/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

Caught red handed edition

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=fretting behind the slide

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squier bass vi

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What cigarette does /gg/ smoke?
For me its camel light

This makes me happy.

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birdmask is way better
friggin race memes making him famous

i vape

24 watts
.8 ohms
strawberries and cream

>he can't afford a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because he spent all of his money on edamame, nattou, tempeh and tofu

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> buy bass for £295 like 10 years ago
> sell it for £400 today

I still need a bass for when the funk takes over and I need to slap the shit out of something but I don't need anything fancy. What are some brands for bass that are undervalued on the used market?

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Those are super neat, I've come so close to buying one a few times. How do you like it?

I played one in a shop. Throw some chorus on it and you get effortless Cure/New Order. Didn't try any country basslines though.

Is Kemper the only serious alternative to amps? They're fucking expensive


Best sounding digital solution but also the least flexible in a way, because the simulation is just a slice of the original amp's range. Like it's literally just one setting of the original amp and if you adjust something, it's just a guess.

what should I use to clean my strings? the tip of my fingers are fucking dirty after playing for a while

Tell me about Jcum. Why does he play the Dean?

he is a tiny guy from mexico

no one cared who he was until he puts on the tiny sneakers

Wash your hands before playing so you don't get kaka on them. Change strings more often and clean the kaka off the fretboard every once in a while and also clean the kaka off the fretwire for best results.

That sounds really neat. I hope one ventures into one of my local shops. I'd like to play before I buy.

>turn to rust before even leaving the package
How do they get away with it?

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How bassy can it get

Speaking of small, I was in the music store yesterday and I noticed those mode four cabs like he has are quite a bit smaller than regular Marshall cabs. I just looked it up and it turns out they're only about 30 inches tall. So two stacked together would add up to 60 inches or 5 feet.

Now look at this pic Jcum Posted. Lets be generous and say the casters add 3 inches. He's shorter than the stacked cabs by about an inch which would make him just slightly over 5' tall.

Ain't it a gas?

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lol such a little guy

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Because they came with the specs i wanted and for a good price. Ltd or schecter or prs were my othef choices as they all offer similarly specced guitars from wmi but for my c550 it was between that and a prs 24 se i managed to find a deal on the dean and i dont regret the purchase. I needed a dual hunbucker fixed bridge guitar so i bought another korean dean. It won over schecter and ltd because it has 4 onobs not 3 like some retard.

Nice try my guy.
From sweetwater
"The Marshall MF400A is based on Marshall's vintage 'TV' design that stands a good three inches higher than the industry standard 1960 type"

Should i go see john 5 and the aristocrats?


Imagine getting a fanbase by shilling yourself on Yea Forums and then 2016 happens. Just picture that.

Yep. That Joyo amp measures 7 inches wide. He has tiny little feet.

Your photos look like shitty oil paintings. Seriously invest in a proper fucking camera, or at least a smartphone from the last 8 years

Buy flat wound, and switch the g to a non wound string, if you want to be like me.

My humble guitar rack, not featured is a 5 string Jazz Deluxe

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>this will anger the sambo

lmfao look how far hes having to stand out in front of it to try to look big

you suck, i pity you

Dont. I have a great life. I hope you get rid of your negative emotions user.


Bet you can't tell me what the fifth chord being changed from minor to major allows.

*Furious googling intensifies

>I hope you get rid of your negative emotions user.
>this will anger the sambo

you changed no chord, that's a backing track.
>i can play a major V chord on a minor key and play harmonic minor!!! i'm so much of a musician!!!!

I know you won't answer. It allows use of harmonic minor scale. For example, in B minor, change the F minor to F major. The third of F minor is A, so changing it to A# gives you the raised seventh.

haha i knew it

you suck

theory is for nerds, i just play my feelings man

I bet your feelings are stunted and muted.

Bet you cant transition to the parralel major of B minor.

yeah i like it that way, nobody right in the head ever wrote a good song

I know you won't answer, but adding E major and F dominant to a B minor progression is pretty far out.

>yeah i like it that way
no you don't lol

Playing lead guitar is like playing a fighting game where the combos are licks and the linkers are slides, hammers, pulls, string-skips, or position shifts that let you bust fluidly into another combo.

