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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1563735546709.jpg (1280x960, 1.07M)

we wanted a yeji thread

Attached: EB8jJPMUwAEmuVD.jpg (1971x2638, 618K)

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Love her so much bros...

Attached: 1559486326173.jpg (1216x1520, 224K)

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Where does Wonyoung stand on HK or Taiwan vs Mainland?

Attached: 8599195650.webm (1280x720, 824K)

fat roastie in a weelchair?

Attached: EB6FFEuWsAAQF0c[1].jpg (1366x2048, 537K)

we wanted gowon

too busy being a super star to deal with mundane shit like that

Attached: EBYKQycWkAA7Qcr.jpg (1125x2000, 296K)

nayeon mentioned

Attached: 3750.jpg (1608x2048, 503K)

What is about Yena statement?

we wanted a seulgi thread

Attached: lmao.jpg (2508x1672, 519K)

Yena's not ethnic Chinese though

it's twice's fault that our loona flopped

Freakin CUTE!!!

Attached: 1549695810884.jpg (2457x3072, 830K)

Attached: D-byy6OUEAEAu0P.jpg (2457x4096, 849K)

Attached: BpifrvbCUAAb9XG.jpg (889x1280, 124K)

she is

nayeon mentioned

Attached: 1553946750325.jpg (575x1024, 116K)

slugfuggo brutally mogged

my wife on the right

poor wonyoung had to sit next to that fugly busted mongoloid sluguggo

Attached: EByIbD3UIBEI3WA.jpg (1365x2048, 479K)

you know thats slug right... aka the ugliest idol to EVER exist?

Already mentioned it

Attached: 92625.jpg (1200x1800, 334K)

You people talk as if Tzuyu didnt believe in one China.
You know her family is all kuomintang right? They're all anti-taiwanese nationalism and chinese supremacists, they just want the island chinks to lord over the commie chinks

i hope wonyoung’s eyes are okay after looking at that ugly creature

Attached: 1554253516902.jpg (800x1200, 172K)

poor wony indeed

so, spreadsheet pedo = sluganti?

sir, your wife is incredibly beautiful

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Attached: EB8JfHmU8AEumZu.jpg (1335x2000, 525K)


Attached: 1565655326203.webm (900x720, 1.62M)

ugly shit
everyone is a sluggo anti, fuck off with your boogeymen

loonachads save us

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dubu dubu

Attached: EB7JRrzUEAA9kGo.jpg (1538x2048, 443K)

That's impossible she is my girlfriend she can't possibly be married!!!

Attached: 1547007811544.jpg (800x1200, 166K)

poor man's tzuyu


Attached: 2d11e9d.jpg (1268x1900, 294K)

this meme is bad, you should feel bad

Attached: 07e7961e50912f5386c2a9e118ccdc28.jpg (235x236, 11K)

stop shitposting

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stop masturbating to children sicko

you cast us aside to the darkest depths of trash
and now keklo and twiceshitters are here you dare seek our help?

Attached: 1538444236059.png (736x919, 1.03M)

hideous tranny

Attached: 1510.jpg (705x547, 34K)


What a woman

@ me your fav and best fancam for research purposes

i-im sorry please come back

Attached: cDpoe2fdfbda.jpg (718x718, 50K)

>train to Busan
what did they mean by this?

revelshit never recovered from this

Attached: hhmmm.jpg (1920x1080, 504K)

thats not dubu

Attached: EBVlGGOU4AApH3f.jpg (576x1024, 58K)

watch your tongue doobs! dont forget who your fine ass belongs to

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seulgi's feet


Attached: 42909.png (305x384, 163K)

my queens

not bad for a granny

Attached: EB6czbKW4AAmliv.jpg (682x1024, 105K)

i hate you dubu

Attached: 1563835310853.jpg (1667x2500, 731K)

Izone is upping their gaybaiting game

chuu is cold

don't be mean to them

don't hate each other please be positive

check this pd48 beauty
shame about the rigging tho'

Attached: 7694720.webm (720x1280, 1.24M)

this reminds me
i miss chuuck

Is that Chuu?

Attached: 1560111509135.jpg (600x400, 218K)

sexually frustrated cub

Attached: DDF09DEBECDC4285A874F1CB93FCE055.jpg (1535x2048, 478K)

My elegant vampire wives


Attached: EBipERkUcAAQXfA.jpg (1468x2048, 384K)

Why isn't Fantagio buying Weki Meki artificial views? All the cool kids are doing it.

better than half of the members/10

i want twice to break into 2 groups
the whore group: mina, jihyo, sana, dubu, momo
the pure group: bunny, cub, jeongyeon, chewy

Attached: 1533888252372.jpg (1200x900, 164K)

lovelyz doesnt do it

whats the best twice song?

