Can we all agree it's the most overrated song of 2019?

Can we all agree it's the most overrated song of 2019?

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for the love of god stop shilling your song you absolute faggot

hoes mad


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Im already tired of these fucking threads


Sweetie, there's a hide button

Was Knives the better girl?

>knowing the name of individual characters in that movie


>Less exes
>Literal asian schoogirl virgin
>Obsessed with main guy

Why the fuck did this idiot choose ramona.

>less exes

Ok? Are we now some sort of used car for men now or something.

Hmmm music this year you say? Here’s my take
incel cishet virgin whiteboi: *rehashes pop punk to trigger the libs*
based and sexually liberated post-gender gecs: *influences the next decade*

No, it was Kim Pines

yes, you always have been

yeah, vroom vroom bitch.

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This lmao.

Haha, literally nothing wrong with enjoying sex. Go outside and talk to a woman.

This triggered by a Michael Cera movie

Plus Kim makes out with Knives in vol 4, incredibly based choice.

based as fuck

>*influences the next decade*

Kanye did it first with Yeezus.

Used cars can be tuned up, reupholstered, have worn out parts replaced, and are generally a superior option compared to new cars.

that was last decade lmao also you’re referring to the work of woke trans-thottie arca

I haven’t heard anyone praise it beyond “it’s catchy”

Why can't the left meme? Even your bait is bad.


Idk that other guy liked it and it’s more of a post than a meme. You sound mad

learn to drive, sweetie

Yep. Pack it up folks.

Thread turned into an incel shitfest at a record pace.

Ricky has ptsd from this afternoon :)

Men that have sex generally have the strongest negative opinions about women

>17 years old

Have sex.


Give me the quick rundown. I don't want the whole enchilada.

>If shes physically and mentally broken in enough I can make her look and act how I please

Nice codependency logic

It’s still in the archive

That's what your dad did with your mom, show some appreciation

What's your body count?
If it's over 1 and you're not with him, you're a whore who should be chemically castrated. You're worthless to men and society in general.

did you think I was being sarcastic? I'm genuinely excited


fuck off, you represent the interests of nobody but yourself, you narcissist

go back to r*ddit

You can't fix terminal roasty you dumbass. There's a reason she had 30 guys and not 1 was desperate enough to stay longer than a week.

ricky is a master troll i love that nigga

Replying to

I haven't been on Yea Forums in a while but I know what song it is because I follow shooter on twitter and watch his live streams, and I knew his music from when he used to post in soundcloud threads. Do I get some kind of medal for being a faggot?

Also the song is cringe because the lyrics don't quiiiite have enough ironic awareness. The awareness that he knows he's incredibly pathetic is there in the lyrics ("I'd still hit if I could") but the main part of the chorus makes Shooter sound like he genuinely actually thinks these women care about Scott Pligrim vs the World at all. In the main part of the chorus It stops being a pathetic character version of the songwriter to just sounding like him just being retarded. And Scott Pilgrim was already a reflection of culture when the comic came out like 100 yrs ago, so it makes him sound unintentionally out of touch.

It still captures a very particular kind internet angst very well, though and I like every other part of the song. I like Left on Read better though.

>imageboard culture to be exact

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there's a lot to unpack here

It was a comic first. Hell, there's a video game that is generally loved on Yea Forums.

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>that's his ex
>an art hoe

So he's literally salty?

Archers Of Loaf wrote 2 songs about art hoes in 1993.
Much better than this pop punk shit.

I don't get this meme

pop punk necessitates decent production

What's there to get?
Did you not get the Slint or Grimes or MBV or ITAOTS memes?
Are you retarded or a tranny?

I don't get why it's being forced so much

patrician take

There is no contending with the Orders and Decrees of Provindence. He that makes, knows what is fittest for us; and ever man's own lot
(well understood and managed) is undoubtedly the best.
The miseries of half mankind unknown,
Fools vainly think no sorrows like their own;
But view the world and you will learn to bear
Misfortunes well, since all men have their share

the message is objectively right, but all his songs are kinda boring and same-y.

The fuck am I reading.

At least anime fags have qt waifus.

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>ovjectively right


This is why I fucking hate videos like the one in the OP. Nothing but brainwashing.

ricky is not white or straight... he is a gay shitskin mutt but yeah nice take...

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which song

>The Fugg My Reading?
Thomas Bewicks Fables of Aesop... that is from teh end of the Frightened Hares

Once upon a time the Hares found themselves mightily unsatisfied with the miserable condition they lived in. Here we live,
says one of them, at the mercy of men, dogs, eagles, and I know not how many other creatures, which prey upon us at pleasure;
perpetually in frights, perpetually in danger; and therefore I am absolutely of opinion that we had better die once for all,
than live at this rate in a continual dread that's worse than death itself. The motion was seconded and debated, and a resolution
immediately taken, by one and all, to drown themselves. The vote was no sooner passed, but away they scudded with that determination
to the next lake. Upon this hurry there leapt a whole shoal of Frogs from the bank into the water, for fear of the Hares. Nay then,
my masters, says one of the gravest of the company, pray let's have a little patience. Our condition, I find, is not altogether so
bad as we fancied it; for there are those, you see, that are as much afraid of us as we are of others.

