White mediocrity vs Black excellence
White mediocrity vs Black excellence
Other urls found in this thread:
the girls is BROWN
the album is PINK
MY president is BLACK
my lambo is BLUE
and I'll be God-damned if my rims ain't too
So, so important. A bold statement on oppressive socioeconomic racial dynamics in the West due to colonialism and neoliberal constructs.
God why wasnt i born a CONFIDENT QUEEN
They're both pretty equally bad
Tell me about Lizzo, why does she wear the FAT?!
This is an advanced form of massa posting
>kevin shields and the crew painstakingly record loveless, moving between several studios etc. to create one of the best albums of the 90s and in general of all time
>lizzo needs a team of 8+ writers to produce a mediocre pop album that will be forgotten in 2-3 years
not much of a comparison here, op
have sex
Oh my god....did he...did he just...hold tf up sis you're not getting away with that
Bring this racist
MBV was 4 people and several producers and sound engineers. I’d say it’s pretty comparable.
Ooo massa
Shit bait but have a you anyway
You are gay if you wouldn’t fuck Lizzo just saying bitch is fucking hot
why would anyone put an obese, nude black woman on their album cover? what does that even convey?
because tumblr and dsa fags eat it up
Oof...major yikes. I mean, it's f-cking 2019 dude. I bet you're fun at parties.
Not just anyone, DA JOOZ
cause an obese black woman wanted to feel good about her disgusting body and we as society celebrate her for it
came here for this
>lizzo and the crew painstakingly record cuz i love you, moving between several studios etc. to create one of the best albums of the 10s and in general of all time
>kevin shields needs a team of 8+ writers to produce a mediocre pop album that was forgotten in 2-3 years
not much of a comparison here, fag
black excellence is michael jackson moonwalking
white excellence is buzz aldrin walking on the moon
Pick one
Massa posting should be a ban-able offense
Your mother not aborting you was a bannable offense
Wow fat people are disgusting.
Hey guys how do I downvote cr*p like this?