what is the most anti-capitalist album ever created, comrades?
What is the most anti-capitalist album ever created, comrades?
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Rush - 2112
>dedicated to ayn rand
try these guys m8
>dude fuck capitalism!
>give me money for my meaningless product you don't actually need
Why are commies incapable of following their own system?
That image has to have been made by someone with schizophrenia lmao
amerimutt npc detected
post music or go back fatass
An album is by definition subject to capitalistic values. If you're looking for the most (and only) anti-capitalistic music, you might want to visit tribes around the world which music has only been distributed to each generation by ear.
most historic examples of 'communism' were not actually communism once the regimes were actually in place, usually due to the corruption of power + grossly underestimating the difficulty of maintaining such a structure in a massive nation. the only working version of it in history so fa (i believe) has been kibbutzes, and that's because they're tiny communities
Most post-punk.
Warum geht es mir so dreckig by Ton Steine Scherben
Honestly communism only works on a minecraft server.
And communsim is supposed to be world wide and it cant even get a nation to achieve it?
>literal heavily-distributed pop music meant for mass consumption is the most anti-capitalist music
first the nation state must be eliminated in its entirety
Rage Against the Machine s/t
And every nation needs to do this basically simultaneously?
well, the communist manifesto/marxism in general was never intended to be a rulebook for how to build a functioning society, they created the concept as a means of deconstructing and pointing out the flaws in capitalism, and it was only ever meant to be the starting point for finding a better solution that would promote cooperation and working with each other for the greater good of the whole, instead of capitalism's wholly competitive nature that provides no impetus towards adding to the general welfare of the community if there are no personal gains from doing so.
>meant for mass consumption
only insofar as all music is a commodity and someone's livelihood, and as such aims for as wide of an audience as it can get. at least the general public USED to be into more than top-40 garbage
Because the general public used to be white
white people aped and subsequently ruined most genres of music though
ye preferably
How could an ancillary product meant to provide fleeting entertainment be anti capitalist?
Every KMFDM album
Of course this is how a capitalist sees music, as an ancillary entertainment product
lmao good luck with that one
No, that's what it is. Whatever deeper experience you're finding in it is what you're doing to yourself. Stop shortchanging yourself.
Anti-capitalist musicians have two choices. Either they can refuse to use the existing distribution methods for ideological reasons and nobody hears their music, or they can sign to a record label that will distribute their music to a large audience and they can consciously work to undermine the system from within. You may personally prefer they take the former option, but that's because you're a center-right NPC who gets triggered by Marxism. Besides, heavily-distributed media for mass consumption can obviously be anti-capitalist. It's called "agitprop."
>a whole album about a tyrannical a.i. ruling the human race
I dont think so, tim
this only applies to commercial music, not music as a concept. 'deep experience' in regards to art is an entirely subjective thing anyway, it's never an aspect of the piece in question, it is simply how that piece interacts with someone's memories and stuff. you can have a deep emotional experience from something as simple as a sunset at the right time in your life. what i'm saying is, that's not a valid argument
a.i.? i thought it was like an alien church or whatever that wiped out all traces of human culture, but i haven't listened to it in years so whatever
this guy gets it
'Kangaroo?' by Red Krayola
music is naturally capitalist, retard
not really lol
Music was around thousands of years before capitalism was ever thought of
This only works if the people don't actually keep any of the money made through this method for themselves, not a single cent. Otherwise they are just grifters, preaching an ideology they don't believe in.
Could you not use that dumb argument for all art? If so why are you even on this board?
Little capuchin monkeys comprehend basic principles in commerce. "Capitalism" is as old as people and also music.
that's the joke
i think what we can conclude from this thread is that people who don't understand capitalism (and it's flaws) also don't understand music
you can't live a different economic ideology when you live in an entirely capitalist system, this is stupid logic
You misread me, he asked for the MOST anti-capitalistic music, which obviously wouldn't even try to undermine the system from within by adopting its values but entirely remove itself from it.
this. there is no ethical consumption under capitalism
Just because someone has a certain ideology are they supposed to act ignorant to how a capitalism economy works? At the end of the day they still have to eat and sleep. Criticizing a society you live in does not mean you aren’t part of that society
Just kill yourself if you think self preservation is some kind of mortal sin. You would have to unethically consume in the march towards the utopia you've been promised, so what's the point? By your own admission, you have to be a piece of shit in order to get what you want.
you're an idiot lol
Sounds like you're a standard retard. People already do live under a different system in a capitalist world, there's entire communities built around it. Capitalism allows for people to drop out and have their own systems within it while what you want does not allow anyone freedom to be anything but a slave.
Commerce does not equal capitalism.
this post was made by a gay retard cunt
If you actually believe that there’s no hope for you
It's like you don't even know what you pretend to believe. You can use the capitalism system to release your music and message but make your money through other means. People already do this, I hope you realize how stupid you sound. It is the act of profiting off the capitalist model that is hypocritical, not using these systems to spread your message.
Imagine being the incel who made this image
that's not true at all, being anticapitalist doesn't mean being entirely opposed to making any money and being entirely altruistic, it just means you're opposed to being the sole beneficiary of the profits with no regard for the larger community
When you have a chain pay your burger flippers $15. Problem solved.
It's not the most, but it's pretty close
>what you want does not allow anyone freedom to be anything but a slave
all i want is for people to consider helping each other from time to time, for even greedy people to recognize that they would likely benefit from supporting others in the long term, instead of everybody hastily trying to make all of the money they can off the backs of others and keeping it all to themselves
>Whole album
How retarded are you?
Wouldn’t “making money through other means” still be profiting off the capitalist system? Is there any legal way to make money without profiting off the capitalist system? Wouldn’t buying food and a place to live be “giving in to the capitalist system”. The point is there is no way to live the way you want in a capitalist system without being a part of that capitalist system. Unless you want to be a dumpster diving, dirty, naked homeless man.
Pink Floyd - Animals
for starters, jobs with wages that actually support living in highly expensive urban ares would be a good thing, as opposed to people needing to work several jobs just to maintain the ability for a single person to pay rent and eat food every month
Henry Flynt - You Are My Everlovin'
wanting change and talking about it despite being entrenched in the status quo does not make a hypocrite, it's simply doing what you can to spread awareness, open up the dialogue, and hopefully foment some change. you can't just live in a vacuum