>bending before playing a note and then lowering after picking
>bending behind fretted note with right hand while using fast vibrato with the left.
>fretting behind a slide to play minor chords in open G

>beaner is a manlet
This is a surprise to anyone? They're not exactly known for being large people.

Danzig sized.

>Like it's literally just one setting of the original amp and if you adjust something, it's just a guess.

You literally just make multiple profiles.

That wasnt me retard

Prove it.


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You used a phone, or reset ip.

I've got a mia Strat, a chink fender acoustic and a chink Ibanez hollowbody.

I'm thinking about trading in the latter two + some cash for one of these. Store says they'll give me 80% msrp for each of the trades. Am I retarded?

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I would do it. Always wanted a Firebird

I too enjoy scraping the floor with my headstock

The thunderbird bass does the neck dive. Not firebird

if you've looked over the gibson thoroughly, go for it.


Yes they do.

One time someone here pointed out that he so poor that he doesn't have an outside light so he just hung one of those work lights on a string in true wetback fashion

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There's a ton of modelers/profilers, both in head/rack mount forms and pedal boards.

From what I've read kemper profiles seem to sound the best/closest to real but most of the other options still sound great.

Good trade, go for it

>rent free

john fahey rules

I'm gay, you can't talk to me like that.

should i play left handed?

No, the science says there's no difference in progress

Yes i can i treat everyone equally stupid faggot

really? source if so, i feel like my progress would be quicker, and my potential higher. i wanna play fingerstyle improvisations mostly, so the finger dexterity is big


First two papers that came up, there are probably more

/prod/ told me this was a better place to ask. i need advice on my playing and recording skills, i'm not sure where I can go from here i seem to have hit a plateau

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OMG Youre so geeky!

>fretting behind a slide to play minor chords in open G
Explain that

>i'm not sure where I can go from here i seem to have hit a plateau
just keep wanting and searching
>listened the vocaroo
fuck off, learn to sing first, but it's bait anyway

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how did you find these? did you know to search "handedness", for example? was this searched on google scholar or what? just curious, and thanks for providing them. it's just that when I close my eyes and envision myself shredding one day, it's hard for me to imagine doing it right handed.

>Explain that
Play an open chord with a glass slide (on pinky). For example, In open G, lets play at the second fret. This would be A major if played across with the slide. But if you fret behind the slide with on the b sting first fret it will lower the third, making A minor. Lesson being that you can fret behind the slide.

>it's just that when I close my eyes and envision myself shredding one day

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Also, for this example guitar is tuned:

lol that's fun and fixes the open g issue
but what about the slide touching the fretted string? not enough to make a note, just to turn it into a buzz.

t. Clamped

>Lesson being that you can fret behind the slide.
but you won't hear it so you are a shitter

I wanna make music like minecraft but on guitar

hour long GTA radio's videos on youtube are better than spotify playlists

I want the keys to the Lamborghini!

>actually being this retarded

Pushing a string down from behind the slide means it's no longer touching the slide.

Well, if the guitar is set up right, the string shouldn't touch. It should press ever so slightly below the slide (or you might have to play a bit up the nexk fore more clearance). Also it doesn't have to be open. Many possibilities.

fuck you

record it for me or post a link as an example

His meme was better.

>tfw your amp doesnt require you to twist knobs for half an hour just to get it to sound listenable

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Have you tried it?

youtube.com/results?search_query=fretting behind the slide

fuck you


lol will he ever learn

I'm doing it right now bro.

porn is for losers

What's the difference between "Major scale patterns" and modes on the neck?

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mind blown

learn modes all starting on the same root
You'll actually hear the difference that way

Lucky Strike, before I quit.

Their are seven notes. Soo that means if you start on a diferent root note there will be seven patterns. If you know the seven patters, just play them off the same root note. For example, B minor will start at the seventh fret, and the next note will be c#on the 9th, B phrigian will start on the seventh, but the next note will be a half step at the c.The phrygian shape iss rooted on f# if in B minor.

bought ibanez as53, how much did i fuck up?

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I just wanna know what the relationship between the two are. Sites just say "the five patterns of the major scale" without even really explaining what that means. I thought it was related to modes somehow but it doesn't seem to be

Decent jazz guitar, could have done worse

They are probably refering to pentotonic. Look att the image you posted. Those are the seven patterns that repeate one after the other on the neck. Think about it as playing tthe same notes, but changing the order. If you move to the next note on your low E string, it will be the start of the next pattern.

