Alright bros let's do this

Alright bros let's do this
>Billie Eilish
>Alice Glass

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck grimes
kill myself


I kill OP and then I fuck his corpse

>fuck Alice Glass
>marry Grimes
>kill Billie Eilish


what he said

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Ok how about
>Peter Steele
>Jeff Buckley
>Kurt Cobain

>fuck billie eilish in 127 days
>marry grimes
>kill alice glass

kill all
kill pete
marry jeff
fuck kurt

Who's alice glass?

>can't fuck Alice because she'll #metoo you and accuse you of rape and slander your name
>can't fuck Billie because she's underage
>can't fuck Grimes because there's not enough viagra in the world

eyelash i guess
alice glass is my waifu
helga pataki no question

marry allice glass
kill grimes
have billie rub her udders on my face since i cant cum anymore

Clearly going for the biggest chads in music. Marry Kurt, kill the rest

Other chads:
>Chris Cornell
>Michael Jackson (Bad era)
>Mike Patton

this is the correct response


>Billie Eilish
>Alice Glass
kill it with fire


fuck each, then kill billie

this, very easy


Solved it

a man of taste

fuck grimes
marry alice glass
kill billie eilish

>fuck Alice Glass
>marry Grimes
>kill Billie Eilish

how about
>Robert Fripp
>Steve Hackett
>Steve Howe

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marry billy (only one worthy of baring children)
fuck alice (most pretty face)
kill grimes (why would i want to have anything to do with grimes)

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