Why aren't you listening to jazz, Yea Forums?

It's one of the first and greatest American art forms with a rich history that spans over a century. All you guys talk about is rock and hip hop, try something else for a change.

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I'm not listening to anything

jazz is unironically the worst genre
the nazis were right calling it degenerate
hiphop is better than this

this isn't Yea Forums you don't have to start a Jazz thread with a stupid shitpost
we have Jazz threads

This... this bait doesn't even make sense

but they always die after a few posts because no one here listens to jazz

I really like norah jones' music

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it does
jazz is musical degeneration, hiphop only cultural

I've seen them go for quite awhile, and other's die in a few posts

it's loud and chaotic and one of those blowy instruments (trumpet? trombone? I don't know) makes me uncomfortable

this is pretty valid but there's some softer and piano-based jazz that you might like if that's your only problems with the genre

looking at the archive, they usually get a few posts and rarely get past 30

any jazz suggestions, Yea Forums?
i like a lot of different genres of rock and i like folk and i like weird, experimental shit. i mainly like pop-ier shit and i don't generally like instrumental music very much unless it's really interesting sounding.
i tried listening to john coltrane & johnny hartman earlier today but i couldn't even sit through it. it was really fucking boring.

What John Coltrane album did you try?

it sounds like shit

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A lot of Charles Mingus compositions have a lot going on instrumentation wise so i'd recommend The Clown or The Black Saint.
I'd also highly recommend John Zorn if you want really experimental and chaotic music.
If John Zorn is maybe too much for you then i'd say listen to Ornette Coleman who's work is still very out there but not as abrasive

The only jazz musician I like is Bill Evans. Is there someone else like him out there?

I love bill evans and chet baker

>Started listening to modal jazz
>Found it interesting
>Started learning the music theory behind it because it's pretty cool
>Once I learned the theory, return to late romantic / 20th century classical music and realise that the old dead whites use it all so much better
Jazz musicians are pretentious instrument-gimmick hacks who can't actually compose. Jazz music is a meme.

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John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman

why I wrote this

>Started learning music theory
this is where you fucked up

how so?

explain why jazz is a musical degeneration
guarantee you would love serialism since it was created by a "dead old white" even though its as good as jazz

>explain why jazz is a musical degeneration
please don't humor him
no discussion of worth can come from this request

But i am. Mccoy Tyner's Night of Ballads and Blues. Dude can play like none other.

you're probably right user. not sure why hating jazz is the new pseud meme

>Just play whatever, bro.
Nice "music".

thats not what jazz is