Attached: EBxlA9rUEAI8cKW.jpg (1365x2048, 367K)

Other urls found in this thread: slugman / sharkman / GENERAL/text/sluggo/ generaI/* roastie/ look at who he's replying to/ erper/ illness general/ her feet/ her ass/ yuna's ass/ for making a mess/ troll/ us choabro/ us nakybro/ irene's ass/ yummy cummies/ about sinb/ choa released/ mentioned/ Recs:/ girl is beautiful, specially her nose/ me it's loli/ cunt/

twice is dogshit

we wanted a yeji thread

for me, it's twice

lets see how long we can go without twice/loona/slug drama

literally the most beautiful idol

Attached: EBc3LGNUIAELUWn.jpg (2152x2437, 1.59M)

Seethe more you deranged incel


chewy’s ass on my face PLEASE

my plastic dog

Attached: EBwDONnU0AA7lro.jpg (1365x2048, 443K)

thanks we wanted this

Chewy with bangs is a mistake

autistic skank

looks like about 9 seconds

and everyone agrees

Attached: drake.jpg (787x1099, 116K)

lmao what a roastie thing to call someone

Attached: 1565647218914.webm (450x800, 2.9M)

whens everglow coming back
apart from loona they're the only rookie group I'm interested in

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

just you slugroastie
sluggo is the ugliest shit

Attached: 1946586_.jpg (768x1024, 123K)

i think some guy got angry from kpg shitposting and leaked their shit on discord and now twice discord is in utter mess and shambles lol

you mean granny

What you doing in summer?

Attached: EB3XUg0U4AAGNqk.jpg_orig.jpg (1288x1810, 303K)


very true

Attached: EB1QhqaXsAE4zTZ.jpg (2739x4096, 1.19M)

I just wanna post and love seulgi in peace bros

me and my wanna one bros running a train on jihyo

Attached: 1502151770449.jpg (800x1200, 108K)


why is twice so much better than every other kpop group?

BASED drake

i want someone (chewy) to put something (their big fat taiwanese ass) on me (my face)
but i don't know what to do?????

mean and untrue

Attached: EBdBNJjUEAIPWex.jpg (2092x1714, 932K)

Im in!

VERY true

Attached: 111331367.jpg (649x1500, 287K)

meant for

why don’t you make a thread in /trash/? you can post in peace there

she's starting to look like lisa

Attached: pw4cx00Pac1qk12q0o1.jpg (1280x1707, 348K)


that thing on the bottom right is so ugly

Attached: 1565608144111.jpg (793x1199, 124K)

Attached: 05404.jpg (1200x1800, 186K)

very cute couple

just came back from the gym

saw some 6’6 275lb slugchads, yejichads, nakychads and oogieboys helping a 5’3 125lb sanaposter finish his reps

seemed like nice guys to be honest

yawn thread let me know when the miracles wake up


now this is something we can all agree on

bipolar drake...

this was decided unanimously by kpg and drake btw

Why can't everyone just shut their unfunny faggot asses up for once and just post idols and music? Literally none of you people are entertaining or interesting (including myself) so give it a rest.

Attached: DkiRA2cU0AEQpxW.jpg (1538x2048, 348K)

slugfuggo brutally mogged as always

IZONE is the only one good group in KPOP.

dont @ me

Attached: D_mM2Z6UcAAK4VL.jpg (1200x900, 135K)

cute feminine fingers

Solid Sharting posture

finally the true version

get their cringe asses digitsbro

meant for


sana and yeonwoo mog all of those uggos

>Twiceposters are the only civil people here

this was just a few minutes ago. also check out the rest of his deleted posts...


Attached: 05555.jpg (1536x2048, 501K)

i love her so much...

I'm Korean, ama


based drake

ugly busted yikes

we know dude, just stop. nobody likes a twiceshitter but nobody likes a groupwar shitter either

sluggo is easily the ugliest one

for blind people

Attached: f2-K475MK90.jpg (847x847, 78K)

Did you fuck twice yet?
If not then why are you such a incel faggot?

looks like us Twicechads really are the only good posters in this uncivilized dump

Attached: EB27t-qWsAIrK5f.jpg_orig.jpg (3141x3920, 1.01M)

Will depfu's singing encourage the Hongkongers to keep fighting the chinks?

