lofi pop punk has been around for awhile, unless the only thing you like about it is that it’s kinda funny and pisses people off. In that case My President is Trump does both those things better
That's your own psychology, no reason to generalize genders.
Why did a tongue in cheek comment get you so riled up?
Normalfags OUT I’ve had enough we need a pipeline to reddit
You forgot Disney and Star Wars for both
goes without saying
if anything, this is more of a meme song, like a copypasta in musical format. I like it because of its meme status and it's obviously not taking itself seriously. It's like a parody of a punk song.
School Shooter is the same guy with earlier stuff thats close
jeez you're more right than the first poster
really Scott pilgrim vs the world ruined a whole generation of men as they try to find their ramona flowers but I get the point of the song
the song itself is ok really not worth having constant threads about it
How do we drive incels to suicide?
Considering Incels are rapidly turning into Inceljadis whenever they get suicidal, do you think that's a good idea? I can't imagine it'll be long before an Incel Truck of Peace at this rate.
uhh...good point fuck. I just want them off Yea Forums they've become the worst spammers lately
yeah Guide by Steve Lacy was THAT good
Hopefully incels get the death sentence, but I know fucking libtards will never let that pass because they're fucking pussies. Either give them death or put them in mental asylums where they'll get lobotomies for good.
why do altzoomers do this?
the left can't meme
why do you think I'm a libtard if I support genocide and the death sentence?
>muh superior meme culture
fuck off, you don't get to say that anymore after the amount of cringe inducing forced """memes"""" you've come up with these past 6 months. You retards only made good memes in 2016
cope more you dumb fucking roasties
>I defend women
Every meme since has been boomer doomer söy wojak variation bullshit, so much for the memeing ability of the right
I'll cope while you rope
lmao bitch mad because she felt personally attacked by that song
go back to spamming idles or something dude i don't give a fuck
do I sound like a tranny to you? christ no wonder Yea Forums is so dilated.
Art hoes are cute though. Why do you have a problem with them? I like their style, music taste, sense of humor, they're my favorite type of girl personally.
then you must be seriouslly mentally ill man, there is no wway a sane well adjusted man would like these hoes
>blue hair
Yeah they'd be making terrible punk songs whining about it instead I guess huh
tell me the easiest painless way to sudoku mysef to death right now im an incel i want to end it there is no hope
Oh God I share a board with these people? Fuck man, I gotta leave already.
did you listen to the criticism the songs gave or are you just talking outta your ass
t. BPB faggot
Virgin whining is all I heard. Sucks to suck bro
Would have been great, if they put out .flac of the song for download.
Nogged hard, man.
its virgin whining but it also points out the "toxic" behavior that plagues the "art hoe" type and you denying there hedonistic and degenerate behavior as flawed show how moral you are
Are you mad because you can't partake in this hedonist behavior?
Imagine what a sad life you must live to think that the failures of modern women can and should be ignored because pussy is easier to get. Look at every single person triggered by this track, they all assume he’s lost the game.
No, your game sucks, win lose or draw. Society is falling apart and you are a useful idiot. Burn it down and fix it.
they're white, they smell like sour milk, they're ugly, they make themselves ugly, they dress like clowns, they listen to curated image-adept garbage, they're not funny, they weren't funny when they hung out on you know where, and they're not funny now that they've clung to 35 year old goons with mortgages and podcasts or twitter accounts
they're like one step and some negative posturing removed from steampunk dnd anime club aspergers girls. you could not design a less appealing woman if i gave you three years and a budget. aim higher bud you don't have to settle to simp
they are all bianca devins's who have yet to be murdered
>they're white
so am i...
This. Fucking thots are first to go on day of the rope.
