What's a "might seduce your dad type"?

What's a "might seduce your dad type"?

Attached: billie.png (640x1136, 1.55M)

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my dad is younger than me

I don't want dad going to jail please stay away from him Ms. Eyelash

I knew that fucker never left to go buy milk.

He'll probably 3 inches deep in the Frida Kahlo looking bitch right now.

A false rape accuser.

A whore, user
Just a whore

have sex.

t. a might seduce your dad type


Troll harder

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no just literally have sex. please.

stop being an incel.

this is what little girls are being taught right now

what did Raimi mean by this?

Yep. Underage girls talking about seducing 50 year old men is promoting empowerment! Welcome to clown world.

>I only know one phrase and I use it everywhere
Grow the fuck up

how does it feel to have the same opinion 60 year old men have had for millennia

t. boomer incel

probably something too zoomer for me too understand

Jew loving zoomer scum

not an argument


spaceghost is right, it's all about the age of consent why so surprised lol? a lot of girls fuck at early age. btw spaceghost have made one of the best records of the decade with god of black and mysterious phonk but is very underrated

He had a livestream about a month ago which got deleted where he ranted against Billie for being a racist culture vulture.

He's on to hr.

>he ranted against Billie for being a racist culture vulture
he's right. billie eilish adopt black culture. he and kamye have the best rap records of the decade btw

It's not just Billie copying hip hop fashion, but her entire sound is a blatant rip-off of Purrp's.

Just listen to how songs like Xanny and Listen Before I Go utilize the distorted bass which Purrp pretty much innovated.

Stop with this shit. all these black rap dudes are running around with ripped jeans, long hair, and leather jackets on in 2019 and no one calls it "stealing white culture" even that's where their getting it from. but if a white girl wears baggy clothes she's stroking black culture? grow a fucking brain you morons. no one is "stealing" anything. people can wear, or do, whatever the fuck they want, we're humans.

black dudes aren't doing that widespread, and you don't understand the context of racial dynamics in the US with this statement. a rich privileged white woman dressing/acting like a stereotypical "hood" black ?come the fuck on, this is almost minstrel show shit

See, that's the problem with you stupid fucks. You don't want equality. You want equality? Then no one is "stealing" anything by wearing some fucking clothes. And yeah, they are doing it widespread, it's almost every rapper in 2019. No one is saying their stealing shit from WHITE invented images like goth, emo, and punk, even though that's where their getting it from. You know why no ones saying that? Because their not fucking dumb. What do you want? Equality? Some fucking peace? Or do you want constant division, special treatment, and nonstop fucking arguments like this? Your choice. You're the brainless cockroach.

Yeah man I mean who cares if Israel calls traditional Levantine Arab cuisine its "national foods"? I guess colonialism and power relations don't exist.

>literally sings about seducing Dad's as an underage girl
>her fans get upset when people notice that she has tits and ass

Found the white boy.

I want to fuck her so badly, i bet shes a virgin too

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nice argument.

How hard is it not to act like a mocking caricature of another race that your people historically oppressed and, in her specific case, continue to oppress through gentrification of black neighborhoods (her parents were house flippers)?

Kill all Jew worshippers and Jew worshipper larpers

She's not just stealing the clothes but puts on a fake blaccent (identical to Iggy Azalea, although Iggy only does it on the track, Billie does it 24/7), creates a fake backstory for herself littered with tropes common among black artists, and steals the sound of Miami hip hop. She's a textbook culture vulture who deserves to be tarred and feathered by black activists.

You're white. Come to terms with your entitlement.

>I bet she’s a virgin too

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It's simply a thing of respect. Social class component as well, as Billie Eilish is an upper class privileged white girl who is the daughter of actors who flipped houses for extra profit, who is emulating lower class mannerisms and pretending to be a part of that class.

Gentrification? Haha. So you're in favor of Jim Crow then? You'd rather keep blacks isolated with themselves? Guess what? In the real world, different races interact with each other. You see asians complaining about a fucking white person moving into town? Being a house flipper is racist? Would you rather they leave the houses run down? Are you saying all shitty housing is in black neighbourhoods? I have to stop debating you because this is turning into a /pol/ thread and plus you're just too lost. You're too far gone to learn anything. Just keep whining alright? Whine and unknowingly be counterproductive until the day you die.

Isn't it ironic that the only race you can openly ridicule and talk shit about without repercussion is the "entitled" race, meanwhile the race you have to treat like a down syndrome student prone to violent outbursts if you wear the wrong clothes is not?

Out of touch white boomer detected, not replying seriously to this dreck. Go back to Shapiro.


Its an edgy line about how she is gonna make your dad have sex with you. Kind of like how eminem says he is gonna rape sluts and fuck bitches. But since a women is saying it we have to act like its some sort of taboo thing.

just say you hate black people and go, old timer

def not a virgin

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i'm 23, and i'd rather be out of touch than in tune with your bullshit. nice argument by the way. now go fuck yourself.

Ah, so this is why she steals so hard from black culture. Snowbunny thot. Lol that's how she gets away with it, sucking dick for clout.


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no, it's because she was 15. are you honestly this stupid?

bro what the fuck is up with the fingers of that guy in the top left

So? Pretty sure eminem wasn't that old when he released his first few albums? Pretty sure she isn't 15......

he was 28. and yes she is. stop talking out of your ass if you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.

have sex

its time to have sex, incel

Your sister.

I will but not with a 17 year old you pedo scum

Bro I'm 35 and totally fine with this.

>have sex
>wont have sex with me

what did retards mean by this?

unfortunately at this point they don't want equality, they basically want Segregation Plus™ where everyone has their own space, not only physically but culturally, and no one puts anyone else down, unless they're having a bad day and the person being put down is higher on the social totem pole
that goes for black vs. white, male vs. female, trans vs. cis, they're openly saying it in think-piece articles and somehow missing the irony
cf you can put people into separate little bubbles but not a hundred of them across a large country, and when you do bubble them off it tends to go to shit
it's not even black vs. white, you look at Liberia or Ethiopia and the same kind of shit happened with different sets of races and cultures, that's not even getting into the Balkans

a bad guy