Who is worse and why is it Shawn Cee and his lack of music terminology or understanding of music theory?

Who is worse and why is it Shawn Cee and his lack of music terminology or understanding of music theory?

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I honestly dont mind him he seems unbothered by any outside influences he just says what he likes

This. you get the feeling he actually enjoys the albums he listens to.

Do people still take Fagtano seriously? Can his shills stop shilling his useless reviews on here ffs? And no one cares about that dumb nggerwho cant even explain his criticism and uses very superficial vague sentences.

at least Shawn Cee is a legitimate rap fan who understands the culture
I respect his perspective on hip hop 10x more than fandango

I just think anyone who "loves music" or is a "music nerd" would want to better understand its building blocks, techniques and rich traditions. I have no douobt these guys would stop loving music the instant it ceased to love them back.

Lmao isn't that the guy who faked knowing samples

>lack of music terminology or understanding of music theory?
are you implying fantano has either of these

If you're talking about when he listend to madvillainy he might have actually heard the songs before because Adult Swim used to play a lot of them back in the day. he could've heard there and just forgot about it.

>muh theory

Attached: 1541546821451.png (640x732, 219K)

>*vocally simulates the respective part of the song*

Attached: 1565104271812.png (454x520, 5K)

daily reminder that fantanos understanding of music bowls down to
>""""cutting edge""""
music reviews are garbage but hipster taste euphemisms are the worst

He unironically does

is he one of those guys who listens to music in his vids but pauses every 5 seconds to say bruh or something

>Do people still take Fagtano seriously?
no, not even his fanbase
his comment sections is fucking cancer, is always the same shitty memes over and over
>Anthony please review a [insert edgy joke here]
>so you give X album this score but you give MBDTF/Damn this score?
>Anthony please stop harassing me with your wallets
>Anthony why did you kill my parents?
and then people keep asking why he tries to separate from his fanbase when it's really shitty

Dont forget the jokes about him being alt-right

>not forming your own opinions

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fuck the culture its about how it sounds

why does terminology matter?

You are a fucking cretin

>pass yourself off as a professional or knowledgeable critic
>don't know the jargon involved
>never studied the theory behind it
It's like listening to a high schooler make self-aggrandized youtube videos trying to explain general relativity or string theory and his only source of knowledge is the Discovery channel documentaries.

far outy

No need to reinvent the wheel in discussion.

lmao its like babyspeak

Shawn is a joke

He knew them either by name or had uncanny knowledge of an obscure sample he likely wouldnt have heard before madvillainy

>It's like listening to a high schooler make self-aggrandized youtube videos trying to explain general relativity or string theory and his only source of knowledge is the Discovery channel documentaries.
it's just music

It’s been long confirmed he faked it

i don't even watch fantano that much, never did, but he's still better than that uppity nog. Literally any black guy can wake up one day and start reviewing hip-hop. No one gives a shit

As if fantano hasn't been 10 times more dishonest than Shawn throughout his whole YouTube career

I like Shawn more than Fantano just because he had the balls to show his handgun in a video. Fantano just bitches and moans on Twitter.

At least Cee holds an actual opinion. Tony just reads what smart people say and repeats it in his review.

That's why he's so terrible at rating albums. I can literally go to a random rym account who reviews and rates and that would make more sense than one of the most famous reviewers of this generation.

You mean the shitty hack reviewer has a shitty fanbase? Color me surprised.

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fatanal for being a balding mutt
always kill a traitor before an enemy

Watching their reactions to the top 50 rappers of all time thing makes it clear who's worse, Shawn puts no thought into his shit.

Shawn thinks Kayne West and Lil Wayne are top 10 rappers of all time LMAO

Implying that you need to know anything about music to have opinions on it

I guess this seems to be true but he is much more cringe than fantano. I can watch one fantano video a month all the way through but I cant get more than 2 minutes through a video by the other guy

Even if we're talking purely rapping and not as an artist Kanye still makes the top 10 just based on his early works and out there wacky shit in his later works like Bound 2. being interesting counts for being good/entertaining believe it or not.

give us your top 10

cant wait to > Tragedy Khadafi and AZ

Well yeah, but if you want to be a "professional", there's gotta be some research done


it's 100% true though

ANDRE 3000
Method Man
THATS ALL I GOT OFF THE TOP MY HEAD NOT KANYE THO THAT SHIT WHACK maybe top 30 if im setting my bias aside but top 10 fuck no

whacky ≠ interesting
popular ≠ good

It is good though

Yea Forums thinks Bound 2 is a bad song? Guess it wasn't lyrical or miracle enough for you guys.


pop rap was a mistake

It's true and whatever you listen to is boring garbage in comparison

Old/new Kanye fuckin sucks


imagine unironically thinking kanye is better than fucking public enemy

Bound 2 is a masterpiece

he plays instruments

wut? How isn't he lol

nuh uh honey
>no beat
>no flow
>constant breaks for annoying samples
it's dogshit to listen to idc how artsy or progressive it is it sounds like ass

Holy fuck put some respect on the OG's. Chuck D's flows are 30 years old and still hold up better than anything Kanye has ever done.

it's "uh huh honey" not "nuh uh honey"
you have probably listened the song once halfway lmao

so basically your argument is memes. good flows are a dime a dozen.

yes, he just pulled the info off whosampled, total fraud

i know i changed it to nuh uh because i was saying it to you you fucking retard

Flows and wordplay are the foundation of one's rapping ability? wtf do you think rap is?

sure you were lmao

Remember when he reviewed a fake review of that Blur album that came out a few years ago? He gave a 7 to a bunch of gorillaz b-sides

rap is a means to entertain me

>Bound 2 is a masterpiece
>nuh uh
>proceeds to explain why it's not
do you lack basic reading comprehension?

