Mitski is a sex trafficker

For now on, when you see this face think "Sex Trafficker"


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Schizophrenics shouldn't be believed, they just ramble a bunch of nonsense about cia pedo jew alien lizard men

Rape ME, mommy!


“mitski raped me” ass

baka lmao

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sex traffic me mommy

can i get a quick rundown?

she was on the epstein logs

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Somebody on tumblr accused Mitski of having sexually abused her as a child, and has gone on to accuse Mitski of being involved with CIA child abuse rings. Some fake screenshots of the accuser admitting it was fake circled around Yea Forums, and Mitski released her statement on it today.

Not to show my bias, but the accuser’s story is filled with inconsistency. Claims to have been enrolled in college at age nine, claimed to have attended an 18+ concert states away when she was 14, and has a documented history with drug abuse. I don't take accusations lightly, but the inconsistencies make it difficult to determine how seriously this one should be taken. Either way, the consensus is that the accuser is mentally troubled in some way and needs help, whether her accusations are true or not

unknown dumbfuck tumblr user says mitski and her family sexually trafficked her while mitski was 21 and user was 11. none of her details about the events line up or make sense and a few of her statements have already been debunked, such as claiming the fbi is involved despite talking about it online and saying that there is no paper trail. tumblr can’t decide if the “victim” shouldn’t have to have a full explanation because facts and information are too traumatizing for her, or if it’s a racist sexist plot to ruin an asian woman.

>Not to show my bias, but the accuser’s story is filled with inconsistency. Claims to have been enrolled in college at age nine, claimed to have attended an 18+ concert states away when she was 14, and has a documented history with drug abuse.
Read that back. It makes perfect sense.

College at age 9? So they’re breeding super geniuses?

Anyone else dream about mitski’s milkers every night?

I've heard of that once or twice. Honestly, that sounds like the kind of thing a family of glowniggers would try to do.

Not this shit again

They came up with the excuse that SUNY offered a summer camp. It's still bullshit tho.

>be mitski
>write deeply personal song using the imagery of a pearl diver
>7 years later some psychotic troon you've never met in your life uses the lyrics to accuse you of raping them during their xanax induced delusions

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gee whiz some people

>and I wanted that to parallel, like, the idea of the teenager in the suburb or in a town where it’s just like, this is what they know and it’s repetitive and it’s, like, it’s been done before and they don’t know what to do with it but it’s there, it’s just like, I wanted to parallel that

Ladies and gentlemen, the musical ambitions of a classically trained female musician. Is she even able to speak without interjecting the word “like” between every other word? Pathetic. Why did she or her parents waste all that money on a conservatory education for her takeaway to be “FUCK ATONALITY 4 CHORD POP SONGS ARE WHERE ITS AT”?

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>Mitski is a sex teacher

You’re so pretentious that you can’t stanf when an artist uses pedestrian language to describe a very human feeling they want to replicate? Okay

She is presumably on hard drugs or crazy enough for attention, and made this all up to bring awareness to her music while being able to suffer no consequences, and it worked well. Good timing

Is there any way the tranny can still salvage her case after all the shit that's been laid out about her?

Is mitski on hard drugs for real?

There is no way associating your name with pedophilia and child trafficking would do you good in any way. Its like a scar that wouldn't heal. Even after the truth has been settled, there's still people who wouldn't believe you.

dollar store Chris Chan

Mitski's family was directly involved in the Steele Dossier

but there exponentially more people who know about you. this is what artists and their managers do, some better than others, to bring heat and mitski is going to have more sales and streams from this without it hurting her because it was all bullshit. it's hard to get attention in this world and be a well-known artist. people will set themselves on fire to do it, especially artists who are on drugs on mentally ill themselves.

Mitski caused 9/11, i was there and i saw her fly the plane into the tower


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yeah, the person who did the accusing needs professional help, not sad losers online laughing at them. why are we all ignoring the fact that mitskis family are intelligence community members

That could happen, unless your its the pedophile train you hopped on, in which case your going to be ostracized along with all the people who listened to your music.

Yea Forums has a hard time processing that independent artists can afford to fuck around and make music that maybe 100 people listen to because they have connected parents.