Albums made by people who obviously have ocd.
Albums made by people who obviously have ocd
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a telltale sign of ocd singers is recurring scatological lyrics, i.e. literally referencing shit or calling things shit or using shit as a frequent expletive
are you just talking about mozart, don't know anyone else who does that. And how the fak is that indicative to ocd?
>how the fak is that indicative to ocd?
read psychoanalytic theory retard
do you even know what ocd is?
in general it's a corruption of one's disgust instinct that forms vivid intrusive thoughts which the person feels a compulsion to combat in some way, either by action or thought
the most intrinsically disgusting thing is shit
shit is literally always on a clinically ocd person's mind, even if the object of their obsession or coping mechanism isn't directly shit related
Explain it to me since you clearly know what you are talking about dipshit
horrible bait, kys
do you think I could explain the nuances and details to you in a Yea Forums post? you don't seem too bright anyways so I'd probably have to explain everything even more detailed than I'd normally have to. Not gonna hold your hand kiddo, pick up a book and start from there
sorry your self diagnosis isn't legitimate
Loveless fucking sucks. Absolute garbage.
100 calories, 2g carbs, and 5% alc/vol, White Claw!!!
>how the fak is that indicative to ocd?
>i don't know, but i'm gonna tell you where to find out so that i look like i know
>call's me a retard
Just go ahead and do it dude, the world will be better without you
absolutely pathetic
Nah, Richard is just autistic
yea i agree
Fuck off Marvin, get stuffed in a locker.
amazing thread
why does mu/ hate this album so much?
jon hopkins has ocd?
more like ucd because its so slow and boring lol