When did all the cosmics turn into semen demons?

When did all the cosmics turn into semen demons?


This movie really is a /kpg/ simulator

Attached: ss+(2019-08-14+at+09.23.46).jpg (1278x683, 191K)

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worst choices ever

nobody is pure in twice

Bad Boy era was when kpg was comfiest

Attached: Seulgi-and-Irene-for-High-Cut-Magazine-June-2017-Issue-seulgi-40462701-800-1122.jpg (800x1122, 312K)

because they can't afford it lmao

comfy is just a code word for boring dbh


Attached: b_ge3Ud018svc1ji4opyhahx4f_epbcvx.jpg (999x999, 121K)

what was this again

Yea Forums here this is the prettiest girl I've ever seen

sluggo is the ugliest and most hated tranny on earth and everyone agrees

nah, you are

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Like shortly after debut if we are talking about most of them, last couple of comebacks if we are talking about Yeoreum, Yeonjung, Dayoung, Soobin and Dawon. Honestly it seems like the only one moving in the wrong direction is EXY.

very true

perfect blue

Attached: 1546180376035.png (387x132, 94K)

chaewon is so hot now

Attached: 1551829812976.webm (1920x1080, 664K)


since day one

we love gugudan here

Attached: pretty cute 7.webm (1000x900, 2.9M)

korea traditional dress look better than kimono

Are they running out of Infinite money or something?

very true

very true. good song as well. guguchads are so based

High iq idol

Attached: b_fe3Ud018svc169simw87blp9_yrno3.jpg (1344x1920, 674K)

very strong

Not always

Attached: PTunqGjH39Ob0ViSRo8S_fVVw46h_6Xiddl37Nrq4xU.jpg (1365x2048, 424K)

we love hana's ...

Attached: 1550502081371.jpg (1478x2048, 389K)

Agree, how come exy has some good qualities but doesn't manage to be actually attractive, even soobin is kinda hot lately. Is it the ugly hair?

Attached: 1551826802907.jpg (769x1200, 178K)

Stop being so transparent. Now that Hyeyeon is gone we only like the SeMiNa line.

why is she using the lewd kind of kimono?

yeji is surprisingly stumpy

we love all gugus

______ing seulgi's ____

i like basedee here


Attached: Dv6hk71WsAAee4Z.jpg (721x960, 148K)

Do we like Lovelyz here and what is their best song?

sally is our girl here

Attached: sally2.webm (1580x720, 1.12M)

I like hyebin because she sang that 'cum inside me' song

Her hair style is killing her, it accentuates all the wrong angles on her face. She also lost some thicc which seems to be making he seem less sexy.


we don't and they never had a good song lol

dang, she looks smart af

Attached: 102753-583522.jpg (1344x2016, 878K)



Attached: 1565334032213.webm (620x664, 544K)

Hanbok get boring really quick. Kimonos are superior.

Massag, butt.

Post that fucken tall ass bitch

cringe roastie


You mean Ao Dai

I hope you rot in jail

You mean Haebin not Hyebin right? I actually don't mind her even though she's pretty redundant since Sejeong will get like 50% of the lines.

Attached: DwSUWOeX0AAa9DC-orig.jpg (1365x2048, 608K)

Grief_ _Minecraft server.

ahh yes of course the periodic table

Attached: 1564251761123.jpg (1920x1280, 247K)

where's the airport user

yes, the most patrician of us do
lovelyz has many exceptional songs but the one that comes to mind is just


we like kei and her little backpack here

yeah same thing

Attached: Sallywave.webm (656x900, 1.21M)

Attached: 14706046659280.webm (540x960, 1.92M)

traitorous bitch

Attached: DChFP56VYAAOzVk.jpg (482x481, 121K)


who this?

you can stop samefagging now

Dindu nuffin I love her in a platonic and completely non creepy way

Attached: 1558583239609.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Im not gay, but I want a girl to peg me.
Kpop for this feel?


Attached: 15082638042970.webm (338x602, 1.95M)

it's not gay if there's no balls touching


Lovelyz suffers from having terminally boring completely safe purepop songs even though just about every purepop group like Apink, Gfriend and even OMG are pivoting away from that style.

It's a shame because Woollim has been able to give Infinite good songs and honestly Lovelyz have some decent vocalists.

Attached: 51751.jpg (768x1024, 99K)


someone make a twice pasta similar to that bts pasta

more sals

anything by blackpink

touching balls with saerom...

Attached: 1546548812632.jpg (722x960, 130K)

stop posting these chinese whores

lovelyz also suffers from having way too many grotesque looking uggos

Attached: I59.jpg (1365x2048, 376K)

Uglyz mentioned

Attached: 1535576859149.jpg (238x234, 47K)

kpop like AOA but not AOA because they're on hiatus or something?