People were posting his ex gf in the last thread retard

told you he's gay

>I’m a man of culture, imageboard culture to be exact

Hey guys, Ricky here.

Posting an ex is cringe.
Talking shit on Yea Forums is cringe when you probably are under 6'0 and white. Just saying.

>implying arthoes didn't exist before this flick with low sales was released
retarded message aside, what a shit song. Boring, generic sounding pop punk with the embarrassing vocaroo tier puberty voice. If you want a good song about college arthoes listen to Pixies - UMass

Ricky’s not even the one who wrote the song though he’s just some loser who made a fan “video”(it’s a slideshow of memes)

dude it sounds like an old timey radio that's so punk
post your address gay boy


It's not the 90s anymore you retarded boomer.

Over 6 foot Jewish chad here, yeah I stole my gf from a whiteboi STEM nerd, I GUESS that makes me a cuck??


Based jewcel. Whiteboys can't fuck for shit.

get double circumcised you shekelniggers

>It's not the 90s anymore
so? do you only listen to shitty """"lofi""""" 2010s songs made by asshurt incels? the fact that it's from the 90s, long before that movie existed, proves my point
>muh boomer
I'm 20, age doesn't have anything to do with you being a pleb faggot. You idiots are calling anyone boomer and zoomer, it's not an argument

also punk music is gay you shitskins can have it

Hoes mad

I’m not a “jewcel” bro I have sex on the reg
She said she doesn’t like uncut ones she said she saw one once and screamed at him and left


It's called progression of culture, faggot. Or are you going to listen to dadrock like the Beatles and pixies and nirvana?

>She said she doesn't like uncut ones
cool story bro

It’s not their fault the only genre they can get is our worn out sloppy seconds

What progression? It deloved back into drunk bards and whores.

Yeah? Let’s hear a story about your gf now, user

what progression? We went from Biggie Smalls to Drake, such progress lol.

t. wrong generation pleb who doesn’t even know good music

She never seen an uncut dick, I guess it was a surprise.

Ask your rabbi how your first blowjob was.

The Archers Of Loaf songs posted in the thread from the same time period are actually entirely about arthoes, where UMass is about overall college campus culture.

god take

I’ve got videos shitlord, it was a beautiful ceremony where all my friends and loved ones gathered to honor my massive cock (even as a child)

I like how you bring up good music like I was giving examples of that and even if I was so what if I like Drake you gonna get mad? I was making a point about stagnation in styles how people are still doing basically the same thing as before I was fucking born.

guess how a culture progresses? by learning from and experimenting with things from the past, that's exactly what good 2010s musicians do in almost all genres you underage brainlet. If you can't appreciate old music just as much as new music you're a close minded turbopleb and everything wrong with this board. Fuck off back to youtube and listen to your lofi beats to chill/masturbate to

>She said she doesn’t like uncut ones

Why are you talking about her past hookups? Bro...

You are a pleb, because, you don’t, know, any current and interesting, music, and,
I won’t be spoon feeding you

Then a hooknose bit it in half.

I didn't ask for your musical taste lol fuck off nigger

When is the last time anyone honored your dick? (small since childhood)

'honored' reminded me of those monks that get their bodies cut up and fed to birds because they believe in reincarnation... sky burials I think they are called

Ok... lol

Anyway what else do you faggots wanna know about the history of my chadly Jewish cock?

What did your rabbi say your forskin tasted like?

Why do you have to throw up this facade and call people faggots is it because you miss your foreskin?


Yea ForumsCHADS think r7cky is le lame as fuck

B a Yea ForumsCHAD


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These are the CHAD anti-arthoe songs.
Upboat if you agree!

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>Not going for best girl Kim Pine
Lol besides Knives is 17 so...... I'll say no

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it's basically the 2019 equivalent of this

holy SHIT this is blast from the past

We can go further back.

anyone else remember the Australian version of that song?

Guys no you can't make fun of women. Guys
no I love to smell women. Y'all are sexists nooooo

Shut the fuck up dumb zoomer hoe fuck women and fuck jannies

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holy shit leave this website forever

get em LOAF!

romano thicc

off-topic but who's that girl?

Mary Elizabeth Winstead

>Why the fuck did this idiot choose ramona
They were both narcissists. The book covered it better than the movie.

ironically i met this guy at a literary soingwriting conference at he was half of all the stuff he shat on


Some woman tweeted out that scott pilgrim ruined an entire generation of men and he stole that tweet but changed it to women. The point of the song is to make fun of art hoe type girls and make them mad, you're not supposed to take it so seriously.

And yes, you win a medal for being a dumb fag, congrats.

you telling me this song is based off a meme stolen from twitter?

