/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

Profoundly inadequate edition

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Condor guitars
Alien handmade tube amps

>tfw you see yourself in the mirror with a genuine Gibson™ Les Paul Standard for the first time

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wasnt your first time on the last thread, or the one before that?

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tfw want one but it costs a whole month worth of work

Get a new job


He thinks if he posts the same thing enough he'll be a real girl.

Very beautiful unironicaly

it's called yodel

>tfw you hear that genuine Gibson™ Les Paul Standard tone coming from your amp for the first time

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>he doesn't own a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because he spent all of his money on Broadway tickets, ballet tickets and poppers

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Drag troupe out in full force tonight.

do you like my condor clp?

I was talking about the performance.. The juxtopostine of nothing, but empty glearing light. Focused eye. Something good to hear with you, my friend.

>he's so poor he has to rationalize not owning a Gibson with "b-b-b-but t-t-they're all t-t-trannies a-a-anyways!"

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>Thinks his chibson is a gibson
>Thinks his mutilated dick is a vagina

You have the rainbow epiphone and we both know it fag.

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Hello boys :D

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you shouldnt play couldnt stand the weather with the bridge pickup.


>tfw when you see yourself in the mirror with your genuine G&L for the first time

The unexpected. Imagine parked, facing a fall tree, gold leaves fluttering as you stare past, in away now I am staring back to my own eyes. In a way it's the same twilight realm of our own thought, as Frank would have said

>tfw you see yourself in the mirror with your condor

flat bends bro

lol yeah big whoop. Sounds good user.

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no it sucked. i just went away with the chord notes and bored licks. fuck you.

Where's the guy from the old thread that said he could play rings around us?

it wasn’t that bad user lol i could hear what you’re going for and I liked it.

Sorry Sam :(

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rate this one

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Nice considering classical is hard to bend on.


is that the only worth of the clip

Kind of sounds like Depeche Mode

if he was up your ass you'd know

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Get on my level bitch, I can play without even the thumb touching the guitar.

Me too.

there we go, going to bed past midnight. just fuckin fuck my shit up. i should have gone when i looked the clock at 22:30 and thought "hmm this is too early i can procrastinate a bit more"

is Depeche Mode a blues band

I like your rakes :D it sounds good on the classical too :D

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now post yourself playing that srv song properly i.e. with the neck pickup and playing the octaved riff correctly before u start soloing

>is Depeche Mode a blues band

tfw broken nylon

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bc rich stealth's are nowhere to be found in the entire fucking planet except for the asshole at eBay trying to sell one for 6k

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>tfw need too many practice hours to reach decent bass technique
feels doomer man


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lel when will you guys ever learn?

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Just put it in a wheelbarrow full of kaka and tone oil.

What does that even mean?


Go to sleep sam.

if it was up your ass you'd know

/gg/ i'm so upset. I just got back from my first folk gig. I had left my strings uncut to be like Morelo from the watchmen and i poked my eye when bending to pick up my capo that fell off. The crowd shouted "judas" at me and I left early,.

nite nite gay gay

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sam is the one he's replying to. you fuckin retard

i'm so miserable i didnt play guitar and sing all day

That's nothing. /gg/ i'm so upset. I just got back from my first bar mitzvah gig. I had left my penis uncut to be like Noah from the Bible and i poked my eye when bending to pick up my foreskin that fell off. The crowd shouted "judas" at me and I left early,.

Ok, just cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

No shit.

Fuck off kike

i hope you die in your sleep tranny

user-kun say nite nite to my bb

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>Strat is going to be at the luthier for a week

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My tele is on the luthier for hand compensating the saddles but I still have the les Paul the acoustics and the bass

>not doing your own luthier work
I swithched to a floyd now anyways. Always in tune now brows.

>kaka encrusted walls.

When I was going home from the luthier I started to think man I should have sanded it myself what the hell was I thinking

More like haha you haven't seen the cumstains

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>logitech computer speakers
>akg treble cannons

Oh no no no no

>non-homebuilt PC

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Thank Yea Forums for recommending them but they are not trebly.

t.helen keller

I expected as much from the favela freak.

What do you mean? You build the parts yourself? You are really awesome!

>purchasing pre-assembled tower PCs

He lives in the favela and was born afflicted with zika virus. What do you expect?

What is the second manliest, most heterosexual and most cisgendered guitar behind a Gibson?

