

Attached: Deftones - White Pony.jpg (300x298, 10K)

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gore was ass


the snare sounds so fucking good bros

Around the Fur [Maverick/Warner Bros., 1997] Dud
White Pony [Maverick, 2000] Dud

Attached: christgau1med.jpg (400x266, 17K)

Attached: 1504818596786.gif (282x263, 1.18M)

Based and apepilled

The only track i really care about off of gore is doomed user

doomed user is a team sleep song

It’s okay, but it’s their weakest since their s/t

Admit that you all look exactly like this.

Attached: 1551484622652.jpg (320x320, 15K)

Didnt know team sleep was even a thing, now i have to check em out.

Top kek
I do have a similar haircut and face shape, but my facial hair is even worse than that faggot's
Also my frames are square not rectangular

Attached: R-3379006-1506754152-9198.jpeg~2.jpg (260x260, 35K)

there's palms and crosses too
every chino moreno side project sounds like he's still heavily channeling deftones energy and the albums are all self titled so i just tag them as deftones

my hair is 15 inches long i have 20/10 vision my FFMI eclipses steroid users' despite me never juicing and my shoulder span is approximately 24.5 inches in a relaxed position

my favorite deftones album is self titled

You wish, nerd

It's also a completely different Deftones song.

Self titled is probably my favorite, too

fuck off with your "cool" bullshit faggot

i liek this as wel

Attached: DEFTONES_2BSNW_2B300_original.jpg (1000x1000, 1.31M)

white pony is my favourite of theirs but if saturday night wrist was a person, i would fuck them