>>no beat
>>no flow
(not true, by the way)

Wasn't even me that wrote that it was a masterpiece lmao! you thought you were sly with your quick interjection though ha ha

shawn cee is suspicious as fuck. i'm pretty sure he admited to only getting into hip hop a few years ago. he literally has many first lists of classic hip hop albums on his channel. then he proceeds to create a top 50 rappers of all time list in which he acts like an expert on all of those rappers. he just seems fake.

pretty sure he gave that like a 4 or 5.

>listening ti music reviewers
bro it's an album. It's like an hour of your time a pop and you dont even have to dedicate the entirety of your conscience to it. You can do other shit while listening to it.
I understand for games and movies when they cost serious time and cash to get through some of them, but an album is basically free nowadays.
what the fuck is the point of these music squares? validation? friend simulation? basic argumentation fodder? taste curation? they all fill the same niche and dont make it visually nor audibly interesting to watch so it's just a blogpost read out loud, but I guess if it were a blog post they couldn't pan a 2 minute summary into a 10:01 minute word salad.

literally doesnt change anything

aw shucks did you just realize how dumb you sounded, poor guy

>implying humans are capable of having original thoughts 99.9% of the time
lmao brainlet

obviously you are always in the .1% however.

Unlike you I have no delusions about my abilities. We empirically aren't forming any of our "own opinions" any time soon, buddy. Especially not when it comes to music.

that;s true my opinions come from RYM and the kanye subreddit. I don't let Yea Forums influence my tastes tho cause that would be gay lol


okay retard.
how hard is it to say "I like this piece of music" without consulting someone else

>i-it's just sounds lol!
You can make everything sound simple, doesn't mean you're an expert.

I bet you love Tyler's Shitgor album because it's quite literally almost the same style.

Not sure how that relates to having your own opinion but okay buddy

>whoa wait, that sample is from cambodian commercial about cleaning products
He's a fraud

>I bet
Stopped reading right there

you're retarded if you cant judge a song without the help of others.

How did Fantano fool thousands, even the fucking hip hop industry into thinking he knows what he's talking about?

Thats definitely Shawn

believe it or not, keeping aside fantano hate for a second, he is FAR more verse in hip-hop than that faggot Shawn. Shawn is even a bigger hack than fantano is and I can definitely say that he's only got a superficial knowledge of the genre. He's just lucky he's black so people can hear him babble about hip-hop as if he's got a clue. Fake ass poser clearly wants to make green and give his hot takes

see this again and read it as long as it takes for it to pierce that empty cranium of yours

At least Fantano talks for 95% of his videos. Meanwhile a Shawn cee video review
>*puts on retarded looking sleepy eyes* Yooohhhhhhh.... *pauses for a minute* this shit is good / this shit is terrible
>*talks about something irrelevant* You guys need to stop fucking with me blah blah
>*wastes 2/3rd of the video going on tangents with retarded anecdotal stories of artists and other similar artists or about what's going on with the industry even though the video is an album review*
>*reviews the actual fucking song* *bobs his head like a faggot with his eyes closed*
God I cant stand him

at least fatmano can form a sentence, the success of those reaction review channels absolutely baffles me. who the fuck actually actively watches "reviewers" whose only take is "yep, I like it" or "yo, this is fire!"

lol I feel bad for you that you watched enough of him to type something so accurate


have you ever touched an instrument? you don't need to know shit about theory to parrot anything on a bass

Opinion absolutely discarded. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Why did Fantano go full SJW?

>why did a white hipster who is vegan and in an interracial relationship go full sjw?

Then why the fuck do most bassists simply double the melody line of what I'm doing on guitar and seem to ignore the root motion?

One guy has an open mind and is able to review any genre of music while the other is some brainlet culturefaggot with zero musical sense that only listens to auto-generated beats with drunk/high goons slurring over them.

Fuck Shawn Cee. A real black man doesn't get pressured from other people to act a certain way (i.e., like a generic black guy). Case in point: Myke C-Town. youtube.com/watch?v=YZ-icNbCOv4

A couple of years ago he was pals with Sam Hyde and Sargon and was in anti-SJW videos by Sargon and The Amazing Atheist

Because he didn't want to get #metoo'd

His career was almost assassinated by media outlets.

when? when fader made a completely irrelevant article that almost from the second it dropped nobody took seriously and denounced and was basically forgotten two months later? fucking assassinated.

Music theory doesn't make a song any better or worse unless that's the yardstick your measuring with instead of how good it sounds. Theory just explains, just theory after all.

no you're just a retard.

not an argument

neither is baseless"facts" about basic human intellect.
shut the fuck up "le enlightened retard"

>covers mouth
>stars dancing

He was so scared at the prospect of losing a little bit of revenue from advertisers pulling out and a cancelled tour that he turned up every left wing view he's ever had to eleven and broke the knob, and buried his anti-sjw past like it never existed. He even removed any mention of free speech from his twitter bio.

>fakely giggles
>"Oh man"
>adjusts glasses
>"That's dope"

neither of you are wrong.

You forgot
>You didn't have to [insert edgy thing here] the whole time