>when your shitty amp is a one trick pony with no functional eq

Stop thinking about scales and modes as patterns on the neck. They are groups of intervals with a relative root note

C major is D dorian is E phrygian, etc
They all have the exact same notes
The difference is the root note changes

Any C major scale pattern is also a D dorian scale pattern, etc. It's where the relative root is

That's why I'm saying learn the actual vibe of modes by playing them starting all on the same root. Because when you're a beginner and don't know anything about them it's hard to grasp the concept and hear the differences when you stay stuck in the same group of notes and change the root

A mode is just an altered scale, so the modes aren't the same as the major scale but are just altered versions of the major scale or other scales. Its really not hard to understand and yes the major scale consists of 5 patterns but it actually goes way beyond that when you start playing more than 1 octave


>sam trigger jcope
I win.

its eq is functional tho

You'll be fine. Looks good.

why you win?

what hands get RSI, the fretting hand or the strumming/picking hand?

the one you have bad technique

A good 95% of online guitar teachers are clinically retarded. Learn from books or a real teacher.

The major scale is seven notes, one of which is a tonal centre. Same for the minor scale, and every mode. "Scale positions" are just ways for autists to zip up and down a pattern and pretend they're making music.

>C major is D dorian is E phrygian
So the characteristics move linearly as well? How's that working out for you?

He won the special olympics award for effort

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Never mind I think I get it now. The "scale patterns" in the image are just different octaves/starting positions of the Ionian root. I was confused as to what the hell a different "major pattern" even meant but it's separate from modes. This makes the distinction clear now

Wow. Heres a smiley face sticker. Or do you want a shiny gold star instead?

which one more frequently/easily has been technique?

Lmao yeah slip on your lifts, put it in your wheelbarrow, and roll it over to me ;^)

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oh jeez looks like the tri/gg/er master had done it again

Scale position just means playing 8 notes of a scale, but starting from a diferent note. There are seven combinations. It doesn't matter what you refer to it as. Once you learn the whole fretboard you will learn more details. Such as each key has one dominant, two major seventh, three minor seventh. You will see that your dominant chord has a sus4 a half step above the third of the chord, but your major seventh chord two fretts down has a sus4 two frets above the third of the chord. You will realize a diminished chord has a flat five. It is all about learning a key across the neck. A smart person will start to see alot of things, teaching will help even more.

No the big one is for a well done assignment. But this one is just as special its for effort.


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( )
All these guys are either wrong or are explaining it confusingly. Here goes. If you know one thing in music inside and out, it should be the major scale as it is really the source and basis of most music, even music written in minor keys.

The five patterns probably refers to the fact that there are five basic ways you can play it on the neck. Look up Jimmy Bruno's Five Fingerings. Basically if you learn these five ways, no matter where you are on the neck you will have a logical, easy pattern you can follow when improvising.

Modes: Play C major starting on C. Pause briefly. Now play the notes of C Major starting on D, going up to D and descending back down to D. That's D Dorian. Modes are just scales starting on different notes. If you play C Major from E to E, you have E Phrygian. The important part is that you start on E and ideally end on E, or else you have something different. There are 7 Major modes.

This guy is right, you have to play them either starting on the same root (C Major C Dorian C Phrygian etc) or mix them up in different keys, or else you won't hear the difference.

Remind me, why do we hate this guy?

Whats with the filename fredo? Also heres your star.

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>major seventh chord two fretts down has a sus4 two frets above the third of the chord

A sus4 has a perfect fourth, not an augmented fourth. I don't think you know as much as you think you do.

Thanks. Here I said I think I figured it out

well two frets above the third is an augmented fourth.
either way i dont get what the hell hes talking about

I didn't see that. Basically what I'd do with that is forget about the notes below R (e.g. 7 in the first one, 2-7 in the 2nd, etc) when practicing the major scale. If you were to play them you'd have Locrian then Dorian which confuses matters. If I was practicing Phrygian I'd go from 3 in any one chart, Lydian 4, etc.

I meant (for example in d major) the g major chord is two frets below the A7 chord. The A major sus 4 is one step above the third. The g major's sus 4 is two steps.