White is not the problem, don’t know what he is on about. Everything else is true.
stop being a fatalist faggot jesus christ
really not that big of a deal
Calm down Nazis or I'll tip off the feds
phoneposting thot can't go 5 seconds without her iphone
Oh yes it is, you’re just too pacified by thot pussy to think about it. Tough times are coming.
when all else fails pull the nazi card
commie scum
Day of the rope is a Nazi meme
Nazis don’t exist anymore sweetheart
>HAHAHHA you dont partake in meaningless sex HAHAHAHA, wait no stop judging the girl i obsess over online
class character moreso than ethnicity
"children of yuppies" is a mouthful
there are some very white black girls that'll turn you into anthony fantano
You seem very angry about sex for some reason. Wanna talk about it champ?
no i hold a standard and try to make a connection first because i dont like opening up to people and am very insecure about my self so i hold off until im really comfortable and trusting with someone
>wanting children who don’t look like you
Do you really hate your parents that much?
still a good one tho
why is it that when any one crticise women its instantly about sex, no dumb fuck i actually just think they act like children and have no self value but pretend to be some sort of obscure original interesting individual when they copied a collective
Not projecting, just observing your posts. You need to calm down.
Ok buddy I believe it isn't motivated by sexual insecurity, sure ok bud. I suppose men don't copy stereotypes, like "chad" football jock for instance, right? No it's exclusive to women.
No, no I don’t. Can’t buy our silence with thot pussy like they did to you.
i do though
fistfight your dad
make sure your mixed son turns out like delroy and not "logic" for my sake thank you dude
Nice whataboutism
>they act like children and have no self value but pretend to be some sort of obscure original interesting individual when they copied a collective
you just described the average Yea Forums/4channel user. Sounds like (You)'re projecting
Wait what new MGMT?
How would you feel if youre underage daughter was fucking a spic 5 years older than her while she was still in highschool then made a cringy music video for a song thats not even his when he eventually acts like a creep?
I can't help not being ugly, sorry it didn't work out for you
John Lennon was ahead of his time
Daddy issues transcends gender.
I’d be mad at my daughter for getting with a spic.
t. Cumbrain
You’re terrified of sex being more exclusive and committal. You NEED sex to be easy.
You need forced monogamy to get laid lmao
You need women to up their legs to multiple guys to have a chance haha
Yea Forums won’t get this meme because they are all reddit tourists
and, i said i hate art hoes for doing that , i also hate overly neanderthalic jocks to. Also your basing this all on the idea that the sole purpose of existence is sex and that makes me feel like your severely fixated on it because you cant get any yourself
I'm basing it off your ideology and the shit song you posted. I hope you get the help you need for your mental illness soon.
wow,truly shocking observation friend, its almost like this isn't said here daily by self deprecating losers who are some what self aware enough to recognize this in themselves. also,whataboutism of a group i never claimed to defend and dont give a fuck about
You need to calm down.
it's cool to hear another elitist garage rock band complaining about people they don't like, which is exactly what I would've enjoyed in like sixth grade before these girls were around. v nostalgic. song kinda catchy too.
This is not an argument. You’ve been pacified by the scraps of pussy you get. Absolutely pathetic my man.
>anybody who disagrees with mes a shill
no, i said i prefer not to stew in the behavior art hoes do and that i find there personalities unbearable and you correlated this all with the assumptions that i dont have sex. as if its impossible to have values and beliefs that dont solely revolve around appeasing some thot for pitty pussy
>caught in a loop
Concession accepted, beta slave.
Yep, textbook schizophrenia
can you actually make an interesting point or are you just gonna keep dodging the points i make. are you incapable of justifying your hedonistic pursuit and cower at the realization of your meek will
This is not an argument or a position.
I hope you get the help you need before you kill someone.
whats the point of defending art whores on Yea Forums when all the good ones cant see it? are you sending them screenshots in hopes they message back?
This is not an argument or a position.
>im gonna say this person doenst have sex, that'll show them not to hold a differing view
>oh wait this person doesn't care about sex
>i know ill just say they dont have sex and are scizo
I don't want any more mass shootings from Gamer Isis, get help and stop this divisive targeting women shit.
This is not an argument or a position.
i hope you see the light and find some meaning other than fucking left over white trash scraps as a cope for your pitiful life
It's ok to seek help and admit you have a problem instead of blaming others
You're not really a man if you behavior is determined by the women that can see you. That's really pathetic, user.
