Yea Forums makes an album

im not the guy that got the original idea

Band name:Urethra picnic
album name:Trips Fiend
12 tracks:
1.Moist porpoise
3.Pineapple pizza >already made
4.That purple slime monster that scared you as a kid (but you repressed it)
5.Tyler Perry Raped #metoo
6.Nico the Nigger Coat
7.My horse is pregnant (crying with joy)
8.Black niggers
9.White niggers
10.Inside Sufjan
11.lost swag in the rave inside the temple inside your mom >already made
12.I honestly just miss emily so much

Pic related is album cover

now whoever wants jumps in and makes the other tracks

finished songs pineapple pizza
lost swag in the rave inside the temple inside your mom

Attached: cover2222.jpg (75x125, 2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

thinking about making one but i'm pretty new so it would most likely be trash

No problem you choose what to do anyway

don't have time anyway i have work soon and that'll be like 4 hours but if somehow this thread still lives then i will make one

bump for long life then


claiming "Moist Porpoise", as long as doing an instrumental opening track is cool


claiming my horse is pregnant



Claiming "Tyler Perry Raped #metoo". Finishing up the lyrics now.


Alright, here you go

Aint no way this getting finished


been done many times

how do i bump my thread?

literally comment "bump"

songs done so far:
-Pineapple Pizza
-Lost swag in the rave inside the temple inside your mom
-My horse is pregnant (crying with joy)

>That purple slime monster that scared you as a kid (but you repressed it)
you guys did it somehow, i'm back from work
claiming this

good shit

thanks so much

no problem
clyp won't let me save it is there some way for me to download it?
I'm saving all the tracks that we make for listening to later

to the right of the save button is the download button.

if this is like every other Yea Forums album I've ever been involved with, then all the songs should be compiled into one album (obviously) at the end of the project

nvm Im stupid, didn't have downloads enabled lol

should work now

thanks a heap bro

do you think that we might have to do two songs each so that enough is done?

It'd become a folk album and someones gotta take one for the team and say the n word


hell i'll do both nigger songs if you want but not sure if i have the time tonight

the pair i mean, but i think whoever ends up doing those has to be the same guy

lol if I did white niggers it would basically be a 3 minute racist rant over a karaoke version of Sunday morning

Great idea, not sure this thread will survive the night, but we could revive it tomorrow

>Moist porpoise (intro)
I was planning on adding actual porpoise samples when I claimed it, but then I realized that porpoises sound exactly like farts, so I went a different direction. I mean, I can still go back and add them, but probably not tonight.

Anyway, sorry for ruining the folky vibes.

Lmfao the porpoises do sound like farts

Uploading my submission right now. Hang tight.

for sure

i like it

Delivering "Tyler Perry Raped #metoo":

like this

this is incredible user

gives me vibes of this song but i don't mind i like it

Oh yea we /folk/in it up in here all right

fucking quality

thanks bros

If anybody wants to replace this with a folk-ish song, I'd be fine with that. So far, this is a rare instance where a Yea Forums album has a sense of cohesion that isn't forced

purple slime monster coming soon i just need to get a recording of it that doesn't have a retard tier mistake in it

don't worry about it i would love if you finished personally
besides lost swag need an electronic buddy

No, no it is a fine track and diversity is our strength

Iktf, I hate how easy it is to make one mistake that ruins the whole thing

at least recording is fun even if you have to redo it alot

I don't know how you sang this without laughing. Good shit.
This is dope.

if you want to bring back the folk i think you could continue the drums and the cymbal in your track to the second track and add a guitar solo to lead it to Pinapple Pizza.

Sometimes I'll record something and can never listen to it again cause it makes me cringe too much

Good idea, I might have to do that

Hey, the link for Pineapple Pizza is down

Never mind; I'm retarded.



i had to go back to work (i'm the purple slime guy) and now that i'm back i'm totally rethinking what i made up



Alright fug it I’ll do the emily song

Thats cool

how long does a track need to be in length?

wow. awesome track user

Nico the Nigger Coat
only because it'll be seriously difficult to put the words in there but i think i can do it

Best track in the album. Our single.

So far. We've only made tracks with odd numbers on the track-listing.

does it have to be a guitar composition?