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I was using an old vox distortion pedal yesterday, and realized it started to compress when given enough input. I realized if I had my treble pickup at full volume, and then took my rhythm pickup, and started from zero, turning it up until the volume stoped increasing, but instead it got more compressed and distorted.. Than I would twist the knob back a bit, and at that point is where I would leave the rhythm pickup volume knob. Considering this, the ryth selection would allow for dynamic range, play soft for almost clean tone/ hard for grit tone. Flip to treb for compressed full distor tone.

is this true? I'm thinking about pursuing bass hard once i get some spending money

Is this bait or have you been playing for 3 hours?


Learn what words mean.

I bet you think you can't add a c# to a gmajor.

i have slight rsi tendencies in my left hand, and I'm left handed. I'm worried if i play right handed, all the tough chord shapes will compound on the rsi and make it worse, but I'm not sure if picking / strumming is any better. tips?

Imagine not playing a Fender, the greatest guitars ever made

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jesus this aint great

>Depeche Mode a blues band
well said young man youve made it to kindergarten

>Not owning an ESP Snapper
>Thinking it has a dumb name
>Being this poor

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dont listen to the poorfags, you did the right thing

t. luthier

voltaren is your friend

Random star > M-II > Eclipse > Horizon > Totally not an explorer > Flying V thing > That really weird looking one > Snapper

same fag who doesnt go to doctors/dentists. then loses teeth, or dies.

not a luthier, but not a poofag either

Are you comparing an instrument so simple that cavemen invented it to shit like cancer

are you talking about $500 cavemen or $5000 rare collectable cavemen?

>i repair my own socks so i dont have to go to kmart

Yeah, so what? I'm Jewish.

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Why are jews so repulsive?

Give me the keys to the Lamborghini!

Then practise, practise, practise!

A Minor
F# Major
The last key is a secret

>local GC has a epiphone boneyard les paul for $800
I know I shouldn't, but...

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that was going to be my next comment, but you guys get so easily triggered
>wah wah anti-semite

Oy stop being anti-semitic

doubling down, is user a tranny as well, that would make the tigger worth it

whats missing off it?

or a black tranny jew, collectively the high trinity of triggers

This is why i got a dean. And i dont think epiphone even offers caps under their veneers

I look down on people who get things like plain maple caps with flame veneers and mexican made gutiars with american brand names on the front, that look identical to american instruments.

It's like wearing a zircon ring. So tacky and dishonest.

fender should rename the mexican guitars to sombrero branded tacocasters

I want a Jazzmaster but I am a poor boy.

Any good knockoffs?

Preferably in Seafoam/Surf Green

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Squire and made-in-mexico

Buy used, inauthentic knockoff guitars like "gibson" studio models, "fender" player series, "ESP" E-II, and ibanez "premium" depreciate fast and hard simply because they're affordable copies for poorfags instead of the real deal as played by accomplished guitarists.

you forgot the made in japan "fenders". they're actually ibanez.

>Bought a USA made ESP
>Take a closer look after bringing it home
>It's actually a Gibson Les Paul Standard

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ironically the japs make better quality instruments than burgers. applies to any maunfactured product comparisons. go figure

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I lucked out cause I started playing bass at 13. The guitarist I play with didn’t start playing until college and it took him awhile to be decent.
Nice Ibanez.

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>stop seething amerifag. we all know burgers make substandard crap these days. you can put any price tag you want on it. just because guitar production is at the bottom of the list means nobody can ever be bothered with guitar production. boeing 737, jeeps, president trump, etc. all total overpriced overhyped bullshit junk.
oh you can add american fenders & gibsons quality made over the past 20 years < previous american made fenders & gibsons stuff.
wave the flag for mediocrity!

is a tremolo worth picking up just to have on my board to dick around with or is it kinda lame?

Can someone explain to me the benefits of practicing a song, even if you know it, EXTREMELY FUCKING slowly and EXTREMELY FUCKING lightly at the same time?


They’re really cool, just make sure to get a good one.

Least favorite SRV song

I bet you weigh 350lbs

any recs? the TR-2 seems like a pretty good starter and goes for a decent price on ebay/reverb

I recommend either the Wampler Latitude Deluxe, which does all the trem sounds and has tap tempo, or the Boss TR-2 for a more basic trem.

G&L Doheny

Sorry :(

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A small percent is beneficial for that song in particular but practicing slow to a metronome or beat will help your timing overall.