Attached: 2345.png (1366x768, 947K)

Attached: CsryaQWVUAAv03F.jpg (1398x2048, 639K)

drake is so based that’s why everyone agrees with this

Attached: 1565717391193.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

why does nature vie with itself

Attached: 67667701_349808885910732_2861310.jpg (1080x1080, 265K)

v on prom night..

its opposite actually

Attached: 1.jpg (1049x1200, 169K)

This image is so blurry and sucks.

whats wrong with hating on trannies? you wouldnt happen to be one would you?

naky you fucking whore


Attached: 1527907281820.jpg (1043x1043, 167K)

Absolutely gorgeous... wow...

>yikes busted ugly

this girl has been around the block and other blocks as well


Attached: CKMYn8nUYAAcLUR.jpg (1106x960, 57K)

why are there so many niggerlovers here

Attached: naky spots your post.webm (1280x720, 370K)

is kang mina a star yet?

what kind of german ass word is that lol

Fromises give me life

Attached: [fromis_9 TV Behind] fromis_9 (프로미스나인) - 피노키오 Choreography (캐릭터 커넥트 (662x704, 737K)

Guys, please please post hot twice or somi, I really neeed this...

it's momo

Attached: 1561924710254.webm (432x600, 1.39M)


it's the jyp specialty

Attached: blacked.jpg (1044x1080, 832K)

what did they leak?

adopt a dreamie

Attached: EAuE38gU8AAH3kf.jpg (864x648, 106K)

loonatranny btfo for the 20th time today

How do I get a korean kpop gf?

If only we could have our general here on Yea Forums, I'm getting so tired of these haters

cute peaches

nice try FBI

we're called midzy

No, they're hard to even approach if you're a normie
Why does land contend with the sea?

rip mark

cute jisun

Attached: 5949bb702b028ae0c8dbd0b7d9dffb0a38f3f420.webm (640x646, 1.05M)

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quiet, shartman

Attached: 1565280226691.png (449x451, 287K)

ugliest shit

Some guy called me a squidfuggoroastieshitter yesterday

Attached: 1946572_.jpg (1200x800, 91K)

you are setting the bar too high
aim for a 4/10 kgf

your face is dogs-
actually there music sucks, yes

any sharkman in

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Attached: D_bEiOfVAAAdzjx.jpg (2048x1365, 197K)

its ok i like ruling over them like the cattle they are

Attached: EBvH7X9UcAAsOCn.jpg_orig.jpg (1556x2048, 601K)

it's not a test, just support nct dream

Attached: EAZmHoaUwAAls73.jpg (1440x1081, 303K)

I'll take the orange one.

>a lot of budget for imported song writers and composers
>a lot of budget for MV production
>a lot of budget for marketing
>they keep sexually molesting each other in front of the camera
Basically you get what you invest in a group. Good songs + good visuals + slutty young girls = success.

But let's be real, you could replace the members with any other group of pretty young girls and the result would be the same, arguably better since they're absolute hacks without a hint of talent.

Attached: Momo molestation.webm (506x900, 2.76M)


Attached: 1564083606753.webm (1260x1440, 2.97M)

She's not famous

post more cbt fanfic

jiheon can fucking get it


this guy has like 16 (izone + itzy) kgfs so if he can do it....

has this dudes cock been inside every idol?

only shartman

Attached: 1502901764054.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

yes friend we're always here

Attached: EBtRdahU0AAjK4Z.jpg (1440x2160, 297K)

based NECKhyung

not yet...

Attached: 18_(1).jpg (1800x2700, 882K)

>twice adds 12 japanese shows to their tour

fucking based. twicechads win again.


Attached: 1536503263713.jpg (3332x5054, 1.37M)

>not a falseflag tho

this is an extremely based post and the fact that no one here was willing to acknowledge it literally brings a tear to my eye.

as a loonatranny i admit defeat
i'm sorry i should have known my place

idk but for me its irene

Twice has 0 good songs or mvs

Attached: 1558847248731.webm (1920x1080, 1.65M)

this twicenigger is still going

we are always here friend

Attached: 77.gif (400x266, 2.98M)

our elven archer

I don't even hate twice. I just want both of them to stop but I have a feeling twiceshitters are the ones that fight with everyone here (loonashitters, BPshitters and slugshitters etc) every day. it's always the same pattern, the same obsession with trannies, always the same kind of anti-spam

when is that tour

good ass

did you google that or did you recognize the quote

Attached: 1534863301039.jpg (800x1200, 119K)

naky you fucking angel...