I think he might be saying that a dom7 chord will have a 4 above it, if you're improvising diatonically and land on it, and a maj7 coming from the fourth degree would have a #4/#11 coming from Lydian

Yes, I am referring to diatoniclly.

No. That's not how that works.

A sus4 triad consists of a perfect fourth and a perfect fifth. A Gsus4 chord consists of G, C and D. The chord you're building on G in D major has the notes G, C#, D, which doesn't make a Gsus4.

No, he's trying to say that a chord with an augmented fourth in it is still a sus4 chord. If it has a #4 then it isn't.

>he plays at 'starting' notes
>he doesn't just play the whole neck
>he gets trapped in meme boxes
You guys really gotta watch the Holdsworth video 100 times before even talking about any theory shit

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It's generally only a sus if it's a suspended note. D over A7 would be considered a suspended note that should resolve to C#. However, C# over G is not really considered a suspended note. It is most often used as an extension or add note (Gmaj7#11) or avoided, as it sounds too bright for a lot of music

Yeah I know as much because of JustinGuitar. The numbers indicate the scale degree right? So the 7 below the R is Gb/F# aka the only sharp in the G Major scale. I only play that note when descending then return to the root

I don't think you get what I mean. Are you implying there is no Gsus4 in D major?

Yes! Gsus4 isn't a diatonic chord in D major!

>he's still swinging at shadows i placed in his mind

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Not him, but no there is no Gsus4 in D Major. If you wanted to use the fourth degree above G, you'd have Gadd#11, Gmaj7#11, Gmaj9#11, Gmaj13#11. Those are the possibilities off the top of my head

Did you just watch it for the first time?


I see. Than what is a Gmaj#3rd in D major?

So my cat sprayed on my Peavey Tour TKO 115 a while ago, it got into the tweeter and now the tweeter makes a hissing noise. It happened a while ago and i'm not sure if that's what caused it but, most likely. How major would this fix be if i were to take it into the music store?

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No such thing as a #3

why you do this

All this talk about what notes exist diatonically in a certain key and you still suck at music, jeez...

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Who's that directed at?

I was actually hoping someone would post this so I could know the best alternative.

Elixir, regular strings last a week tops with me, Elixirs last for ages.

All of you

I meant one diatonic note above the third. What do I have wrong? I thought if you moved a major chord's third one scale degree below it was sus2, one scale degree above it would be a sus4. Meaning in D major A sus4 is one step above the third, Gsus4 is two steps above the third..

There's a reason they're all trapped here an it ain't because they're disciplined, talented musicians

augmented third


It's not scale degrees. It's about the intervals, out of context of the key.

If a chord consists of a root, a perfect fourth and a perfect fifth, it's a sus4. If it doesn't then it's something else. A sus2 chord has a major second and a perfect fifth.

A mode isn’t a scale position on the neck. It’s a series of intervals and how they relate to a root note. Watch Frank Gambale’s “Modes: No More Mystery” video.

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Oh yeah you're a regular Hendrix I'm sure, you faggot.

One diatonic note above the third of G, in D major, is the #4. You can't have a sus#4 as it doesn't work the same way as a sus4.

It occurs very rarely in very advanced music. 99% of the time, and certainly every time someone mentions it on this forum, by #3 someone really means nat 4.

I win.

I would play you all to the ground, also show me an example of a #3

Wouldn’t it be Gadd#11no3? In sus4 chords, the 4th scale degree replaces the 3rd.

Post proof, and yeah that was my point, most of us on here will never come across a genuine #3, rather a badly written piece of music where they should have just written a nat 4.

>#3 isn't a thing
>oh wait yeah it is, but I'm better than you
lmao okay buddy

Look man you need to stop obsessing about sus chords. On that scale degree THE #4 DOES NOT REPLACE THE 3RD. Because it's a tone away it doesn't clash as badly with the 3rd as a nat4, and the resolution is not aurally satisfying enough. When used it is generally an extension or an add note.

Buncha dumbfucks

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What do you wanna hear? Nice melodies or mindless wanking, I can do it all

what hand is generally more prone to getting RSI? the fretting hand or the other?

>mindless wanking
now this i can believe

If someone came on here asking about 15th chords I would also say they're not a thing. Except if you press enough, I would say one specific guy writes them. However no one on here is ever going to come across them let alone need to learn about them. It's the same with #3s. People on here will likely never come across a real one. They might as well not exist. And I never said I was better than anyone.

