Underrated albums in an artists discography.
Underrated albums in an artists discography
The best of their first 3, but their next 3 (maybe 4) were even better imo
Hey OP, looks like you're having some difficulty keeping your thread up. Let me lend you a helping hand.
Debut is better
Power Windows is the most underrated Rush album.
with the exception of Katy Lied, I agree 100%.
yeh I was listening to this the other day. has some real good tracks on it. still not as good as pretzel logic or aja imo
my old school is a really good song
Gaucho is pretty underrated as well imho..
It's an awesome song.
You're not wrong. Power Windows is a proper banger and better than anything they've done since
It's their best album, I don't care what you say.
fuck people who shame me for liking steely dan.
underrated in general
Who would shame you for like Steely Dan? They're peak dad rock.
My dad, he only allows ICP in da house.
It's also their best album
based as fuck
It's his best
based and sinatra pilled
true, i love it
Slaves and Masters?
I’d go anywhere you want me to
Anyone who jerks off Swans’ 2010s “trilogy” while ignoring pic related is a pleb
Good pick!
Little Deuce Coupe
Excellent choice.
It’s so catchy
I’d say it’s pretty fairly rated, at least when it comes to the rest of their discography, but I can see where you’re coming from.