the perfect boy group does not exi-
Other urls found in this thread:
for me, it's twice
twiceniggers are in full meltdown mode because someone even DARED to post something that wasn't part of their faggy little hugbox of twice and gaypop
I just say previous thread. Everyday Girl's Day. Everyday I miss Minah.
no hard feelings twice...
we wanted a yeji thread
Rosie :)
that's kim lip on the top left
do you think Han Hyun Min slams a lot of K-pussy?
both me btw
in before another twice meltdown thread
that's every twice thread
cope harder faggot
why do you think we care about your irrelevant group when we are the biggest force on kpg
hate when I go to another board and I see a kpop pic
fuck you twiceshitters
Losing all my mana to dubu
thats not Monsta X...
exo already exists
Chad duel:
Arin's father vs...
This is a dubu thread
as a tranny i’m coping
twicekikes always drag these shitflinging contests on for the entirety of amerimutt hours then whine and blame everyone else for it
tfw you have no real awards so you need to ps
Yuri's father
we wanted a seulgi thread
twice? more like not even once
oh no no no exobros
>This is a dubu thread
did our poopna flop again?
this calls for massive amounts of cope and seething
rare green contacts
and such a simple picture made you have a mental breakdown lol
i'm so glad we all love dreamcatcher and hate twice here
kang dan's dong un village
>chewy didn't hitted the wall are you insane!
Is it tranny hour now? where the fuck did you guys come from?
Yeah, dubu thread
cute slut
seulgi and yeji and that plump one from berry good are bff
[multideviceshitting intensifies]
post daughter
when contacts suit the person wearing them they can look really good
esl and gay
wrong pic?
they are all underage seacreatures to be fair, this is pretty much their way of begging for reparations
how fitting of you to post a tranny for us
time to filter this retarded meme that you niggers spam 20 times a day
momo's dad
She smelled Nana's farts.
At least learn proper english
if you eat your cum you can maintain your purity of essence
please talk about our loona
yuri > arin > momo
fathers in reverse order
spoiler that shit
word, fuck them and their retarded posters
I'd bang Kaeun's mum.
but thats gay
best ear in kpop
twiceniggers love doing that all the time
is this guy making fun of esls or is he esl himself
[urge to be joonked off intensifies]
loona should have 9 members
this reminds me of irene's downfall. that's how it started...
m-michael jackson-nim...
I'd bang Tzuyu's mum too.
freaking cute
This fuckin chin LMAO
what did we think bros
TWICE good
Poona bad
that's not her mom retard
it's just bad lighting you dipshits
that is not even an ugly chewy pic
but this is
chewy looks older at this point
does sucking blood from a papercut make you a vampire? this is no different
hope that dumb cunt tzuyu cries every day knowing she had to betray her people and publicly say to the world that taiwan doesn't exist lmfao
They are not related.
averagebro is pretty cute
imagine ""POONA""
>loonatranny brings up twice
>shop some twice pics
>onces start to talk shit about loona too
>"loonatrannies dindu nuffin!"
i think he should go back to the kitchen, amen
please dont mention loona flopping
really? I thought they were in knowing bros as family. my bad.
>tfw you think bad tzuyu pics exist
>oh no someone posted a bad pic of twice better start deflecting and lashing out
typical toddler behavior
>facial expressions mean you're ugly
when is the last time you went outside?
potato farmer...
it's the dreamcatchershitters falseflagging as usual
loonachads can't stop winning
He really never changes.
vampires are cool mfers that girls wanna fuck
fags are just gay
jyp is so based dabbing on his own rape victim
most of the time he gets blue contacts, but I think warm tones suit him much better. the dna combo of silver hair + blue eyes is still goat though
she's so happy laying in the forest of thighs
OMG guys i fucking love k-pop guys holy shit guys i fucking mmmmmmmm my favorite song is the one by the pretty asian girlt hat gives me the boner i can only listen to music that has pretty girls in it because i want to jerk my dick off and im going to die alone :)))))
how did this literal peasant become an idol
They were just promoting a show together: His daughter is still quite young.
stop fighting and name my group
how many (You)s do you have in this thread?