Attached: 1558847596485.webm (610x1080, 2.85M)

that's what i'm saying, we know it's twiceshitters doing all of it. they have been for years. just report their ban evading and move on

Why so angry

you guys can keep fighting over idols
but bunnysis is mine

Attached: 1552425341007.jpg (607x551, 57K)

you already admitted defeat tranny, its time to move on

hello friends

Attached: hyelin (141).jpg (640x960, 62K)

>a lot of budget for imported song writers and composers
>their hit songs are produced by gooks

keep talking about twice
your group is not worth mentioning/posting

Attached: 67453534.jpg (1365x2048, 525K)

Any idol that has been in his show, yes. It's sort of the 'rite of passage' for newcomers. Thou hast to withstand ye ol' niggerdick to show ye worth!

But jokes aside, I think they've talked to him before to contain himself and not treat them too rough. Just a light, coordinated stretching.

Attached: ITZY BLACKED.jpg (1600x2696, 631K)

Replying to myself btw

*purifies thread*

Attached: Eun-LW24.gif (382x382, 2.19M)


get what

Attached: f18295e1def5987f7eb4dbca541d0109e0c7d362.webm (1280x720, 752K)

word cause they're all considered amazing

Mina status?

*soils thread*

Attached: 1565721142172.jpg (1200x810, 98K)

ji-hyunny as i like to call her, fully acknowledging the fact that she's like 16 or whatever.

Show me some good live performances of your favorite groups /kpg/

Attached: 1565445921989.jpg (1024x1094, 328K)

i tried talking about other groups but they were so boring compared to twice

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Attached: 1554406933508.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)


Attached: 1565601687545.jpg (689x1080, 114K)

*sharts thread*

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tubes are tied. bambam and jyp can cum inside without any problems.

Bro, very few hit songs of any group (except the ones produced by Teddy etc.) are fully produced by Koreans. Twice already had so many writers from all over the world.

>everyone too busy fighting to post cute girl

Attached: EApXvPzUEAMyK4C.jpg (1600x2400, 578K)

me as the peepo

Twicecuck rage lol

advice that should be heeded promptly

returning soon

Attached: image0.jpg (1000x1500, 199K)

>tfw I started this whole twice vs loona thing a few days ago and now it's out of control
I feel kinda bad desu

Attached: seoyeon fansign.webm (1080x1920, 2.1M)


i’m so tired of this "shartman" guy

all i want to do is post yeji in peace after a long work day and this 24 hours a day mentally ill loser won’t stop replying to every post spamming the same shit because he has no life whatsoever
it’s sickening and saddening

love this iljin slut.

>twiceposters are so mean they start everything

it's almost as if nobody that cares about either group gives a shit and it's all perpetuated by other people like every other forced dispute here

you didn't start it newfag

what happened to the Twice x Loona alliance?

quiet yejinigger we all know you have no job and just spam that mongoloid all day


I think this place is getting to me.

Today one of my co-workers had birthday so she brought snacks. I went to the kitchen with 2 guys but it was almost all gone by the time we arrived. I had a flash of autism and didn't consciously realize it at first, but I literally said: "NOOOOOO YEJIBROS NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

I should probably take a break from kpg.

Twice got too big and left loona in the dust

I'm not a newfag, I've been here since itzy debuted

based chink coming through

Attached: EAA0s4GU4AAT9J_.jpg (1364x2048, 483K)

Welcome to kpg. No matter which hours you come, you always get either keklo or some other mentally ill specimen.

naky is a frog and dicks are her lilypads


Attached: EA3681AUcAASHpD.jpg (650x1024, 91K)

you arent fooling anyone neet

twicetoddlers have a victim complex and need to lash out whenever anything else is posted. not limited to loona posters at all

Attached: 1552440082296.jpg (1279x1920, 255K)

that's a white man


Attached: f64f57ce6367.webm (1280x720, 1.78M)

i wish you homos would include names when you post pictures
i just got into kpop and i don't know who the fuck most of these people are
and google search returns dumb shit like pictures of random girls

fat bitch deserved it.
don't let them turn you into a diabetes monstrosity just because they are.

Attached: naky annoyed.webm (1920x1080, 2.8M)

spoiler that shit

Attached: 1563500052670.jpg (1352x2048, 598K)

I know some people here enjoy simply being mean to each other, but I want you all to know that I love you regardless. You are amazing and your waifu is beautiful!