I'm not OP

But no. So far they have been with the exception of Moist Poirpose.

ok finished. uploading in a few minutes

Yo. I don't anything to record with or an instrument; but track twelve could start with this car crash sample I found on the /metal/ general thread.

and be a real sadboi track about the carwreck. This is a folk album, and we're missing one of those.

and i present

"Nico the Nigger Coat"
and yes the title is included in words in the song, if you can find it.

I'm still on emily song, just got home from work, will be ready in a while

Are you going to use the car wreck?

did you make it private or something. There's no download link.

no. its public. seems to work from my end

Yus, but in a slightly different way

The download button's still not there on my end.

Alright. Cool

i just checked the file and its set to public uploads. anything else i should check?

Edit details
Underneath the public option check the downloads box too

its fine user give it a shot. this is just about havin fun anyway

should be working.

Is now thanks.

is it ok?

Half way done bois

Yup download option is there now

Nice, i'm only in it because "Tyler Perry Raped me too" is such a good track this album is gonna make coin. It'll carry the rest of us to riches!

Updated list green is claimed or delivered
>1.Moist porpoise
>3.Pineapple pizza
>4.That purple slime monster that scared you as a kid (but you repressed it)
>5.Tyler Perry Raped #metoo
>6.Nico the Nigger Coat
>7.My horse is pregnant (crying with joy)
8.Black niggers
9.White niggers
10.Inside Sufjan
>11.lost swag in the rave inside the temple inside your mom >already made
>12.I honestly just miss emily so much

damn user this is great. good job

Attached: 1545417746343.png (371x532, 281K)

It really is touching.

Is there anyway we'll be able to have all the tracks together in one place eventually or is the clip it links the best we got? idk much about clip it, could the be consolidated to one page eventually?

Clyp wouldn't be good for compiling. We can do a bandcamp upload at the end if someones feeling ambitious

If we're gonna do that we should get everyone to submit .wav files instead of mp3

I have an idea for Inside Sufjan but I don't know if I can pull it off. I'll fuck around with it today.

i think bandcamp would be good. isnt that what normally happens with these "projects"

What's the usual bandcamp for these albums?
It's been a few years since I last checked in with it and I've forgotten.

Sufjan's been claimed then for future refernece.

i had a great idea for the black niggers/white niggers songs. get someone to do just one rap song submission then flip it in reverse, backwards for the white nigger track. a mirror image of sorts

not doing a second submision fyi

Find a black guy to do a rap song, then get a white guy to do that same rap too, but poorly.

I might try Black Niggers



i lol'd

Surely theres some rapfag lurking who will do something. The soundcloud shill threads are full of them.
i gotta goto work guys.
god speed "Trips Fiend"

I put a post linking here asking for willing artists.

Just FYI I made both of these posts but if someone else wants to give either of them a shot I say go for it. If you get a submission in before me it's yours. I'm not going to stress over it. This is just for fun after all.

this is a great idea

Yeah. The black guy could do the whole rap, and then the white guy could rap a verse from it off beat and very shrilly. This way White Niggers could be an interlude to the last three tracks of the album which will be more inline with the folk and electronic styles we've had so far.

I kind of want to give this a shot, but I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to finish it. Tentatively claiming "sneed", but like said, if anybody beats me to it, that's fine.

I'm thinking it will be guitar-based, probably without drums (to lead into "pineapple pizza"), but in a key that flows with the first track. If you gys wants vocals on this one, my voice is absolute shit, so I probably won't be able to contribute. I feel bad doing two instrumental tracks in a row, but I don't even know what I'd write lyrically, given the topic.

Anything's fine user. We've been making it slightly coherent. but it's just a fun project.

What songs are left to do aside from the rap one?

The rap thing for Black Niggers and White Niggers were just suggestions I had.

But all tracks have been claimed explicitly except for White Niggers. However, most claimants have said that they would be fine if someone posted their own version of the songs before they did.

.Moist porpoise
.Pineapple pizza
>4.That purple slime monster that scared you as a kid (but you repressed it)
.Tyler Perry Raped #metoo
.Nico the Nigger Coat
.My horse is pregnant (crying with joy)
>8.Black niggers
>9.White niggers
>10.Inside Sufjan
.lost swag in the rave inside the temple inside your mom >already made
>12.I honestly just miss emily so much

Here's a list of the delivered tracks. All have had someone claim them except White Niggers.

Blacks are delivered tracks.

>12.I honestly just miss emily so much
Not sure if this fits the theme you're going for, so if someone else delivers on this and you decide to use their instead, I won't be upset.

