these niggas washed up lol
These niggas washed up lol
Other urls found in this thread:
the weird frontier between pop and avantgarde
is the black guy larry heard?
and if so, why include him with these ableton pro phoneys?
I'll never forget the good times bros.
it's dean blunt
That's my n word Dean Blunt.
whos bottom left
oneohtrix point never
thanks man
this was peak daniel. I miss this stuff
the weird frontier between pop and avantgarde
they paved the way for billie eilish
Yeah we get it niggot.
I never even knew who they were desu senpai
anyone else really love human story 3?
I'm gonna guess actually. Dave Chappelle and mack DeMarco
it's one of his worst honestly
>dean blunt washed up
sounds like amateur soundcloud rap
Age Of wasn't his best but I think Dan still has it.
No u
ha get rekt faggot I'm going to listen to Drake while you cry
Good Time was a nice movie
arca's last was meh
dean blunt keeps going interesting stuff
opn age of was incredible
james ferraro does what the scene is doing but worse
>keeps going
keeps doing*
soul on fire and muggy vol. 1 were incredible
I miss 2014-2015
Imagine thinking this is good
Age of is mostly filler imo, The Station is great t
ferraro was always overrated, arca never topped &&&&& even to this day, OPN is still within reach of his best work (Good Time OST was fucking perfect, age of still had the station and toys 2), dean blunt is still on top of his game
the "war in the streets" verse is so insane but the first part is boring imo
it's true, he has a ridiculously consistent discog
bro team pill
Requiem for Recycled Earth was very disappointing but Ferraro's recent work before that has been amazing. I wish he stayed on the industrial r&b sound for longer though.
Muggy Vol. 1 and Soul On Fire were great. I enjoyed the latest single he featured on too. It seems like he's releasing minor projects in between his next major album.
OPN sold out in 2014. Garden of Delete has some amazing songs but some of the other songs I don't really think are amazing. Meanwhile, Age Of was a boring mess that had a couple great ideas but poor execution and many other boring, unoriginal tracks. Not really looking forward to his future stuff.
I've always been pretty conflicted with Arca. Mutant is a pretty cool album but is a bit long. I like the haunting atmospheres of s/t but it does have some boring tracks. The best Arca work is &&&&& by far. I am excited for the next project, however.