Name 1 (one) great record released this decade

Name 1 (one) great record released this decade
I'll wait

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Get aids and die, cunt

I could name hundreds, but there's no point arguing with someone whose mind is already made up.

Name one time you’ve been laid this decade

when you were conceived

based sataniaposter
yikes... >>>/reddit/

>Slipknot - We Are Not Your Kino

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>has to wait for critics to consider an album to be a classic decades after album is released
>has no dedicated scene
>i live in the wrong generation

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Literally every car seat headrest record

post one album
one is all I'm asking for
still waiting
great music is great irregardless of scene
people will be listening to beach boys in 100 years like moatzart
nothing itt will last like that

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I posted slipknot. I did my part

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There’s no way for you to know that, the decade isnt even over


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Furry garbage, not Slipknot

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I did it I did it! What do I win Sataniafag

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Shes right you know

>post any album from the 10s
>have weeb incel rip on it


Chris Potter - The Sirens

>b-b-b-b-ut the decade isn't even over
people knew pet sounds was great that decade
muh posterity is pure cope

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This is unironically the AOTD, you can argue and say “le reddit” but you know deep down this is one of the very few albums that has made a and will leave a lasting impact
(By the way not too long ago people on this board defended this album, and now kpop/jpop fags have taken over so)

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Were you alive to remember the 60s

But user, the singer is A NIGGER

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Kpop was rampant even when TMS came out.

It's the redditor dad-rockers who have taken over.

Ever heard of Ides of March? They have one really fucking shitty song called Vehicle that was #1 and sold tons.

People were completely clueless in the 60s

This board is (18+)

Should be -niggers too

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I've read primary sources from the era
If you have to google what that means don't reply to my posts
I'm asking for primary sources from this (shitty) era

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bump satania threads
reply to satania posters
love satania!

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This entire thread is pathetic, im never going on this site again

so you havent heard Ides of March despite them being massively popular during the 60s.

Strange, it's almost as if you can't know what's gonna stick until way after the decade is over.



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>so you havent heard Ides of March despite them being massively popular during the 60s.
point out where I said that?
we have retarded shit every decade
I'm asking for something good
got any suggestions?

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Kids see ghosts

i was considering watching this anime but you made it look like shit thank you for saving my time

Anime is for losers

>implying you actually care and won’t just make fun of whatever I post


>people will be listening to beach boys in 100 years
nobody listens to them now (nerds aren’t people)

That song fucking rules.

Pet Sounds sucks

My favorite record recently is stone temple pilots self titled, released in 2010 , give track 13 a chance, its my favorite

I strongly suggest you end your life

Death Grips whole catalog

Twin Fantasy

Projections - Romare
Infections Of A Different Kind Step 1 & 2 - AURORA
Itekoma Hits - Otoboke Beaver
Objects Of Desire - Charles Hayward
Depression Cherry - Beach House
...Because I'm Young Arrogant and Hate Everything You Stand For -Machine Girl
Lillian - The Rope

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>not too long ago people on this board defended this album
Hate to break it to you buddy but those people left and took their taste with them. It is only plebs regurgitating those dudes music lists and crossposting from /pol/ on this board now.

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