>doesn't care about sex
You've got bigger problems on your plate than being a schizo, friend. You are clearly not ace, so apathy toward sex is pretty much either a feigned cover for your insecurity over your appearance/personality, or a sign of some severe disorder for which you should seek therapy.
you guys kind of just sound like faggots that really dont belong. almost like you only come here to defend shit you believe in
i dont think iceldom is the main reason these young men do this i think its vary much more complicated but thats used to just dismiss them as losers who are mad there loser rather than there actual quarrels with modern society that they often express that arent there virginity issues
but what's wrong with conservatism
This is not an argument or a position
Your replying to a comment that refutes your reply. Sex isn’t everything, and it’s easy enough to get right now. People who want to change the tides of this clown world want to actually make sex more challenging to get. You want sex to be as easy as pie because you are afraid of giving up your low effort hedonistic lifestyle and don’t care about anyone else or concepts like society, family and culture.
I come here for music threads not to /pol/ and /r9k/. Go there for your mentally ill conspiracies and rants. I've been on Yea Forums since 2012 and it's my main board, and you people are the ones who stick out. Almost as if you're just here to spam this crap song.
You might wanna delete that, a cute girl just entered the thread, it would be terrible if she saw you.
yet you still can't get it and you get angry enough to complain about women and post incel music
oh shit new friend alert
just fuck keesha down the street
smoke something
stop bitching about nose ring girls with the grease face makeup and microblading
i admit that i have severe problems with opening up and my own personality as does the rest of the population, but i dont base my sole self worth on the pussy thats been passed around,ive had sex and relationships but i have a hard time with expression and trust. i want more out of life then a few minutes of pleasure and a few hours of pain i experience after. im sick of relationships falling apart over dumb shit and thinking that this next thot might actually have value and substance. i want meaning and to feel content,joy when im with the person i feel close to because its a rare and satisfying feeling to have something like that. once you know that and have lost it its hard to have this other bullshit and just accept that you come a dime a dozen as a toy and are replaceable if you express discontent
Why would you fuck a whore when internet porn and sex toys exist? Women are objectively less valuable than they used to be, yet their attitudes remain the same.
Jesus man get help and stop watching porn
conservatism is not punk but this songs stray from the status quo and its actual message of abandoning this senseless drone mentality is punk as fuck
Help with what specifically? Overvaluing whores? How will that help me?
if you actually had sex you'd know it's not the same as jacking off
>you will never be a woman
>you will always be a genetically superior male
your getting mad that incels made music calling out this behavior and posting about it. does that mean all you care about is fighting incels and getting hand me down meat curtains from chad
Of course not, with sex you're stuck with the reality of the unfortunate girl that's fucking you.
I don't see a problem with this behavior and don't see why any sane person would.
ive done both and id much rather jerk off than to fuck an art cunt who cheats and plays victim card at the same time
its narcissistic,egotistic,hedonistic,sadistic,self degrading,and a tendency to use emotional manipulative tactics to get what they want from insecure,unattractive,mentally ill losers. There free to do it but its cunty,immoral and overall perfectly deserving of criticism
I think you are projecting hardcore here bud
Are you calling him an art hoe?
i think he is. bold move but its still not an argument cunt
It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual instinct that could give that stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race the name of the fair sex; for the entire beauty of the sex is based on this instinct. One would be more justified in calling them the unaesthetic sex than the beautiful. Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art have they any real or true sense and susceptibility, and it is mere mockery on their part, in their desire to please, if they affect any such thing.
This makes them incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything, and the reason for it is, I fancy, as follows. A man strives to get direct mastery over things either by understanding them or by compulsion. But a woman is always and everywhere driven to indirect mastery, namely through a man; all her direct mastery being limited to him alone. Therefore it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for winning man, and her interest in anything else is always a simulated one, a mere roundabout way to gain her ends, consisting of coquetry and pretence. Hence Rousseau said, Les femmes, en général, n’aiment aucun art, ne se connoissent à aucun et n’ont aucun génie (Lettre à d’Alembert, note xx.). Every one who can see through a sham must have found this to be the case. One need only watch the way they behave at a concert, the opera, or the play; the childish simplicity, for instance, with which they keep on chattering during the finest passages in the greatest masterpieces. If it is true that the Greeks forbade women to go to the play, they acted in a right way; for they would at any rate be able to hear something. In our day it would be more appropriate to substitute taceat mulier in theatro for taceat mulier in ecclesia; and this might perhaps be put up in big letters on the curtain.