Attached: 1551137968891.jpg (400x400, 27K)

don’t post this traitor

>i just want to post kpop
>perpetuates drama for 8 threads
you're cancer





Totally not planned

Attached: ryujin.webm (568x936, 1.22M)

it doesn't really do anything. the most cancerous twiceshitter obviously uses VPN's. he got banned 3 times within a day for spamming stan loona trannies and it was always only for 3 days, not 30.

same thing happened when he got banned for spamming anti slug (and lisa) pics several times. he never gets 30 days for enabling keklo either although he gets banned multiple times a day. I'm not saying he's the only one doing it but there's obviously one twiceshitter who's responsible for most of the shitposting on this board and he's hiding behind paid VPN's because kpg is all he's got

First time my post has been pasta'd. I'm so proud.
But my masterpiece is still pic related.

Attached: Yeji honey poetry.png (1339x175, 84K)

Spoonfeeding makes you weak

mental illness general slugman / sharkman / GENERAL/text/sluggo/ generaI/* roastie/ look at who he's replying to/ erper/ illness general/ her feet/ her ass/ yuna's ass/ for making a mess/ troll/ us choabro/ us nakybro/ irene's ass/ yummy cummies/ about sinb/ choa released/ mentioned/ Recs:/ girl is beautiful, specially her nose/ me it's loli/ cunt/

>Cheer Up
Composer/작곡: 블랙아이드필승
Arranger/편곡: 라도
Composer/작곡: 블랙아이드필승, 최규성, Rado
Arranger/편곡: Rado
Composer/작곡: 박진영, Kairos
Arranger/편곡: 박진영, 김승수, 아르마딜로, Kairos
Composer/작곡: 블랙아이드필승, 전군
Arranger/편곡: Rado
>What is Love
Composer/작곡: 박진영
Arranger/편곡: 이우민 ‘Collapsedone’
Composer/작곡: 블랙아이드필승, 전군
Arranger/편곡: Rado

Rado is one of the BEP guys, Collapsedone and Kairos are gooks too

you need to calm down

Attached: EB2QsvmXYAAK86q.jpg (1937x3042, 598K)

she's never going to be my girlfriend ;_;

whats a kpg detective’s salary?

>that retarded fanfic

Attached: 1540770683097.jpg (564x615, 34K)

>wake up
>think about Seulgi
>take shower, get dressed
>thinking about her
>go to class, chill on campus
>shoot down white girls because I’m thinking of Seulgi
>come home, post Seulgi in kpg
>work out, play basketball, keep thinking about her
>eat and think about what she’s eating
>relax and play vidya while listening to her music and think about her
>lay down for bed, smile, because I’m thinking about Slug
>repeat the next day
feels good being a Slugchad

>8 threads
twicetoddlers have been doing this for years, all day every single day. they talk about other groups more than they talk about twice

slugroastie is so sad

lay literally did nothing wrong

Attached: Do0DeIBU8AA8eW8.jpg (1366x2048, 342K)

post more of her

>>eat and think about what she’s eating
she's eating kimchi fried rice and burnt pancakes

ok fuck it
im becoming a yejibro!

>First time my post has been pasta'd. I'm so proud.
Nice try faggot that post is a 100% real story that actually happened to me

you forgot the part where you had to apply ointment to your rotting vag
night night, evropeans

get her ass

That sociopath in itzy who has a really good fake smile...

Fuck, I hate seeing her, but she is so hot.

it's an institution at this point (post yuna)

welcome bro

Attached: 13fb8e3c3d81df7431792237ce3feac5.jpg (672x884, 122K)

no one cares about your drama man just fucking stop being annoying

Kpop has ruined my eating manners. if I have noodles or pasta, I'll stuff my whole fucking mouth with it until no more fits.


this is all he has in life dude

Attached: EB3reiJU8AAw0Xf.jpg (1228x2048, 283K)

absolutely based post.

*ppppffftttttt pppppffffttttt ppprrrrrrrr tsschhhhh psshhhh*

No. I don't know the name, but I watched a couple of itzy TVs and it was so obvious.

In fact haters talk about twice more than they talk about their favorites groups.
In the end, they enjoy talking about twice (even if it's for badmouthing them) and deep down like our beloved girls.

there's the victim complex in action

Anyone else thinks that your waifu is 'too good' for you?