Just to be clear. I'm not OP.

It's pretty good chip-tune music though.

>chip tune
I fucking dig it
Nice change of pace

Attached: 1439702033982.gif (500x281, 1018K)

a nice outro (:

If you write lyrics I'll sing them.

Thanks anons

I'm not the guy who made the track, but here's a rough idea. It might be too sad for the audio though.

I miss you

Do you miss me
I swear I'll join you someday.

No one to caress me at night
No one to tell me it's gonna be alright
Just me, lonely in my bed
Why did you have to pass?

Leaves my mind half-dead
and my sanity smashed
Can't go out
can't leave without think of you

I miss you

Why did we have to go on that ride?
Why did I have to survive?
I really miss you

I misss you
I' swear I'll join you one day

any word on "4"? if not I'll take it

Somebody said they'd do it, but nothing's stopping you from taking it before they get back.

>I honestly just miss emily so much

I see someone else has posted too, but I deliver as promised

Pretty cool

Oh lord


Honestly, the tracks are so short on average that we could include any duplicates in a compilation.

original 4 claimant here, fckin take it i hit a dead end where i was going with it

S o y Division for band name.

Why not just take and put them together into one song, for example?

just what I was thinking

half done

I like that too, put the chiptune at the end of mine so it can be like a nice epilogue to the album? Or alternatively literally name it outro / something like that. You can do whatever you like

>chip tune at the end
Sounds good to me, but I guess it's ultimately up to OP

I love how much everyone is into this project

Does this link to one of the track 12 submissions for anyone else?

accidental copypaste sorry

It’s cool. I thought it was on my end.

Is track 4 ready then?

10-20 mins yes

Cool. Reply to the submission checklist to make sure others know.



>4.That purple slime monster that scared you as a kid (but you repressed it)

Consecutive posts.


To recap, we’ve got eight of the tracks and all have been claimed besides White Niggers, but duplicates are fine.

claiming white niggers


Can we roll for new coverart?
That low res cosplay of Aqua is kinda shitty

actually im busy for the rest of the day i wouldn't have time

if you find the og thread then there's a higher res version i have no fucking idea why current op used a low res and i'm too lazy to find it myself

thanks, user

Not bad. The synth makes me feel like im dreaming.

Hardly any better tbqh

Attached: 1562265477381.jpg (616x1024, 191K)

you're repressing it
thanks user

that's a MAN, BABY

Any artists here could try to make an alternative. I’m not OP though.

Next dubs is coverart

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Incredible user, also good voice

They see me rollan

Attached: 1561940984361.jpg (1080x1349, 171K)

Come on

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Attached: (You).jpg (372x318, 117K)

Get it on

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come on baby

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That’s it!


fucking brilliant

That actually looks like the cover for some indie shit.
Found an HQ version for ya.

Attached: poolphoto.jpg (1158x772, 220K)

are there still any tracks left to make?

Yeah. It’s simple yet awkward and contrived, just like this project.

All have been claimed but shows all the delivered songs. Doubles are fine tho.

aight imma try doing sneed

no offense to the other guy but I like this one a lot more

There was talk of putting the two together either the chip-tune version acting as an outright to the whole album.

feel free to do white niggers

updated tracklist maybe?

Why don't we just cut the nigger songs and publish the album on Bandcamp?

Attached: 1564412568672.jpg (721x960, 47K)


We’ll change their names when we publish it there.

Retards I meant nobody is doing them and the thread is gasping for air

someone said they'll do sneed about an hour ago.
I have hope 8/12 done

People have claimed them.

is Black niggers done? we could leave white niggers as a track of silence cuz white people cant rap

Neither are done, but they’ve both had claims.

Somebody awkwardly choking on a freestyle for two minutes would work, too

I did a little bit of tweaking on Moist Porpoise as far as mixing goes. It's still dog shit, but not quite as bad as it was before

Also, thanks to the user who picked up "Sneed." I wasn't making much progress on my attempt.

That was what I suggested.

I really like this as an opening and as the closing

Yeah the chip tune is defiantly a track 13

>It's still dog shit
You're underselling it, I liked it!


He really is very good choir and drum beat to start the album.

>9.White niggers

What does the MLG voice say?

"doin it"

>4.That purple slime monster that scared you as a kid (but you repressed it)
fuck lads that really resonates with me. the fucking nightmares. i thought id forgotten.