i think your projecting you inceldom because you cant grow up and understand that mature adults actually care about more than sex
is Ramona posting making a comeback? Or is it just this one fag
Nothing different can be expected of women if it is borne in mind that the most eminent of the whole sex have never accomplished anything in the fine arts that is really great, genuine, and original, or given to the world any kind of work of permanent value. This is most striking in regard to painting, the technique of which is as much within their reach as within ours; this is why they pursue it so industriously. Still, they have not a single great painting to show, for the simple reason that they lack that objectivity of mind which is precisely what is so directly necessary in painting. They always stick to what is subjective. For this reason, ordinary women have no susceptibility for painting at all: for natura non facet saltum. And Huarte, in his book which has been famous for three hundred years, Examen de ingenios para las scienzias, contends that women do not possess the higher capacities. Individual and partial exceptions do not alter the matter; women are and remain, taken altogether, the most thorough and incurable philistines; and because of the extremely absurd arrangement which allows them to share the position and title of their husbands they are a constant stimulus to his ignoble ambitions. And further, it is because they are philistines that modern society, to which they give the tone and where they have sway, has become corrupted. As regards their position, one should be guided by Napoleon’s maxim, Les femmes n’ont pas de rang; and regarding them in other things, Chamfort says very truly: Elles sont faites pour commercer avec nos faiblesses avec notre folie, mais non avec notre raison. Il existe entre elles et les hommes des sympathies d’épiderme et très-peu de sympathies d’esprit d’âme et de caractère. They are the sexus sequior, the second sex in every respect, therefore their weaknesses should be spared, but to treat women with extreme reverence is ridiculous, and lowers us in their own eyes.
When nature divided the human race into two parts, she did not cut it exactly through the middle! The difference between the positive and negative poles, according to polarity, is not merely qualitative but also quantitative. And it was in this light that the ancients and people of the East regarded woman; they recognised her true position better than we, with our old French ideas of gallantry and absurd veneration, that highest product of Christian–Teutonic stupidity. These ideas have only served to make them arrogant and imperious, to such an extent as to remind one at times of the holy apes in Benares, who, in the consciousness of their holiness and inviolability, think they can do anything and everything they please.
please stop coming to Yea Forums just to defend art whores
>mature adults
Yeah that's you bud with a pop punk song about girls that don't like you. That just screams adult and not 13 year old .
im not defending art hoes,im telling a defender of art hoes that when he uses incel and claims im projecting my hatred for them because i cant sleep with them that he is actually projecting that same self conscious feeling he claims i have because he cant fuck his local art hoe who he defends in hopes of pitty pussy
i didnt say it was a good song,i just said the message behind its valid and you dodged every point because you know a much
this board is fucking dead
>Yea Forums won’t get this meme because they are all reddit tourists
That concerns all the other boards as well, not Yea Forums specifically.
...she is a DJ Pon3 cosplayer, r-right?
incels are sickening
they need to be monitored by the fbi
Nice b8, this may get replies
Incels are incels because they are awful grotesque people and it is rightfully so that, even in a "hedonist clown world" where sex is free and easy to get, they don't get sex.
Nice b8, this may get replies
They don't want it, most of them are some of the last people whk adhere to moral values, such as abstinince and not wanting inappropriate topics brought up in our society including HIV and AIDS.
lose weight roastie
Whats the matter your bitchbox bleeding bahahahahaha
Oh yeah and also they don't do drugs, drugs are for the weak and foolish. Are you one of those user?
>they don't want it
>all these butthurt bugmen angry their waifus are being dragged through the mud
Truly Yea Forums is the gateway from reddit
No it's voluntary. You just want to think they want it because it's the only power you have over men so you can't stand to see that taken away, bahahahaha
Have šex
There are no "moral values" regarding consensual sex between two adults. It's none of your business. But the fact that they make it their business just suggests that they have a severe social disorder and they fantasize about every single couple they see holding hands in public having sex.
>involuntary celibate
That's just what I'd expect an atheist to say.
Incel literally means involuntary celibate, that’s how it started. There are some on here who are voluntary and others who just don’t overall care but they aren’t exactly incels, just virgins
And furthermore, there are no moral values regarding three, four, five, six, or any other number of adults having consensual sex with one another.