As long as you've been playing less than a month, I'm proud of you. If it took you longer than that to figure this out, well...

There are people that post in this thread that set the volume and tone on their guitars to 10 and it makes me sick.


They're passive.

> buy G&L guitar for 300 squid last year
> sell it for 500

> buy Schecter bass for 290 a ddecade ago
> sell it for 385

who else loadsamoney here?

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He's discovered how gain works.

>makes 300 bongdollars in ten years
That's literally less than Sammy.

Say good morning to my bb

Fuck you anime faggot

Chord shapes are therapy to my hand. Unless I do it poorly and tense the thumb or something

But I am poorer than the poorfags

That's less than Africa

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>muh Amerimutt made

>electric is at the luthier
>nothing to play sick tasty riffs on
>firebird is on sale

my will to resist is slowly crumbling day by day

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Samuel is a sambomaster from the sambovela

What strings should I get for my bass if I want a funk/disco sound? Roundwounds or bright flats?

you want to take Sambo dick

>mfw i didn't

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i havent watched K-on but I do play guitar. Am I allowed to post here?

what kind of mental disability does this guy have, i mean, he posts this in every thread and its not funny or insightful at all. its just a broken record.

I just want something that's not too shitty so I can play rocksmith on my computer
fuck, why does this have to be so hard

The more money you spend at the low end is just going to keep your guitar in tune for longer. The amp simulation in rocksmith is going to kill any sound distinction between low end guitars. Just pick something in your price range that you think looks cool.

Finally got my new Boss SY-1 arriving today, anyone get one yet?

you sure as hell don't sound like one lmfao

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He dances the mambo every night.

Most of the shit available in this pedal was already available in the Boss GT-8.

How do I practice guitar -especially timing- without a guitar in hands? Do have a metronome on the phone tho. It makes me so damn miserable to waste my time at work.
I was practicing pitch and intervals with whistles and visualizing stuff the fretboard but I think I got tired of it or got a mental block.

I don't use multi-effects meme boards so I wouldn't know.

Most pedals (and amps) are available on multifxs. What's your point?

>spent $200 for a pedal with fewer features than a mulit fx you can get on ebay for $150
Lmao you know what they say, a fool and his money etc.

You could look up drum practice techniques to play against a metronome with your hands on your knees or whatever.

so what's an adequate beginner Electric guitar?

Any cheap squier, ibanez or yamaha is fine. Just try to avoid the absolute cheapest entry level stuff. For example I'd buy a squier standard over a bullet.

I wouldnt worry about it m8. You cant afford it!

the katana has a synth section which is where the sy 1 came from. the gt 8 doesn't have all the different synth varieties that the katana has. lol but yeah you can get a full amp with an sy 1 built in for $30 more than the pedal

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Samuel is a kakamaster from the kakavela

Ive been playing guitar for years but I dont know shit about gear outside of amps.
Can I get some suggestions for good pedals for metal?

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cool thanks

tube screamer with noise gate or precision drive are a few that come to mind

Boss MT-2 Metal Zone you know it's good because it has metal in the name. Run it into the front of an amp on the clean channel with everything cranked up except the mids which you set to 0.


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Ibanez TS9 into a dirty tube amp, noise gate in the FX loop to minimize hiss and excess noise.

These are actually pretty good for less than $50.

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I didn't watch K On until recently

Is it normal for the low e to buzz sometimes on an unplugged electric guitar? It doesn’t buzz when plugged in. I just got it set up recently but it did the same thing prior to that.

you talking about fret buzz?

Yeah, I guess so. I’m a newbie.

One of my guitars have a low e Buzz that no luthier could fix completely

My luthier of trust is fucking playing with me. I've been loyal to that fucker for 7 fuckin years

:O what happened!?

>trusting corps of any size

Oh, I guess it’s normal then? It’s a Fender strat and on further research it seems like it’s kinda common with Fenders

Samuel is a poormaster from the poorvela

If it's acceptable fine, if not just raise the saddle a bit. It'll stop.

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He installed and filled the new tuneomatic, but there's not enough pressure on the saddles and the tone is loose and dark
Last friday I brought my Tele for him to compensate the saddles, he said he couldn't give me the price at that time and would contact me by Monday telling me how much it will cost. I sent him a message at today's midnight and he still didn't answer.

>5 watts
no thank you

but they do, non curly maple is quite cheap.