>Also the song is cringe because the lyrics don't quiiiite have enough ironic awareness. The awareness that he knows he's incredibly pathetic is there in the lyrics ("I'd still hit if I could") but the main part of the chorus makes Shooter sound like he genuinely actually thinks these women care about Scott Pligrim vs the World at all. In the main part of the chorus It stops being a pathetic character version of the songwriter to just sounding like him just being retarded. And Scott Pilgrim was already a reflection of culture when the comic came out like 100 yrs ago, so it makes him sound unintentionally out of touch.

Yes, it's just one big troll. I can't believe it got popular.

it's not really very popular, we just like to fight here. ofc it's one big troll, but it's kinda cringe that it's based on a twitter thing

Why the fuck am I so attracted to girls with blue hair?

You're a cuck

for me its gray/silver

>Why the fuck am I so attracted to girls with blue hair?
>trend started before 2010. still a trend
>lazy zoomers cant invent anything new
and right there is the reason we are going in a downhill direction fast

I haven't been this excited by a punk band since pwr bttm

Is it right that I wanna spray her pussy?

is it right that she is now a cougar?

we LOVE LOAF in Yea Forums!!!

God I hate Archers of Loaf. And women.


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What song?

Is this the Violent Femmes for zoomers? It's kinda catchy but lacks the lyrical wit or musicianship of the aforementioned. I feel like this dude has potential if he cleans up his production and introduces a bit of subtlety to what are essentially hate anthems. Hate anthems are cool but they need to show a little restraint to not feel self-indulgent.

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sorry wrong one

Damn i made a fan in that punk thread i see.
Check out all their other albums too.

Naah. It's a banger my man.


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lame thread


Did you forget that Ramona's exes were really fucking powerful, and wanted to at least seriously hurt Scott?

Pop punk is do fucking lame ricky
This is a blight on Yea Forums

yeah man thanks for that shit

Still top notch pussy desu

Im so confused. What does ricky have to do with anything. Is this the same ricky that printed album covers on xerox paper?

gotta hub cap diamond-star halo?

LOAFarooni up n herre

Goofy garbage

El terrible, dude.
Sorry all those thots slotted you, but this is cringe.

is this fucking Thelma you Jewish swine

IT's SOTY solely because of wow many thots white knights and trannies it has triggered in the last week

MuSICK 4 goobs

Snotfart music

Gross, rude, and very bad.

That's just how it goes. Repeating something enough may eventually make it funny or insane. It's funny cause there was no need for a /LOAF/ general but despite that it was posted daily, sometimes multiple times, before tapering off. Even sneedposting had to start somewhere.

Hot garbage



For me, it’s red/orange


Someone post Ricky's ex

the original

>women have such a high opinion of themselves that they think having sex with them once would make them immune from any criticism whatsoever

Lmao you're still garbage 'people' after I (and many others) have put our cocks in you. Men who have lots of sex often have the worst opinions of women but you couldn't handle that

I think it's been samefagged. Stefan Molyneux didn't even retweet.

its just a shitty current year knockoff of this:

so a jannie deletes both of these shittty threads

Just listened to it. I like it. If I was still a lonely virgin it'd be life. I get the hype.

You can't stop the incel uprising. You and your beta orbiters have already exhausted the word incel and you've only made incels stronger in their hatred.

MGTOW and incels are the new punk
Is there another group of people that manages to piss off both the right and the left so much?
I mean think about it

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hey mods do your fucking job

Fripp says Fuck them then dip

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what song?

in that sense flamers and dykes are punk

I have an ex who is a musician with hot pink hair and idk if I hate her or love her.
>wanna hate her
>music isn’t bad

She never put her music online when we were dating, but she’s starting to now. I guess she’s doing better without me.

Bumping up this shitty thread to shame the mods

on the flip side that means the hero literally steals the girl and cucks the villains, which seems extremely based and redpilled

Literally just wait a year and it's 100% legal

Of incels are punks they have to be straight edge or we aim taken em

given the choice to hang out with straight edge punks or incels I’m going incels every day of the week

loser (btw incels think drugs are degenerate)

for the love of fucking god, this incel cucked fag keeps spamming these shitty threads. Theres like 3 of them up right now. She didnt want you because you're mentally ill, get over it you fucking loser.

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Yeah but straight edge will beat the shot out of you for having a beer


The first barely interesting song of 2019

Ok, I didn't know that he was making fun of a woman's tweet, neither would most of the 90000 plays the track got. The title of the song is funny because of the very obvious irony that the main character actually named is so much worse than the female character, the joke doesn't carry as well over a full pop song where scott pilgrim isn't mentioned and the focus is that almost exclusively rant about a woman. It's a funny title for a song which made for a tweet that was 10x better than the original he's making fun of, but the lyricism hasn't quite reached the heights of ironic misogynistic perfection as Pinkerton or anything, and I wouldn't show this to anyone in public because it sounds like actual retards on imageboards