It’s just like pedophilia huh, none of our buisness. God I love livin in the free world
Actually, if you read Kant, then you realise that morality, based on reason, needs more than consent for it to be moral. For example, you need to not use the other as a means towards an end, objectification, and instead respect the other as a subject, subjectifying them. This liberal idea that as long as you consent to any action, then it's moral, is both incorrect and a detriment to society.
Just calling someone an incel doesn't make them one, but once again, you just want to make believe they are because it's the only way you can retain the illusion of power over men.
They can do it, doesn’t mean I can’t criticize there lifestyle. Just like when they call incels losers
Have sex
Being an incels doesn’t make your point any worse i was just saying that your wrong about incels being voluntary, it really shouldn’t matter
Why would he?
Yeah I guess it shouldn't
I think the liberal idea is that who are we to judge morality and impose these ideas on others because there opinion is just as important as ours. I don’t agree with it 100% but there is a point that as long as you are not imposing on others I should not impose my perception of morality on you
Pseud alert, using a theologian philosopher to justify his salacious desire to intrude upon the private lives of consenting adults who have sex with each other.
Rather I should voice my opinion on it and try to prove why yours is either wrong or right. In a just world the right way should be easily probable with little rhetoric but that’s not exactly always the case, the truth is easy to hide when fighting a fool and anybody who’s debated any one can tell you this
U mad?
1: When it comes to morality, everyones opinion is equally valid and important.
2: I can respect someones morality as long as they aren't imposing it on someone else.
Both of these are wrong, but let's go with number one. Don't you think that some moral reasons are better motivated and resoned than others?
More bemused than mad, seeing as how your philosophy talk is gibberish.
Who decides when your an adult? Who decides when you can consent? Who decides the exact morality of it all? What is right and what makes any of it wrong fuckhead
Kant was primarily a philosopher, not a theologian. God forgive me for bringing up a well respected philosopher that provides the foundation for western thought in an argument about morality.
Sounds like you just can't comprehend it, bahahahaha
no no no no no how dare you not use a harry potter metaphor you fucking incel!?!?
Omg ikr leik how is he not talking about harry potter and gender fluid hermione i mean like wtf
The basis of morality is purely subjective and there are plenty examples of cultures with differing moral systems that to them seem correct. What way of measuring the success of a specific moral being is there to tell what moral system is better than the other ? Also I didn’t say I respected every body’s moral system, I just said that as long as They don’t impose it on others then I shouldn’t impose on them rather just criticize it. Final point, I don’t agree with liberals
At the end of it all he defaulted to religion to finalize his philosophy cause he feared the lack of an existence of a god
>ITT: Degenerates defending other degenerates
Those fucking roasties, man.
>based on reason
philosophy major here, you'd be openly laughed at in a freshman class if you said that out loud
>going to college
>thinking it makes you "smart"
He’s absolutely right tho, what ducking reason do you base morality on? What the goal of morality exactly? What makes one set of “moral codes” right and wrong
The standard of God. I know not everyone believes it, but those who do are obligated to follow it and not support things that go against it.
That question is a waste of time. All we need to consider is that incels are right-wing extremists who shoot up public places, their "moral reason" for which is that they want to cleanse the world. I don't think you could justify that to any large number of people in 2019, except maybe an Islamic extremist group in some middle eastern hell hole.
The state decides when you are an adult. The morality is determined by the people involved with one another, and is founded in consent.
There has been a good 250+ years between Kant and us. People back then believed in magic. They believed that Jesus really walked on water and turned water to wine, and that Moses and Abraham and all the other Old Testament characters were all real people, when today we know they weren't.
Your babbling about subjectification is nonsense. Two people involved with one another, both consenting to one another to give one's body to the other to please one another, for the moral purpose of making one's partner feel good. Idealization, subjectification and objectification are all integral parts of a sexual relationship. This is not complicated, but you make it seem complicated for no reason.
This is why the world is falling around your ears.
When you let relativism guide you all mores become defunct and laws are undermined.
>Also I didn’t say I respected every body’s moral system
>eas on others because there opinion is just as important as ours.