Whatever you think you do best.

I see, do you know what I am trying to get at, though? Is there a term for diatonicaly raising or lowering a third? Because I do it with every chord. The three major chords, the first and fifth's(dom7) you raise the third one note. The forth's third is raised two. The three minor chords, all thirds can be raised two notes, and the third chord's (F minor if in D major) third is lowered two notes, while the 2nd and 6th chord's third can be lowered one note.

nice 25th anniversary se 24. did you mod it?

Why do you pretend to be me? Os you life really that boring?

Neither if you have proper technique


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Thanks man, I’m actually a different user who was chiming in, but what you said clears things up for me quite a bit.

>kaka smeared walls
Hows pops?

Am i worthy of living?

OK, apologies for getting short, I thought you were the same guy. Listen to jazz and you'll hear it used pretty often on both maj7 chords and dom7 chords. When you use it on a dom7 chord, it makes it a 7#11. There's a good example in the third bar of "Take the A Train"

>they're bullying jcope again
Just leave him alone guys he really is in your head WAY too much

So a triad (in dmaj) consisting of g-d-c# doesn't exist?

Nope it's all stock, thought about modding it but it fills the passive humbucker sonic space fine and plays nice so I left it. It's my main session guitar these days.

because he's successful and we aren't

thats not a triad bro

>third wold tile floor
hold on is jcope a brazilian? i thought he said he was american

Jesus christ are you slow? Yes the chord exists, not it's not called a sus4.

What would you call it. Because a sus chord has no major OR minor 3rd.


Not in functional harmony no. If you wanted to do something with the C#, you could do G-Bb-C# leading to G-B-D, this is basically Gdim to Gmaj and is sometimes found in jazz (Corcovado)

I am replacing the third, you said "it does'nt" replace the third"...

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A G with a flat five is diatonic to D maj. Each key has two chords that can be flat 5. In D major it is G flat "five" and C#dim.

>Breaking Bad theme

It's not a sus because the "sus" comes from classical harmony, short for suspended.

Originally a suspended note was one that was held from the original bar. Think of the progression F - G in the key of C major. If I was to play C over F and then hold it over G, I'd then resolve it to B over G (the third). That's why they're called sus chords, they have tensions that want to fall to the next diatonic note. The #4 does not work in the same way, in fact generally it wants to rise to the next diatonic note. That's why it's not thought of as a suspension and it is often avoided in music as it is difficult to use well (but is beautiful when you do). Think of Maria by Bernstein. Starts with a #4 that rises to the 5

now that's retarded

>flat five
Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong. It's a #4, G to C# is a distance of an augmented fourth. You will never hear a G(b5) in music, the fifth serves a different function in a chord and in harmony than a fourth/eleventh.

tfw when "soloing" you just follow the chords like a disabled


Still waiting

The C# in Gº is actually a #4?

Samuel is a kakamaster from the kakavela

Can't just be add4, I am not playing the third.
I see, than do you know the term for (in Dmajor) a Gmajor with a c# replacing b?

Samuel is a chimpmaster from the chimpvela

There's no Gdim in the key of D, Gdim would come from the key of Ab. And yes in the key of Ab it would have a b5. But if we are talking in the key of D, the chord of G would have a nat 5. Chords are built in 3rds so we go G - B - D. Then if we want to add extended notes we can go further, F# - A - C#. Basically a 5th is a part of a chord at its most basic (triad). An 11th is an extension and in this case it's a #11. I say #4 but it's really a #11


At this point I really think you have to be trolling, but I guess I'd call it a G5(#11) but honestly it wouldn't really have a name as it doesn't occur often

>tfw get paid to watch asian spics catch dinner.

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Samuel is an aidsmaster from the aidsvela

I was referining to a double stop of G and c#. While C#dim has C# and G. Also A7 has A-E-G-C#. Very connected.

Yeah? How do you call a G power chord? G5-3? Lmao

lol day laboring ended 30 mins ago jcope. its funny you make so little money that you're forced to spend your evening fishing for your dinner though

A double stop of G and C# is not Gdim, and a double stop of C# and G is not C#dim either. But yes that interval is key to the chord of A7.

the true /gg/ star

I mean, I play it all the time... It is part of knowing the possible connections to each diotonic chord when playing "hendrix" style hammer on and pulloffs.