Saddle height doesn't usually affect the lower frets much. Try playing with the truss rod (loosening).

build one from parts at ebay.

What are good loop pedals for solo performance? Looking for something that would allow me to record multiple sections and switch between them throughout the course of a song

digitech jamman or akai headrush

Do you use Reverb?

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yes. boss rv-6 and ehx cathedral

best to set the mix 100, decay 100 so that no one can tell that i can't play guitar.

>can play my Strat comfortably, 9.5" radius
>can play my Ibanez comfortably, 15.5" radius
>can't play SG comfortably, 12" radius

Why? It feels very flat when I tried one in store, but my Ibanez is flatter. I kept missing strings on the SG.

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>some effects need to be before the distortion, and some need to be on the amp's effects loop
Too damn effort

Keep it real and don't use any crutches

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Maybe I’ll just take it back to the guitar shop then. Don’t want to fuck it up by messing with the truss rod.

and yet they have still been caught using alder in "maple capped mahogany" guitars

Holy fuck it's not that hard retard. Do you know what time based is?


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Oh it's a new guitar. I advise you to do that

depends. i had a zoomer and giged with it. it didnt last long. still got my 20 odd stomps. they still all work after being trashed to fuck.

get a muff


Fuck off csguitars

I don’t even have a tone knob

I wish I could get her muff if you know what I mean ;)

yeah the 2 techs ive used for the past 20 years give upfront quotes so hmmmm.
also each are the tech reps for ibanez & fender in my city which is a nice plus

mailed direct from Shenzhen China!

Why is your forehead so tall?

yeah, a zoom isn’t going to last under cowboy boots and steel toe metal attire

Should have got an axe fx like all the pros since you’re a pro. Pedals and tubes have been deprecated but chinesium stuff like mooer and zoom didn’t get much better. Only cheap guitars have improved, everything else still costs money (besides, when was the last time anyone did an amp spin?)

It has to make room for the large brain

i havent giged publicly in 10years. so not liekly to go down that road again with stage gear, plus it was covers so having all the presets was a god send. originals is much easier on the stomps

Samuel is a baldmaster from the baldvela

What Zoom? My G1X is still alive and well

Get a G3xn best bang for the buck

Well then its alot of useless gray matter because youre obviously retarded. Zika head ass. And why are your teeth 2 inches long?

Samuel is a chimpteethmaster from the chimpteethvela

To eat the meat of annoying 4channers

Samuel is a chimpoutmaster from the chimpoutvela

But your body shows obvious signs of malnourishment. Hopefully you can catch a favela rat with those oversized chompers

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No wonder youre starving. This is 4channel not Yea Forums.

Why are you advertising for McDonalds?

dont worry i saved it.
Everyone look at this large hollow headed chimp toothed favela freak.
Hes advertising for Mcdonalds for free too. I'm lovin it

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Samuel is a starvingmaster from the starvingvela

gg is obsessed

You think sammy could bite through a 50s tele neck with those chompers?

Anyone have any improvisation or noodling tabs?

I'm going to buy a new amp today and have to try it out in store. I don't want to sound like a beginner so I'm looking for tabs for improvisations.

Any help?

Not this again

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trolled epic style

Where you read McDonald's? And I have an useless brain lmao

>post you're guitar

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the shitposting on here is getting fucking stupid even for shitposting

It looks like bugs have been eating your guitar.

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Samuel is a foreheadmaster from the foreheadvela

How much could I sell my second hand Fender Deluxe Stratocaster MIM for? I took it into an instrument shop and they offered me a really bad price for it. It's got nothing wrong with it and they usually sell for £600 or so on ebay second hand and retail for £700.

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These are awesome, keep them coming

No it's fucking trash and uncreative

you have to sell it yourself, music shops buy to resell at a profit

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>visible fretboard radius


Who’s the better guitar player; Sam or Jcum?


Hispanics have +1 in guitar ability and get another +1 if living in their native land.

Post you're guitar, freak

I'll buy it off ya, where do you live?

>no fingerprints
>no scratches
this is a guitar that nobody plays


What the fuck? Aren't these basses worth over $1k easily? Would I be an idiot not to go check this one out?

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>He doesn't take care of his shit

Use a small pick of a material softer than your finish and don't strum like a retard
Wipe your shit down after you finish using it

There aren't any real players here, this shouldn't surprise you.

Cute :3

It's generally overpriced, but that doesn't mean you can't find good deals.

