What's some music for when you have dirt on some of the world's most powerful people, you're taken off suicide watch after 6 days, your cellmate is moved out of your cell and the guards supposed to check on you "fall asleep"?
What's some music for when you have dirt on some of the world's most powerful people...
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If it was a murder plot then why don't the victims come forwards and tells us who did it?
Check mate, tinfoil hat schizos.
if you aren't a disinfo agent why can't you come forward and post your name, address and phone number, CHECKMATE agent smith glow shill
Reminder that Courtney Love was in his black book
>Mfw she really did kill Kurt because he found out she was a pedo
Not an argument.
You don't even present anything to argue against. Go do your homework, intern
last year i would've called you a schizo
now I unironically agree
>the most obvious pol bait in the world
>they fucking take it
I swear to god, the combined iq of this entire board is 40.
They know it's bait, they don't care, how do you guys not get this?
There's no fucking difference between bait or sincere, ironic or not. The entire site is FUCKING BULLSHIT. It will be taken down soon. Enjoy
>le site is going down!
Why? Because of rumors of mass shooters posting here that proved to be false? That's been happening since at least 2007, newfag
What the fuck is wrong with you? You really think this just pol schizophrenia? Literally the whole internet doesn’t believe in the suicide, even normies from reddit and Twitter. It’s not far fetched as you think.
>ywn be diddled and have your virginity stolen by young Courtney love
Look mommy I posted the beard guy again
Dude, retards are here. Just post shit exposing the agenda and move on. Arguing with people on the most brainwashed extremist tranny board on Yea Forums is not gonna help anything, they won't learn, lurkers will.
For non trannies, check out this link here >
You morons are so conditioned to argue, you don't realize I was agreeing with you but my point is made because you can't even tell when someone is joking or being serious on this site. Just because it's been allowed to stay this long don't mean that will last, it's never been in the mainstream media this much and you saw what happened to that other site. Either way, it's a useless site because it's so full of disinfo and people fucking with each other that there is no point engaging anymore, the redpills won't be red once everyone eats them. If everyone agreed, life would be utopian fascist nazi hell. No thanks. Methink you just love arguing and feeling like you're righteously right. You don't give a shit about kids. If you did, you wouldn't be on this shitty site arguing on the music board
What's the point of having dirt on anyone when they're just gonna kill you before you say anything?
If he were smart, he'd have had a dead man's switch
He does :) August 16. Screenshot this
I do, but you are too much of a brainlet to follow it. My question is: if there are more powerful people involved in this sexual abuse debauchery, why don't the victims come forward and press charges against them the same way they did it to Epstein?
i have a dead man's switch as well.
but it sends out embarrassing material about me.
it's the only thing stopping me from killing myself.
Nathan for you method?
Because of libel laws. And you'd just say she's metoo-ing them for money like you always do when there is no evidence. You have to know you've got a case against Epstein if you want to get all the other fish, because he gives you the whole ocean. You argument is not well thought out. You are probably one of the idiots who would called it a conspiracy that there is an island in the first place. You're willfully ignorant.
>You have to know you've got a case against Epstein if you want to get all the other fish, because he gives you the whole ocean.
The guy has just died in prison and the whole world believes there's something more to it. There's already an investigation going on which is why he was in jail. It's very obvious they would be believed if they came forward with dirt on other top-level people.
That's not how the law works, and that's not the best way to bring a case to potentially the most powerful people. Unless you want to end up Epsteined. The victims out it on him. I'm glad they did not make direct accusations, they'd probably be dead before anybody in the MSM reported Epstein. You're thinking too limited, too impulsive. Good thing you're not in charge.
belief != proof. you can win the pr war but still be sued into oblivion.
>There's already an investigation going on which is why he was in jail.
he was literally convicted before and still managed to walk away with little real consequence.
and anyway, people continuing to believe that epstein was killed only deters victims who may have any real evidence from coming forward.
daily reminder hollywood threatened to kill Yea Forums if they didn't get the mods to stop people posting dan schneider threads
>implying some random faggot on Yea Forums will know anything about Epstein
Screenshotted and put in my cringe folder desu
I know if I got caught sleeping on the job I would be immediately fired on the spot. Don't know about you guys.
Moron, do you watch the news. Authorities are investigating how someone posted details of his death 40 minutes before it happened. It was on CNN, etc. This site isn't playin around.
I guess you weren't around for the "they call themselves anonymous" era, huh?
>Mick Jagger
>Phil Collins
>Roger Waters
Anyone else?
I guess you never put a live mouse in your asshole, huh?
>This site isn't playin around.
irl cringe
Nice try, Jew. Your kind is nearing the end. I can smell how scared you all are
4channel is a white supremacist website
Who cares, the rich always win and get their ez mode, no repercussion life and people cry about it but yet these same people are the sheep demanding that these rich people get to keep their power. Welcome to America...
>irl cringe
that's what your mother did when you were born and she looked down at you. what a mistake. now look at your life. how far you've come. on a site that is a waste of time and life
Same as site as you, brainlet
>rich people only exist in america
>no revolutions have taken place in history
>boo hoo i'm a faggot
nice try, pessimism shill
i am your mother, little faggot. i'm cutting off your line of credit and kicking you off the family cell phone plan. and selling your instruments, you never play them. you're a failure. clean your room
There is a revolution trying to happen but too many people have been brainwashed to think it will hurt them and that trump is saving them. Meanwhile trump epstein and the clintons are probably sipping champagne on pedo island right now laughing at how meaningless the proles and their little theories are.
Revolutions only happens when the masses are starving or otherwise deeply dissatisfied with their own lives. Sure there is public outrage about the Epstein but if you honestly think it will lead to a revolution you must be a LARPER. Try taking their Netflix and warm showers if you want an actual revolution.
What an obvious projection hahaha lmao loser
Project your tiny perspective more, nothing-good-can-happen and the-rich-get-richer defeatist shill. Your bile is amusement
racist epstein supporter detected
i projected you out of my pussy. you are a pile of shit from my womb. yes, you are obviously a loser. wash your balls
Zionist jew detected, prove you are not a jew
Good can happen but it won't because Bernie is just an evil kike who wants to destroy the country with communism even though his policies would actually save money for businesses while helping to eliminate the wealth gap and they have nothing to do with the communism that fucked up Russia and Venezuela that all the capitalist sheep cry about and compare it to.
Wouldn't the victims of a murder plot be dead?
His victims aren't the ones who benefit from him being silenced. Checkmate up your dickhole.
Suicide by Clintons