Attached: CKDhvEpWUAApS5l.jpg (600x400, 59K)

Doin it stealthy

I claimed Black Niggers but I think I'm over it.

Fine, I'll do black niggers so we can be done with this shit
Keep the thread alive for 20 minutes or so

Someone has to do sneed

I'm finishing up lyrics for Inside Sufjan; I can definitely have it up later tonight.

Cool. That means sneers is the only one up in the air. It’s been claimed but no word for hours

Black Niggers ft. Moonman

Made this much faster than other MM tracks I've done, so it's not as good as it could be.

holy shit i love it

Attached: 1251524534.png (598x555, 678K)

That's fire.

Who says white guys can't rap?

lets see

Attached: 1565069876355.jpg (640x640, 88K)

Already won

So that's just sneed and inside sufjan left, right?

To recap, only Sneed and Inside Suflan need submissions. However, someone says that they are currently working on Sufjan and someone else has claimed Sneed though they haven't posted anything in hours.

Of course doubles are fine.


If this thread goes down waiting on those two songs, we can make a new one and I'll work on putting what we have on bandcamp.

okay. I have a word doc with the links. Just a sec.

1.Moist porpoise (foamdog)


3.Pineapple pizza (Miki)

4.That purple slime monster that scared you as a kid (but you repressed it) (Anonkovsky)

5.Tyler Perry Raped #metoo (user)

6.Nico the Nigger Coat (MrSockPuppet)

7.My horse is pregnant (crying with joy) (WhatisQuicksand)

8.Black niggers

9.White niggers

10.Inside Sufjan
11.lost swag in the rave inside the temple inside your mom (ggg)

12.I honestly just miss emily so much (user) (shitpostingformu)

I recommend making the chiptune version of track twelve its own track called "Outro" at the end of the album.

Cool, I'll throw it together in a few minutes
Won't publish it until we either get the rest of the songs or this thread dies, whichever comes first

Sounds great. I really enjoyed lurking on here and helping to manage through today.

It's supposed to be an album, but what we have so far amounts to 18:07, so it's more or less an EP.

shh shh shhhhhhh

Lol I remember doing a couple of these back in like 2013/14
Are there any lists of old albums or anything?

We'll press it on 45 rpm vinyl. That way it will still be a full LP.

The best from those days were the Folk You albums

google it. I think there's a bandcamp page with some on it and I saw an album on bandcamp that was all folk.


>tfw people still remember our shitty albums
Feelsgood mane
Impossible to believe that was 4 years ago

Alright seeing as the other probably isnt gonna do it imma try working on it
since it's a folk album i got something a little more country; ill add some more verses, just tell me if i should keep going or scrap it

Digging it

This isn't really a folk album, we were just talking about the folk you albums from years back

Reminder that Fantano reviewed the first Folk You album.

Attached: 7b43vQ6.jpg (372x563, 16K)


user, you forgot to enable downloading. We need to download it to put it on the bandcamp album.

im doing some other verses plus mixing

keep going though
Got a link to that review?

I have everything ready to go, just waiting on the final two songs.

Attached: tripsfiend in progress.jpg (1487x1323, 189K)

You just replied to it.
>The album has, so far, received acknowledgement from the likes of music critic, Anthony Fantano,[3] and the BBC.[4] Fantano gave the album a negative review, stating: "U guys didn't come hard enuff w/ the memes aka - the may mays." The review was written on a piece of paper, with which Fantano took a selfie and posted the photo to Yea Forums.
The only other Yea Forums project I know of that Fantano ever actually properly reviewed was The Death of Pablo.

There's a guy working on Sneed. He came in with this and asked if he should continue. I think he should.

Yeah I saw that

Also, Tyler Perry Raped #metoo should be the featured track in my opinion.

I'd do sneed if that other dude drops out but I would need more time than just till thread death t b h

>I would need more time than just till thread death t b h
Then you're trying too hard


aight i finished up the verses
putting it up soon

Nobody tell moonman we've got a black guy on the album
aight finished up
tell me if i need to do anything else

Based and dangerously Yea Forumspilled

we should do this shit more often i really enjoyed just lurking

Album is up

Attached: Trips Fiend_output.jpg (1544x1544, 2.67M)

all these songs are so fucking good i cant even
favorite is still lost swag in the rave inside the temple inside your mom for sure tho

dosent moist porpoise go before sneed?

