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What the fuck is wrong with their eyes???

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morrissey is a lefty on everything but mass immigration, people calling him far right are idiots


can he get any more based?

mk ultra


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>everyone prefers their own race

I think the only people that cancelled him (whatever that means) were some of his deluded fans. He's been "controversial" in the UK ever since the 90s, and outside of the UK he is only known to a marginal public.

Is it "lefty" to think the chinese are "subhumans"?

People tend to date and interact with their own race more often than not. Whether this is intentional or not who knows

its normal to think that


he said they were a subspecies, which they objectively are

I have some videos to show you if you'd like to see with your own eyes he is 100% right.
Chinese communist culture and also their folk traditions are absolutely subhuman.

with kinder phrasing

plus they don't age well

He's a boomer with typical 70s era norf prejudices but he is also anti trump, anti capitalist, anti tory/gop, anti gun, pro LGBT, pro environment, anti religion

he said "subspecies" and it was in reference to their treatment of animals

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Plus he lives in LA and loves Latino people
He's a confused man

aw look at resident /sjw/ bringing out the data. perhaps next time add a graph or a pie chart and then kill yourself

what is far right about that?

he's a populist more than left/right

Now he's virtue signaling. Nice.


Is morrissey in the RADICAL CENTRIST gang?

racism != right wing

he's the last one to die

No, but it strongly correlates.
Biden and Hilary are racist liberals for example, but racists will still 99% vote Republican for a reason.

Centrism in the US is pretty damn conservative, so no

everybody is racist, get over it

he's just a retard in a gated LA commmunity getting news about europe from boomer echo chambers

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In China...
Animals for meat are intentionally tortured, thrown into giant woks, burnt with blow torches, and skinned alive because of the folk belief that you gain that animal's "fight, vigor" when eating it, and that in torture before death hormones are released that gives the meat a better flavor.
Also, if you accidentally injure someone you are forced to pay for that person's care for the rest of their life, but if accidentally kill them you pay a one time fee, so Chinese will run someone over and if they're still alive they will run them over and over until the kill them. If someone is drowning or someone is getting beat up, if you rescue them and they have injures you have to pay for their care for the rest of your life. So Chinese will run away or not react in anyway to someone else getting stabbed, or shot, or having a heart attack, or drowning, etc.

yeah, for instance the news about 20 kids being killed in a concert in his hometown. if only he had not had that news delivered to him through a boomer echo chamber...

True, but he's honestly always seemed a bit prejudiced. He's had lyrics and quotes that could be interpreted that way. I don't consider him the same as a /pol/ redneck, he's far too educated and nuanced to be reduced to that level and he disagrees with a lot of their stances, but he also has this very old timey posh British Victorian sensibility about him that may make him sympathize with the idea of traditional national culture or whatever.



he's not racist, just doesn't like em, simple as

Morrissey isn't actually racist? Not a surprise to anyone with a brain

its the centrist opinion. the right thinks they are insects and the left thinks they are gods.


Sound like great ppl 2me lol

morrissey just understands the old adage, "there's no such thing as bad publicity". he's been pissing off the mainstream for his whole life. how do you piss of the mainstream these days?

Why do libs and lefties suck chink microdick so hard?

I dont believe you.

I wish mark e. smith were still alive. wonder what he thought about chinkies.


>I have black friends
And I guess kanye means trump's not racist?

Donald Trump isn't racist.

laughable statement

kanye isn't his friend he's just used for publicity

It’s the iPhone red eye fixer