Attached: [Inkigayo] Ep 935 Chococo Sally.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

sally is pure

Attached: DwHx8N8W0AEEbSy.jpg (1200x750, 84K)

Attached: SalVulcano.jpg (472x750, 35K)

and stupid




Attached: yeji.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

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Attached: bony.webm (920x1080, 2.87M)


Attached: commando.jpg (1933x3264, 901K)

fuck HK
long live CHINA

wtf happened?

Attached: EBwW7hbUEAAhwMY.jpgorig.jpg (945x2048, 184K)

she actually has a PhD in mathematics

Attached: smart sally.webm (894x720, 2.93M)

based blindbro

why does she sit like she has a broom up her ass

Attached: FickleZanyCobra.webm (784x688, 2.34M)

same girl?

ugly shit warning

Now that AOA are effectively dead and 9M are disbanded there aren't a lot of groups doing full slutpop.

Attached: sohee-cheese.webm (1056x1080, 1.98M)

Attached: EB2bkzSX4AEiu7n.jpg (2000x1333, 290K)

chewy is not a melting uggo

i like those twitter memes, post some twitter memes

Attached: 7394762583923728.jpg (713x495, 46K)


Attached: [Behind] 엘리스(ELRIS) - IBK 나라사랑카드 광고 촬영 비하인드.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

i'll be free from kpg forever when i kill myself on an april evening in 2021

Go back.

i unironically belive you

Attached: 1565729223276.jpg (1208x1611, 254K)

did someone die?
why are they crying?

how are you even supposed to get decent resolution pics ever since the disgusting looking twitter update? they all save in a size for ants

>lovelyz? more like uglyz! lol
>uglyz can't sing for shit lol
>posts that one streamable
>only kei can sing lol
>m-maybe the others can sing too but they can't dance and sing at the same time

what will you do for 2 years


Attached: EA8x_fyUYAAFSmm.jpg (960x960, 215K)

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Attached: 0012.jpg (850x1200, 180K)

i was looking for some fromis9 fan chant guides to practice for kcon. apparently no one even bothered to make one for glass shoes and 22nd century girl. the only b side that has one is rum pumpum because of one flover who was even brave enough to show part of his face and chant solo.


lovely school bully

Attached: 1564931825412.png (520x649, 443K)

change the the url to large. it will say small or give a specific size in pixels. just change that to "=large"

Attached: EBzuUWHU0AAdgp9[1].jpg (1365x2048, 368K)


Attached: 1068E7CD-1EE0-437C-8954-5E480F34A462.jpg (750x746, 120K)

Attached: girls day crash.webm (848x480, 1.22M)

based retard

imagine sana masturbating with a cactus dildo

Attached: 1523728027636.jpg (1800x1200, 310K)

john lennon..

Attached: EB2f_0_XsAAB2v5.jpg (2000x1334, 307K)


what went so right?


you're meh

Attached: EAki1dMU8AEge7L.jpg (3000x2000, 1.24M)

china isnt real

tell him

Attached: Dn_miSiXgAIbrKn.jpg (1000x1500, 197K)

get his ass

Fuck Yiren

are those nayoungs new though

I see prettier girls than her all day every day in Vancouver

realistically, would the Chinese people fight to stay communist if it meant war with the NATO cartel and it's "spontaneous rebel forces"?

why the fuck did you guys stop posting seulgi all of a sudden?

and sihyeon

Attached: EBQUZyzVUAAtwXq.jpg (2773x2000, 787K)

Bit gay and greasy.

no one posts that uggo

Will their setlist even include 22nd Century Girl and Glass Shoes? I assumed that it would be Fun!-Lovebomb-Love Rumpumpum-DKDK-Too Heart and the possibility of a Soshi/RV cover.

this one and the last one are relatively new

Attached: EAki1dSUYAcSuq2.jpg (1000x1500, 261K)

we aren’t roasties, slugroastie

I WOULD!!!!!

danjjaks run this shit

Attached: KSL idiots.webm (966x720, 2.95M)

would what?

left girl mogging the right girl to hell for eternity

begone ROASTIE

>collecting trading cards that have pictures of asian girls on them

what do you think about this hobby?

Attached: twice_photocards_1546747106_777f334f.jpg (810x1080, 112K)

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make her my harem queen

Attached: D_DH2ofWwAAGFkT.jpg (800x1200, 151K)

based if it's dubu

just tell people she's your girlfriend

Attached: Bebeen21-1067033536979320832-20181126_203314-img1.jpg (1333x2000, 551K)

Attached: 15610686002340.jpg (1200x1920, 424K)

my daughterwife on the right


Attached: 정연허벅지.webm (1280x720, 2.54M)

Right now most Chinese are Han Nationalists more than they are attached to Communism. As long as China's economy continues to grow and people are able to move from rural villages even if it's to crappy urban apartments most will be relatively happy.