Good morning

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Thanks I smiled

Its new, poorfag

We have Pink Suhr.

Jcope won two of three duels, but mainly because Sammy kept missing the thirty-minute deadline to upload his "improvisations".

Fucking dickrider

Yeah, but he can play.


I bought a one-year-old second hand MIA in mint condition recently. You might need to adjust your expectations.

Fucking samefag dickriders

Hey guys what do you think of link related?
The original price is $400, and adorama has it for $219 with a case, and slickdeals is giving a $90 rebate, bringing the total price to 129 before tax.
I'm looking to learn guitar, but the specs on this guitar seem in line with other guitars for around $200.
I was originally looking at an Epiphone Pro 1 acoustic, either the plus or ultra since the sound is really nice on it, at least from youtube videos.
But i just want to learn for now since vidya sucks and i need something to pass the time.
Deal ends on the 16th 11:59pm i believe.

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Anyone? I'm real tempted to pull the trigger on this - even if I just end up selling it for a profit.

That looks Samuel-tier

i don't know much about guitars, but i do know wood.
Check to see if there's any green or black dust, since that's mold. Bring a rag with you, because if it was in that case and not exposed to fresh air the humidity might have caused the wood to warp, soo look for that too.
I say it's worth checking out, might just be a guitar that collected dust, and the owner probably didn't touch in in years.

Based Sideways tele

Near Manchester in the UK

I wasn’t expecting £600 anything above £470 is good for me desu

just put that money into bonds bro

how's the fender rumble 200? anyone uses it?

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Most definitely

Sams a negroid though.

is lonestar special good for pedal platform?

My buddy used the 100 for gigs for years. still has it. Always sounded fine to me.

I live in Burgerland unfortunately

>I live in Burgerland fortunately

He's Brazilian. Mostly Iberian but also visibly negroid (lips) and Indian (lack of chest hair), and his surnames are Jewish.

>lack of chest hair
Lmfao we already know hes a pansy faggot no need to remind us.

Samuel is a LowTestMaster from the LowTestvela

Yup, here’s a tone test I did with mine months back.

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Sam tranny now?

He's an aidsmaster from the aidsvela

poor lil poly tune

It's been a while since i looked into it, but the only epiphones that had solid maple caps were high end signature models and the ones for the Jap market. I dimly recall the really sought after figured maple is from north american sugar maples, which is a harder maple than the kind they get in China, so they import veneers for the epiphones, it's simple economics, they can't pump out thousands of cheap guitars every month at their price point if they had to ship huge amounts of lumber across the globe. Other companies like Dean are US based, so getting lumber like NA sugar maple isn't as expensive.

Wood period isn't expensive, when talking guitars, unless it's exotics or stuff like high end rosewood. Mahogany is pretty cheap, and maple even cheaper, in the US. You can get a mahogany mantel or door made cheaper than a block of "guitar grade" mahogany from luthier suppliers like StewMac - a local lumber yard can get a StewMac $150 plank for half that price, easily. Maple is one of the most common hardwoods for furniture making. You can't know how good the figuring is until you mill the trunk, and the good stuff is diverted by lumber yards, but it's still not that expensive or hard to find - unless you're manufacturing in China with North American wood stock.

[YOU'RE] going to post pictures of [YOUR] guitar.

PS - that's a butt ugly guitar.

All entry level guitars are about the same. "Original list price" was $400? Yeah, I fell for that marketing crap once, too.

Yeah, thats what i was thinking as well.
I don't get a redirect on google to fenders site, so i assume it's been discontinued.
Doesn't sound that well from youtube compared to the epiphone or the Fender CD60sce.

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Just go to a shop, pick something you like off the wall in your price range, and if you can press the highest fret on every string without much effort it should be good enough to learn on

Ok ty


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absolutely based

if he was low test his dick would be smaller

Not as much. Prices seem high these days and I don't see as much pop up anymore. I think the tax shit has turned away a lot of sellers

Its probably the scale length, you won't adjust right away if you're used to 25.5". The radius between those 3 makes negligible differences, but the scale length is more noticeable on the SG


good amp

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Tax shit has turned me away on nearly everything.
I just ask them to price match at customer service.
I hear even chink sites charge tax now, at least in NY.

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goes with

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what was the image

Attached: hmmm.jpg (288x402, 76K)

both shit

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a frog

was he naked

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no i don't think so

he should have been

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