There should be a picture of a wal-mart in america and the title should be change to the land of the fat

There should be a picture of a wal-mart in america and the title should be change to the land of the fat

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very based post

be the change you want to see in the world

the OG crab rave

wsn't this album ironically banned for sale in walmart?

why? its bongcore through and through.

Isn't that title based on Goring quote

Aw poor starving eurofag. Obsessed with America, can't admit it. See you in Times Square with a backpack, tourist faggot. Hope you choke on french fries and die

>getting this mad over some light jokey banter
looks like found the ever elusive insecure fat man

is it true that americans store their shoes in the fridge?

Starving and no sense of humor. You wouldn't survive in America. You have to fight for food. You bring a gun to Walmart. Stay home in Croatia where you belong, beta bitch

>You have to fight for food
that doesn’t show

Europeans are the richest people on the planet per capita, I doubt they're starving

That's because a lot of people are shooting everyone and taking trucks of food from Walmart. Not reported in your shithole country. Sure, you see fat people: that's propaganda from the shooter community. You really know nothing. Stay in Sweden, pussy

>using cunts with a higher living standard than Burgerland as an insult

Sure, enjoy your portion of rice you skinny jealous faggot. Can't even type in your own language. You wouldn't last a week here. The vultures would think your scrawny ass was roadkill bones and peck you to death and you'd have no weapon to defend yourself. Go to McDonald's and cry

Should have told you to fuck off and do it yourself but I thought it was funny so here you go. Don't mind the fat mutts barking at you, it's not like they're people or anything.

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My dog would eat you and your entire nobody country and shit you in my garden. The shooter community is at war in the streets as we speak, several thousand killed this morning at a food drive. And you have the nerve to photoshop the handicapped. You are nothing but a filthy savage.

30 people just killed at Walmart in the last hour over a box of beef patties and rolls.
Cow control now

Wow, now that's creative. Upvoted

"handicapped" they're called FAT you FUCKING landwhale.

the man in that photo was shot in both legs during a mass shooting over crab cakes at sam's club, show some respect. he has 200 extra pounds of bionic armor. it's not fat, it's titanium alloy, you ignorant britfag

Ironically good effort user
Now go upload it into a new thread and tigger all the burgers. I need another good laugh

>Hey you, big fat pig, you fat pig, you fat pig
What did he mean by this?

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