The coastal cities are slightly different especially HK obviously but as long as they have access to luxury goods and entertainment they seem relatively content. But support for Chinese expansion through military means seems weak, they'd rather just use economic muscle.

I don't see them trying to invade Taiwan any time soon.

Attached: Dt8T5LWU4AEHPZ0.jpg (1333x2000, 438K)


everglow is a visual group

Attached: everglow.jpg (2773x2000, 874K)

chinese communism died with deng xiaoping's anyway

this but jihyo

Attached: 1565016654167.jpg (639x781, 82K)

there is basically nothing wrong with this

Attached: 1536776212012.jpg (2048x1536, 338K)

kys retard

Attached: Ping_Uni-1067448345025626112-20181128_000132-img1.jpg (3665x3637, 1.24M)

real question:
is it healthier than video games or anime/manga??

10 10

Attached: cyanhints10201-1074275040504369156-20181216_200823-img2.jpg (2925x4096, 1.69M)

Lmao felt this way when nickhun cucked me.

yiren is cute the rest are ugly

but aisha is gorgeous, what's wrong with you?

Attached: 3409613_original.jpg (1088x1500, 249K)

akgaes trying to piss everyone off as usual

Yiren is ugly but the rest are cute

Attached: CountOnMi_324-1078866441770651648-20181229_121258-img3.jpg (800x1200, 119K)

i doubt they'll do the same exact setlist from kcon ny unless they really are scared that no one will recognize their b sides.

mia is the worst but she's still a low 7/10

Attached: mostwice-1078686568817160192-20181229_001813-img1.jpg (1500x1000, 196K)

Yeah it's pretty much Nationalism + Capitalism operating right now. Yes there is a strong element of collectivism going on as well but it's more of a matter that they are willing to struggle a bit as long as their kids and grandkids get better opportunities.

Wealthy younger Chinese are basically the same as wealthy young Koreans or wealthy young Japanese in many ways.

Attached: 1229RADIANT-1066016344292741120-20181124_011116-img2.jpg (1241x1738, 308K)

and she has hips

Attached: kkobug_IU-1065462838733328384-20181122_123150-img2.jpg (1345x2048, 513K)

Kcon attendees are plebs who are generally there for the gaypops anyway so it's safer to just do the promoted singles rather than bsides even if the bsides have choreo. And going with a popular SM song as a cover is always a good move.

Attached: Bebeen21-1062685336227110918-20181114_203502-img1.jpg (1333x1999, 472K)

more basedee

Attached: Near_by_TWICE_20171229200752_그걸 꾸밈없이 칭찬해주는.jpg (1000x499, 372K)

there aren't many

Attached: 1535746704107.webm (1280x1048, 2.97M)

Attached: 20181206172458_1279253_664_996.jpg (600x900, 540K)

>Wealthy younger Chinese are basically the same as wealthy young Koreans or wealthy young Japanese in many ways.
if you put a pig in a tuxedo, that doesn't make it refined.

Attached: pure.webm (1039x700, 2.82M)

Why would they try to claim that Rich Man's Somi isn't attractive though, why undermine any element of credibility.

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she's okay but not a visual

Attached: 1543561699348.jpg (736x1310, 119K)

Attached: VKepler1229b-1083375197300768768-20190110_224909-img2.jpg (1350x2048, 302K)

her body is no joke

why is she spamming sanuggo

that creature is not even in somi's league


we love sana here, roastie

most underrated ggd

Attached: 1542183897423.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

Attached: scent_sana-1078666896298242049-20181228_230003-img2.jpg (1333x2000, 343K)

it's only you sanaroastie

She's not a Korean visual but her visuals are definitely something that will help her with ifans.

Everglow really don't have a significant visual hole. Mia and maybe EU are the weakest but Onda looks great as long as they don't style her like a little kid.

Attached: D5t5-qsWsAAlAk9-orig.jpg (961x961, 146K)

Attached: 264B5387.jpg (1350x1990, 1.3M)


>Kcon attendees are plebs
Doesn't matter. kcon is broadcasted on mnet so everyone sees it. they have to balance dropping the hype for redoing the same concert. i don't think they'll do that.

She doesn't need to.

Its only because her paternal grandparents were koreans living in the Chinese mainland (presumably because of jap occupying Korea).

Her father is completely korean but was eligible for a Chinese passport, either a PRC or ROC one. And koreans, being as anti-communist as they are, would've naturally chose the ROC one while never having been to Taiwan.