Solo performers who make music through loop pedals

Solo performers who make music through loop pedals.

Cool or gay?

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Super cool

definitely not gay at all bro

Depends on how it's used

super gimicky


i agree but it can be nice

Extremely gay, loops are lifeless and I don’t want the performances are always the same. They’re for indulgent hacks who can’t write a fuckin tune to save their life

can't remember the name of him but there's a solo lo-fi folk artist with a bong accent who made his first album with mainly just a guitar and a loop pedal

>loops are lifeless and I don’t want the performances are always the same

90%+ of live audiences don't know anything about pedals and just want to hear something cool.
They couldn't care less how you're making the music, they just want to hear something from the soul that makes them forget the pains of everyday life and gives them their money's worth.
Stop worrying about it, just write some good music man.

guess thats why you cant remember his name

there is a canadian dude well US now? that does Violin with loop effects and sings. prettt gud. tyler something carson

Figured you’d be able to hold to separate parallel objects in your head at once but gues not I obviously implied that I don’t want to sit there for 2 minutes while you build your shitty song every time and also the performances are the same, read a fuckin book retard not every one is going to hold your hand like your fuckin mommy you have to use you’re brain

Fred frith does it well but I still hate people that do this, it’s a joke of an act imo.

was ok when reggie watts started it waaaaaay back in the 00s, that was cool
now its -
wow youve got a smartphone
wow you use the internet
wow you drive a car
wow you wear pants
wow you lurk Yea Forums
wow you can breathe

There are some who make their shitty pop cover in 8 minutes then play it for about 2 minutes, now that's lame, but if you can make a coherent, structured song with it then hell yeah, you'll probably need a multichannel looper for that though

Acceptable if used as backing tracks for additional instrumentation, you don't have to tour with a full band.

fun to muck around with at home or for educational purpose. acutally downright handy as fuck when it come to working on riffs for your bands other guitarist and testing them etc etc. but completely some "artists" are truly faggot tier. see tash sultana for an example.

learn english maybe

>teens on a anime board claiming what is and isnt music.