Damn you're right, good catch
Easy fix, thankfully
I'm also adding an alternative download link

Me too. Maybe Yea Forums can make a revival under the name Urethral Panic

These threads happen pretty often actually
That one user gathers them all and puts them on his own bandcamp, though

Fuck me that actually came together really well
Repicking the album art was a good call tbqh

cool. I'll keep my eye out.

The only problem is the songs tend to be fairly low quality
There's a reason everyone remembers the Folk You albums, let's just say that

Yeah. I've been listening to them on bandcamp for the past hour.

We got some good stuff these past two days though. Like Tyler Perry, Sneed, The Chip-Tune outro, and Pineapple Pizza

Folk you was the first mu album I contributed on, it was right after I started practicing guitar, still haven't improved xD

Yeah this album stands above any of the recent ones that I can remember, that's for sure.

What song did you do?
I was the dumb fuck that did Nigger Envy.

Holy shit; you guys have been busy.

I'm getting ready to track vocals for Sufjan. Then I just need to mix and upload. Sorry for making you guys wait; It always takes longer than you think it will.

I'll add it to the album once you upload

I can't tell if Pineapple Pizza was done by an underage boy or a girl.

Could be a girl or post production.

Just listened to the whole thing. The production is smooth and has some good variety, going from ambiance, to folk, to rap, and to dance in one package.

>Hell, Michigan
Decent chuckle

We did it, Reddit!

You didn't get trips for a reason.

Attached: 1560812789572.jpg (993x783, 70K)

lmaoing @ u

cool. vocals are tracked; just need to tweak a couple of things.

in a second we'll all be downloading the full ep

Shhhhhhhh. It's supposed to be an album user.

it's done. i'm bouncing it as we speak.


Delivering "Inside Sufjan". I hope you guys like it:

I was refering to this guy, who is yours?
Looks like power rangers

Attached: Gooey_Gus.jpg (800x600, 69K)

Final release of the album is done!

Thanks for wrapping us up, user

Attached: 1561689829118.png (369x535, 158K)

You must have been watching YMS

>perfect opening
>varied and diverse middle
>perfect ending
Is this AOTY?

Fuck yea it is

some of this shit is actually pretty impressive
i wouldnt mind rapping again if someone does this stuff again
also im really glad some of guys enjoyed sneed

shit man i enjoyed it all

I unironically enjoyed listening to the whole thing.

Thanks to everyone who stepped up to the plate today. Last night we only had 4 or 5 songs; now we have 13. Good job all around.

Listening to the whole thing again for the third time. Now with Sufjan.

You're welcome user.

Yea it shocked me as well, because I remember this fuck vividly, but only him. I dont think I watched the show regularly just fliping channels and seen some shit then repressed it.

The only time I've ever experienced such trauma was this one time when I was about six. Here's a green text of it.

>Be me
>Sleeping in the living room late at night because I'm eager for a friend to come over the next morning or something like that.
>I didn't notice, but there's a pink pillow that's shaped like a piece of lipstick on the table in the center of the room
>fall asleep
>stay asleep until about 5am
>wake up and look at the table while laying on the couch.
>See my parents disembodied heads on the table where the pillow was
> No gore
> They look like their mouthing things to me
> nearly shit myself
> trip running to my grandmother's room.
> tell her what I saw.
> she tells me there's just the lipstick pillow on the table.
> sure enough, it's there
> from then on, I couldn't be near the thing
> eventually we gave it away, but it still creeps me to think about it.

Good shit lads.

damn. imaginations are a crazy thing. i had somethig similar happen. I was probably 4 or 5 and I was sleeping and just before I fell asleep I opened my eyes and looking in the window was a pair of glowing red eyes. no body just eyes. I just closed my eyes and didnt open them till I woke up next day.

Holy shit, you guys really outdid yourselves this time. Unironically the best Yea Forums album I've heard.
Fucking lost it at this one. Lots of great tracks, really.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, user!

Just woke up to the finished thing. Awesome.


nice work guys. just checked in
lots of love
t. mr sockpuppet

Does anyone know where the sample of the guy talking in "I Honestly Just Miss Emily So Much" comes from?

It would be nice if we could wait a little while before doing the next one. It was tough as hell getting those tracks recorded because of my current living situation. I had to record vocals in my car into my usb mic. And I mixed on an evaluation copy of Reaper.
I've heard worse band names.

All the time in the world (outro) made me cry


worth every minute