Why the fuck does everyone gush over this album? Every song is:

Why the fuck does everyone gush over this album? Every song is:
>Yo, it's 3030
>Deltron and Automator
>*raps the exact same way as the last song*

The samples are almost all obtrusive and grating (Things You Can Do), and the music backing for every song except the opener is forgettable at best.
Nothing even fucking happens until the rapstravaganza at the end, which is the second-best song.

The Ziggurat is an objectively superior sci-fi rap opera.

Attached: deltron.jpg (355x314, 22K)

Fuck off zoomer.

OP drink a New Coke and die plz

I don't know about you but 3030 is one of the greatest rap songs ever. The production and the lyrical skill are top fucking notch and very few rappers can match that flow and lyricism.

Upgrade your grey matter.

not an argument

not an argument

3030 is admittedly a great song but everything else is middling by comparison. The album's maybe a 7/10, but it's way too fucking boring to make all these best-of lists.

Wasnt trying to argue retard just wanted you to know youre an idiot.

You post like you have aspergers. You've offered nothing in defense of the album, which is allegedly so good that your immediate reaction is low-brow insults.

3030, Virus, and Mastermind are the only songs worth listening to and they are still shitty in comparison to any real music. (Handel, Mozart, Beethoven)

Attached: nothin personelle.jpg (367x500, 19K)

Ah I see you are a man who studies the blade

this but unironically

No its 6/10 Im just shitposting lol. Ok for real though. 3030 is good. Virus is pretty pretty good too. Mastermind is probably the best track. Rest is either filler or just ok.

This album is a 10/10 on your first listen but after that it's really hard to sit through the whole thing at once when you know what to expect. Still plenty of great individual tracks though. The Ziggurat has some more interesting production but it's less focused and I don't like the mc's voice.

You have to be high to enjoy it, then it's like "wooooah oh my god it's like I'm really in space with niggers." Everything about this album has aged like milk. Listen to MF DOOM's concept albums because they're actually interesting and good.

i wish the ziggurat's story was more coherent. i love how experimental and progressive the album is, and there are some really memorable track/sections but im always a little disappointed by how scatter-brained the plot is.

based putting them in their place

>don't like Turbulence

Upgrade is also a great song, along with 3030, Virus, and Mastermind as previously mentioned. Lots of classics on this album. It dropped in 2000 and was ahead of its time when Trick Daddy and Mystikal and shit were topping the charts.

great concept, well executed for a turn-of-the-millennium underground (i.e. dust) rap record
aged horribly, mixing betrays Del's raps, not exactly a good listen
respectable but overrated

>but after that it's really hard to sit through the whole thing at once when you know what to expect

literally 90% of all rap albums are too fucking long

70 percent of albums should be 35 minutes or less