Genres: indie rock

>genres: indie rock
Do people actually think indie is a genre?

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sauce? i wanna fuck that jewess

how can you tell she's jewish

Yea people do, but Indie rock is just regular rock that is all paid for by the band, wich Im sure you know, but there are people that think it is.

White, brown hair, brown eyes, not huge, but slightly large nose. seems jewish to me desu

>not huge nose
Have you ever seen a Jewish person?

I'd say for a time in the 90's and 00's indie as a genre made sense. As bands from SST records, K records, and Subpop went on to major labels but kept their sound it made sense. But now most "indie" bands are so detached from any independent label scene that "indie" is just a marketing term

>White, brown hair, brown eyes, not huge, but slightly large nose. seems jewish to me desu

you just described the majority of english, irish, scottish, spanish, italian and russian people. dont tell me you actually use those traits to identify jewish people

indie is a sound, not a genre.

Stick to your guns user. How many shekles to fuck the Jewess?

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meant hers was not huge, but kinda large
>is joke

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No its not ide musicias are literally musicians without a label and they create, produce, and pay for the making of their albums. Indie=independent

>it was just a joke im not really retarded


>he doesnt understand jokes or sarcasm
Get checked user you may have a touch of the tisim

the term was coined after the sound that many rock artists without a label were playing at the time. you wouldn't apply the term to every independent artist

Yeah, Benny Fibonacci. Do you know him? A very good Jewish boy! You would do well to marry one of your daughters to him.


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Yea I understand and use it as such. Its just weird to me though. Just seems wrong.

