post underated albums, ill start

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Anything good come out recently from this year?

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only thing of notice ive heard about is the new darkthrone album, its pretty good but as far as their modern stuff artic thunder is better

Apparently there's a new Mayhem album coming out in October as well. While they may never release another Transylvanian Hunger or DMDS, it's interesting to see how these classic bands have evolved 25 years later. Much more gracefully than other metal bands like Metallica.

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A little on the experimental side. If you don’t love it, you’ll at least find it interesting.

Anybody got some good 2019 DSBM? Pic related is the fella from Coldworld

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Pa Vesh En has been making some very dark bm these past couple years, with last years Church of Bones album being extremely suffocating. Hopefully his upcoming album from this year will be more of the same.

listened to this yesterday it's a fun one

a buddy of mine adores this band i gotta check em out

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still kind of surprised nobody knows this

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if you cant name at least 5 black metal bands from south america you are just a soiboi tourist

easy enough, however if you add the qualifier "good" it becomes a nearly impossible task

What is some good >2000 BM that isn't some gay art school project

Naming 5 good non-Scandinavian, non-Slavic, non-German and non-French metal bands is nothing short of a miracle.

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But I can rattle off 100 shitty USBM bands!

It's not that hard, Greece and Italy had/have good Black Metal scenes.

Also Australia

Black metal is for Europeans.

Okay I can recall two good bands, Italy? Not a single one
Name an example

drowning the light is pure garbage btw beajutifull

Actually I've remembered of one, Deströyer 666 which is musically good but in cult terms pretty cringe; the original masters of 2nd wave were larpers who knew what they were doing and Warslut seems to have just slapped random BM-ish sounding/looking themes together

Oh come on, how the fuck is this underrated?

>Black metal is for Europeans.

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>Black metal is for Europeans
black metal as we know it wouldn't exist without Sarcófago - INRI, cunt

Portal is the first one that comes to mind for Australia

For Greece, some of my favs are
Spectral Lore - III
Necromantia - Scarlet evil witching black
Nocternity - Onyx

and finally for Italy. I would say their best are
Forgotten Tomb - Songs to leave
Beatrik - Journey through the end of life

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anyone have a genre starter chart for BM?

Also following up this post.

Also dude, the Swiss have some hella good black metal. Paysage d'Hiver obviously. Also Hellhammer and Darkspace.

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have this difficult to classify slav thing as thanks

Evilfeast is just so good.

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go back to your general

This is our general.

underrated retard

What black metal from this decade will even be remembered?

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>all by myself
BM for this feel?

Anything by Vindsval and frens
Shit, even the people I know that listened to this crap don't remember it

BM was meant to be created and listened to by yourself.

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Oh shit, I don't even listen to this.
Gimme recommendations. I mean LISTS!

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Print more than six copies and you're a sell out pussy just in it to make 'the man' some money.

Nokturnal Mortum

Also, I'm a bit retarded. Forgot for that one moment that Batushka and Mgla are from Poland.

Poland has been creating the most consistent black metal over the past couple decades. Essential well known bands like Graveland or Behemoth as well as obscurer bands like Abusinveness or North (off the top of my head) are all great.

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demo tape but

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ITT: edgy wussies

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Behemoth (early)
Hate Forest
Nokturnal Mortum

this is a black metal thread, not a metalcore one

>the Swiss
Counted it alongside German tbqhwy
Feels good being a half-Swiss, half-Slavic blackie

Oh shut up, maybe their newer work sounds more melodic whatever that would mean, but BtWoB was much rawer.

Is this the most USBM album there is?

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imagine being such a tough guy Nazi only to die from a car.


What summer did to me

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Listening to Crazy Frogs Christmas hits in the summer, fucking mental.