Do you have a recording example of how you use it?

pic related

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I never said it was gdim. Obviously c#dim would have c# g and e.

no fuck off

Imagine playing a gmaj and hammer/pulloff on the g string from the 4th to sixth fret, in the key of dmaj.

Ah my sincere apologies for trying to help you understand what the fuck you're doing!

I dont really like fish thats why ive never posted seafood pics. I like oysters and octopus though and really good sushi and ikura and uni and unagi

oh boi

i like guitar
does anybody play guitar

I would do that over an A7 I guess, but not over any sort of G chord

yeah fuck off i wont give my secredos away that easily

when you roll your wheelbarrow full of fish back to your squalid ghetto to feed your family do the seagulls give you much shit?

why not

yeah but that's not a b5/#4 chord, that's just a passing chromatic note.

Imagine hammer/pulloff of every chord, one scale degree above the third. Because I do it and it sounds great.. That is the entire point of r&b "hendrix/mayfield" style. You hold your chord, but at any time can improve any note around it, diatonicly.

Did he ever get his nut?

Attached: nut.jpg (538x164, 27K)

yeah but you only do it with the A and E shape chords, adding either the 9 the 6 or the 4 only

Do you not know how to read?

C# is diatonic.

yeah i paid for it. a bone one. better than the old graphite one.

Because that interval between G and C# is so dissonant, either it should be part of the chord like A7 or you should use it sparingly. I might do a pull off from C# to B over the chord of G, but I wouldn't emphasise it as it is easy to overdo. Maybe for modern styles of jazz I might emphasise that C# over G, but for most other styles I'd avoid it.

Yes i think sam got his nut.

I know the Hendrix/Mayfield style, but the #4 is something they rarely did. At least Hendrix, as I'm much more familiar with his stuff than Mayfield admittedly.

ah just fuck you

>i'm so much of a pussy i can't ever play a tritone on my guitar even if it's for one beat!!!!!!!! the name says itself, it's dissonant! ooooowowowowoowaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

lmao just answer the question numb nuts

lol is this why they call you JCOPE?

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Doesn't matter the shape. Any diatonic note you can reach is fair game, at any time. Also, in dmajor, all open strings are in key.

hendrix only did these two shapes because he was an illiterate negro

Wait, are you hung up on using the 7th scale degree? Is that what your deal is?

>Also, in dmajor, all open strings are in key.
omg youre a genius! that key is so special on guitar!!!!
no retard. all open strings are in key in E minor, E phrygian, E dorian, G major, G myxolidian, A major, A minor, A myxolidian, A dorian

>i can't bring my finger to do a hammer on the b5!!!! im so scared of it!!!

Ah pardon me for trying to play in the style of the music I'm playing, instead of spazzing out and playing every possible note like a 14 year old who's just discovered modes. Teach me your ways almighty faggot

Untrue, have you ever heard the word "idiomatic"? For most styles of music there are notes that you should avoid even though they might be in key. Play a #4 in a Hendrix tune and you'll sound like a giant faggot. It wasn't in his vocabulary

Samuel is a sambomaster from the sambovela

>Play a #4 in a Hendrix tune and you'll sound like a giant faggot. It wasn't in his vocabulary

>what is the blues scale

i'm fuckin out

>tfw no 60th anniversary R9

do me a solid and lend me nine grand /gg/

Attached: 60th.jpg (1052x519, 181K)

>A Major
You fucking faggot, A Major has a G#

not if i borrow a chord from a myxolidian

#4 not b5. They function differently, come from different scales. Enharmonics you mong

>a paltry nine grand

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Yeah, each key has three spots where you can hold your finger straight across. In d it is open, 2nd, and seventh. Just so happens to be at the root notes of the diotonic minor chords, which can also be thought of as the three "pentotonic boxs" in each key.

it's the same pitch, what you're saying simply has no relevancy
have you played a guitar in the last months or you just daydream about theory like a sperg?

Whether it's a #4 or a b5 depends on the scale you're using and where the note is leading. You use a b5 in the blues scale where you can also use the nat 4. You use a #4 in the Lydian scale where you also use the nat 5.

Hendrix used the blues scale all the time obviously. Not the Lydian scale. Therefore b5 is fine, #4 is not. Like if in Purple Haze he was to use D# over A. He wouldn't, it would sound like ass. There ya go.