Important implies respect.
So you're reasoning for premise 1 is:
1: The basis of morality is purely subjective
2: There exist different cultures with different moral systems that seems correct.
3: It's impossible to measure wether a moral system is better than another.
C: When it comes to morality, everyones opinion is important as long as they doesn't impose their morality on others.
The conclusion doesn't logicaly follow. Do you want to try again?
>makes more baseless generalizations
And you even took the time to write an essay, lol how embarrassing
>Hasn't read critque of practical reason
Really makes you think.
based and nazbolpilled
The state tells you what to believe and how to feel about a certain thing this putting the state above you making you a slave to what they decided. And don’t even start with that democratic bullshit because we all know that it’s really easy to manipulate the populace and in a true democracy it’s mob rule
So you base the effectivness of a moral justification on how well it appeals to the general public?
Also it doesn't follow that someone is incorrect becuase they lived a long time ago.
Sexual attraction necessitates objectification, which is immoral my dude.
How do you judge what makes one moral system correct and the not ?
No distractions. We aren't talking about my moral opinion, but about yours.
So do you agree that premise one is baseless?
Moral relativism is essentially a myth dreamed up by ideological extremists who believe there is some force trying to corrupt the world. That is the source of conflict, not the people who want to give poor people healthcare and houses and end war and save the environment because it's morally right to do so. Those things are essentially universal among people who have not been terrorized into believing the ideologues and their wild theories about social corruption.
So you're just opposed to all sex and sexual attraction? That just means you're batshit insane, like Hitler/Stalin levels of crazy, because there is no way you are ever going to get anyone in the world to fall for that shit.
No, sexual intercourse can be ethical in certin situations.
u creepy dawg
God i see this posted so much here, what song are you talking about?
i want you to reread this whole convo carefully and take emphasis where i said that imposing part was what i characterized liberal beliefs as, and then follow it up with the part where i said i wasn't a liberals. i also dont belief in moral relativism but its important to point out how morality isnt totally objective
No, really, there is no reason why anyone would ever need to justify their sexual activities with another consenting adult to anyone else. I guess you just have to let god take the wheel and seethe over people fucking until you die, eh?
you really dont understand anything about morality except what JPB told you huh
>who decides what an adult is and what justifies consent
>claims god
>allow promiscuous sex
I plan on you dying in front of me actually
You sure you're talking to the right person? JBP's a cryptofascist. One of the ideological extremists I mentioned.
just kidding haha!!! I hope you have a nice day user!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nvm found it
i did miss understand you at first,but t was an is a real movement and not some conspiracy theory. hell some of the most well known philosophical debates have been on moral relativism , it is flawed if you view living a long,'satisfied','meaningful' life in the way most humans find those things but its not like any ones tying moral relativism to free healthcare not even jpb. fucking commie
moral relativism was and is*
Honestly that is pretty much irrelevant. We literally all know what an adult is. Consent is self-evident and justified in the pure reason of two or more people who are having sex with one another. As for god, he can gargle my balls. he's never done anything good for me before.
Lol nah it's a conspiracy theory. If moral relativism is a serious movement, where are all of them? It's like JBP's postmodern neo-Marxists. Where are they? The closest things I can think of right now are the extreme incels who want to force their social purity on everyone, because their morality is specifically theirs, they are obsessed with it, and they ask everyone else "who are you to impose your decadent clown world on me?" That is moral relativism to a T. And it is similar to Islamism and Christian fundamentalism too. Where humanism is the absolute universal morality of helping the poor and sick and so on, fundamentalism is totally relativist. They also don't value protecting the environment, and if you tell them they have to, they claim you are forcing your views on them. Imagine that. The fundamentalists are the real relativists.
what song is this thread talking about?
s f
s l
s e
Says the poster that claims the state establishes the moral code? Oh self-evident you say? Oh it's so self-evident. Ew you gross incel isn't it all so self-evident. Quit quoting your old white RELIGIOUS men you gross incel.