I admire her and all, but in the next to impossible chance she would actually be my real wife, I'd feel so diminished, ugly and worthless in her presence. I mean if we'd go outside holding hands, everyone would look at us thinking: "What is this gollum freak doing with HER?"

Therefore I'm happy just to admire her from afar.

Attached: 1564636714409.jpg (1080x909, 701K)

did they?

Attached: EBbpcpqUEAACcYj.jpg (2048x1364, 409K)

Attached: scent_sana-1068484211022032896-20181130_203742-img3.jpg (1334x2000, 260K)

Attached: 1563500052663.jpg (1365x2048, 559K)

embarrassing samefagging
let's see how many more times you're going to samefag

Guys, I can't find any lewds of somi. Where do I go?|
Can someone inv me to a discord or sth.

the birth of a cuck

so what you're saying is both sides to a groupwar are immense faggots? is that something you can agree on, toddler?

is there any kpop community for intelligent people only

thread needs some dubu

Attached: EB3FddBUEAgzBrg.jpg (1125x2000, 172K)

>i just got into kpop and i don't know who the fuck most of these people are
Well, that's normal when you're new. What did you expect?

Attached: nae eyebrow raise.webm (500x428, 80K)

>implying nct can score white women

Attached: 1552006319029.jpg (1000x1393, 130K)

epic. quote me twice then faggot. try it. i'll post a screenshot if you pull it off.

No because i'm not retarded/ugly enough to have a "waifu"

not her

yes, enjoy kpop entirely by yourself and don't bother with any other "community" or fanbases. if you do you're only asking for a bad time

Damn they're pretty uggo


finally an attractive pit

i actually love how belligerent and hostile american kpg hours are. this is fantastic. until all the literal trannies and gaypop posters arrive.

why waste your time posting yejis when you could be posting ryujins instead

slugroastie using photoshop again lol

hot girl, nice nips. Post more

Attached: EB2szcPXoAAzclz.jpg (1334x2000, 540K)

I was the one who posted it, same as the Yeji honey poetry. You're just jealous of my unkempt autism.

Attached: Yejis honey.jpg (1792x1080, 186K)

Attached: AngryOfficialIndigobunting.webm (562x1000, 1.44M)

does ryujin shart?

add mental illness general

>your mom marries Wonho and asks you to call him daddy

Do you?

Attached: IMG_20190811_235040.jpg (1024x768, 65K)

Attached: pikaslug.jpg (1080x1350, 141K)


Attached: 1739.jpg (562x618, 69K)

the trannies are already here crying about being bullied

I remember that time chaeryeong almost drowned a girl on sixteen
that was funny

Attached: E0Q8aRC.gif (442x388, 2.58M)

>i can't do it!!!!!!!!!!!
epic. typical. bitch. weakling.

taeyong has left the alien base

Attached: DuXrQmVVAAEVEDo.jpg (1365x2048, 308K)

Attached: 1557798166324.png (1536x2048, 1.99M)


But I'm older than wonho so what now?

true, see

freakin CUTE

lmao it’s the total opposite.

Twice antis can’t ever talk about anything other than Twoce and shit up the thread.

Actual Once are by far the most civil posters here.

omo you got a young daddy

there she is...
She is too good at pretending, it really shows

spoiler that shit

meant for

he can call me daddy instead

you and me mate. we'll cleanse this rathole.


finally an attractive girl

its never been anything that realistic to me, never really thought about being with her in real life
its just something to distract me in the worst days and darkest hours of loneliness

ehh pass

>reddit spacing
>made up fanfiction

meant for

i hate yeji do NOT make it a yeji thread


If there is Twicetranny shit flinging, why the FUCK would I post my girls in such a dirty thread? Only Twicetrannies love to bathe in the shit threads


yujinie nooooo

this post is completely right, we are just superior beings compared to the rest of kpg

Attached: EB2T_0nW4AAUWQ7.jpg_orig.jpg (682x1024, 124K)

what's fantastic about people spamming generic Yea Forums buzzwords and archive links about other people doing the same
miss the old kpg

due to having the dumb

not agree

My mom calls me Daddy

>its just something to distract me in the worst days and darkest hours of loneliness
Aww... you're not alone bro. We're all here together shitposting and lewding our waifus like a big autistic family.

Attached: momneyon.gif (268x300, 1.92M)