Look losers!! I will fucking win and you will lose!!! Aaahahhahaah


the blues scale has a nat 5 so you cant call it b5 either

>rent free

This really puts into perspective the type of people I'm wasting my time arguing with on here. Cheers

Touche. I phrased my argument poorly.

fuck off thanks

I told all y'all homestuck fuckers you don't ever listen

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Here is a great use of paralell maj/min chords


no you phrased your retarded argument well.


What a shit-show why are the thumbnail and video squashed in two different ways

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I recommend the Fractal Audio AXE Fx-III


It can do anything I can think of.


What song are you playing in this sammy?

testing the "slap" technique

No I didn't. Here's what I meant. Hendrix would not use things like Lydian when improvising, he would go for things more based around the blues scale and chord tones. So if he was playing over F in the key of C, he wouldn't play something like B - C - A like I might do in jazz, and he definitely wouldn't play F# - G - E over C either. However he might play Gb - F - Eb - C which comes from the blues scale.

Anyways and more to the point, you can suck my cock.

I love Frusciante but that is unlistenable

no he wouldnt

How do you make an acoustic easier to play? All the ones I play at guitar c*nter feel like they take half as much force as mine. Is it the string thickness?

He wouldn't play blues scale?

You kidding me? Niandra is top Frusciante..


i had read F# G E
but still gb f eb is from the minor blues scale and you said key of C

Learn proper technique your thumb flops around like a fish

the thumb is mine


No wonder its retarded.

no wonder you sound like shit
go follow more DUMB rules

someone else called him out on this yesterday.
he's definitely not american.

I haven't listened to much but yeah that was bad. The other stuff I heard was good though. I like The Empyrean

No such thing as a minor blues scale. There's the blues scale and country scale, C Blues = Eb Country. Generally blues players (whether playing a major or minor blues) will use the blues scale of the key they're in. E.g. C Major Blues - use C blues scale. C Minor Blues - use C blues scale. However, in C Major Blues you can also use C country scale. BB King mixes the two a lot.

Blues scale: 1 b3 4 b5 5 b7

Country scale: 1 2 b3 3 5 6


ahahah the mask is falling

there's a thread on prs forums with mods people have done to theirs. I upgraded the electronics, bridge, tuners and pickups to the US equivalents. Would not get rid of this guitar.

Listen to Niandra, and Smiles from the Streets you hold.

omg youre right and im wrong because i didnt say country scale! you really make a very good use of theory!

nostalgia. ernies used to be the best.

Sarcasm is what every bloody faggot on here resorts to when they are completely and utterly out of their depth. You said "minor blues scale", you don't know what the fuck you're on about as there's no such thing. Why don't you crack a theory book, or better yet listen to some actual music

major blues scale = Eb "country scale"

Hows your life sam?


Read again. I said C Blues = Eb Country. If you want to think in terms of blues scales only, in a C Major Blues you can use C Blues and A Blues, A Blues = C Country

> bindings
> well made
> properly set up from new
one of the best guitars you can buy in the current era taking into account price and quality.

No Rulez amirite? Hows that working out for your favela?

these names you obsess with dont fuckin matter

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>every argument I have has been destroyed and it's now become clear I've no idea what I'm on about
>dude I'm arguing with is giving clear advice that might be helpful if I actually listened
>fuck that
lel your names do-do-don't matter!


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yeah you truly destroyed me, i can't play music to save my life because i call some pentatonic differently.

I thought he was but i might be wrong

pretty much any guitar instruction calls it a b5.

tell that to the retard that's arguing with me

You're the one who started the semantic argument man.

It also has a nat 5 though. In fairness that did demolish my argument, the way I had it phrased

no it's you that turned it into a semantic argument

>no u

you just no u'd

I'm using my first set of Elixr's and these strings won't die. Too bad i bought bronze when I meant to order phosphor bronze. Impressive longevity.

Do you play like twice a year?

The firebird does too because the tuners are really heavy and I’m pretty sure the top strap post is fucked up like the sg

Nah he sucks, just plays boring ass patterns that don’t really go anywhere. Just bullshit doodling on the guitar

The guy who invented the guitar was left handed so technically righties should play lefty and lefties should play right

Bet you can't spell parallel.

Zorgus borgus I got bit by the love bat