Tell me, DARLING, do you enjoy being a parody? Like do you wake up knowing what you are? That you are literally the conception people stereo-typically have of a braindead moral-relativist atheist "humanitarian". You should no that people don't do what is good with them, you're making an assumption this whole time that the whims of the masses, or rather, the instilled whims of the masses, by media you adore as a drone, are always aligned with morality? Can you think? I am asking you, CAN YOU THINK? Are your responses pre-written?
you look at all of this in a very modern western 'privileged' associate all you beliefs with good and all opposing with bad and dont have a basis. even in western countries consent varies widely form 14-18 and to Americans thats insane. moral relativist certainly arent plotting the down fall of the west but when people like jpb say that they're just pointing out the bias in academia for left wing 'postmodern' 'moral 'relativists' ideas that they claim justify a decent into regeneracy. to claim they think there some secret society behind it all is just playing the 'conspiracy theory' card people in power use to dismiss ideas. Also a moral relativist would say what exactly about helping the poor makes it you morally good when you could easily say the poor are just leeches who dont deserve to be burdening the wealthy to survive ?
>my opinions are good
> any body who doesn't think the government should be able to take there things and give it to other less productive members of society are morally bad
> i have no basis for these claims its just common sense to me( a modern, first world, western person)
>but those factors dont matter
Your posts are troubling, friend. I don't believe that my life in a modern society changes the human sense of decency, which appears to transcend culture and language, and only abberations lack it, not entire cultures. Of course the abberations can and may organize themselves, probably in an effective way too, since they lack emotional baggage entirely.
>the replies to this
so back in the day when it was considered common sense that stoning fags and lynching niggers was morally the right thing for white men to do were they good? or now in third world countries were they drink albino blood and fuck 9 year olds? to them its pretty morally obvious behavior. I sympathize with you but human moral and cultural customs evolve rapidly over time to the point where things that were once common place are now asinine, you could try judge the quality of morality by its advancements, but what do we strive for and is there not a better way we have yet to find?
deserving of thee rope
Pure lack of material wealth, social organization and infrastructure. Lack and need (low supply and high demand) makes for a violent society. People are more willing to open their mind to new ideas when things are going well. Things really weren't going well for a lot of people, pretty much until the 20th century when electricity became widespread and accessible by many people and antibiotics were discovered. Technology still moves ahead as time goes on, but our organization is still hierarchical. We have evolved beyond the need for hierarchical social organization though, and the reasons why we cling to it are as of yet a mystery. Maybe an evolved behavior that is working overwhelmingly against us due to our technological advancement.
holy shit I can see why they're seething, they feel personally attacked because it's all true
Or because no one should need to put up with harassment and the people who do it are psychopaths.
da fuck neegeh?
yes, thats morals relative to environment, but you also cant just explain it away as progression of technology unless you recognize some cultures are better then other and by doing that you'd have to have a basis to what makes a culture better than another. also (technological progression,family values,sustainability) and that in itself is subjective. we are hierarchically but with the exponential progression of technology we cant keep up and will son be out competed and self destroyed if not rectifying this and taming the mechanic beast
making satirical art about a stereotype of certain girls is not harassment. getting your orbiters to attack some one for doing so because they hit the nail on the head however is
It is your shitty wrong opinion that they "hit the nail on the head". And yes, it is harassment. In fact, I'm going to flag that video for targeted harassment.
Jesus fucking Christ since when has mockery been harassment,why do you cucks not understand that people like to have fun and making jokes about others is entertaining. Maybe its your,shitty,wrong opinion you adopted to virtue signal and get laid thats completely wrong here and has no basis in reality. for fucks sake i know im not gonna change your mind but crying to big daddy corporation that you simultaneously claim to hate to censor others for having a laugh is purely pathetic
who are they harassing in specificity?
women are so corny, I always had a thought maybe the reason this site got so pozzed with literal tumblr/reddit/twitter garbage was just more women
It's only okay and not harassment to make fun of rich people and their behaviors, since they aren't normal people like you and me. If you want to harass poor people, go for it, but don't be offended when they don't suck your dick for making such a provocative work of art.
your a very weak person
Stay mad, retard
>women = poor people
no one ever tries to say that the points raised in the music video are wrong, they just say that pointing it out or attacking those points is somehow incel or women hating. its funny, its not that deep. Anyone thats gone to a college in a western country knows exactly what this song is speaking too and its funny because of that.