I'm glad i don't even know wtf is dreamcatcher
the virgin ass crackers
there it is finally, twicefags can't fight on their own merit with people here so they literally need to resort to saving pics of some random trannies from twitter
bangtan boys
She always thought Taiwan was China, Tzuyu is from a known KMT loyalist family
Is this actual autism?
TIL. thanks user.
Xiumin mogs this little bitch hard
based sica!
they are the niggers of the kpop community
OMO leader-nim what are you doing
your body is always reabsorbing semen, how gay is that lmfaoo
not anymore you don't
yeah it depends on his hair color too, i thought he looked great as an aryan like pic related
tranny in tears lmao
true, twiceniggers constantly shit up the place they eat in. exactly the same as negroids
>xiumin fucks this bitch hard
oh fuck it actually is.
Kyungri loses spaghetti in front of some fatso staff and tries to cover it up.
Not sure if it's hot or embarrassing.
>random trannies
>loona fans are just random trannies
the respect is gone
is xiumin a top or bottom
Is Sakura ded?
aryan god. wings was a great era for him too
trannies mentioned
He's straight.
just one of us and idk if he really even posts them
built for it
reminder that egg still talent mogs your husbando
You breath in the molecules that touched dicks.
Guuys i like loona and twice
wow thank you based dragonchad
5oyee gf
mods he's ban evading again
Tzuyu is for the gays
niggertranny coping over its negroid genes
isn’t aryan specifically blue eyes with blond hair and not green eyes? or does it not matter
all of the loona falseflags come from you nugushitters. loona wouldnt be hated half as much here if dreamcatchershits just fucked off
bongtan boys
you people are crazy if you think she looks bad here
i'm transitioning into a pristin fan
he's what kids these days call an "omega"
Twice supports gays
why do you want to know?
literally just doug and he barely even posts dreamcatcher
so this is how they look...
twice has done more to support trannies and gays than loona ever has but twiceniggers ignore that fact
>t doug
he has blue eyes and blond hair in both of those pictures
meanwhile APink supports God.
Jeung "im bringing back Park Chung-hee" Eunji
Park "god says gays are wrong" Chorong
Yoon "Woo Bum-kon was an amateur compared to me" Bomi
Kim "every jew to the zoo" Namjoo
aint got one for the other two yet, anyone care to help out?
Based Twice singing the tranny anthem
in your area
shitty damage control
loona isn't hated, it's just a very small handful of genuine schizos that likely hate every other group too
wheres mina
loona supports niggers and trannies, both of which you are
Based gays stanning twice
>bringing a gay flag to a Kpop concert
stop having breasts, what the fuck!
just letting you guys know that ex'act is exos best album
i don't like the autist or his retarded compulsive spamming either
need a qt loonatrans gf
i think i need more 9autisms
Gay Pride with Cub Club
you mean the lotto repackage
reminder to take action against the ban evaders spamming off topic
user don't tell him...
nah too many filler songs
holy fuck loonatrannies are so fucking UGLY
it's funny how much y'all retards hate each other for posting things you don't like
Twice? Of course they love black people. Have you ever hear of a Twice concert in a white country? Hell no!
>find community who likes music of variety
>"hey guys check out this new song KPOP XYZ just released"
>get that fake plastic autotuned trash out of here you yellowfevered weeaboo.
why are these guys obsessed with gays
of course
every shitfling contest like this is almost always instigated and fueled by people that don't even like or care about either of the groups involved
is choerry a tranny? she kinda looks like one
nothing wrong with having boobies
Friendly Reminder That Cathy Did Nothing Wrong
i dont give afuck if you guys talk shit about nobodies like twice and blackpink but if i see slanderous words directed at iu i will seethe for at least 12 hours straight. i mean it i can derail a thread better than ****o when i havent had my pills and i havent had my pills for a whole week
the "L" stands for 녀
Haven't realised how old of a group Gfriend is.
They've met SNSD, Spica, Fiestar and After School. Like how ancient are they.
are you a dumb faggot? don't answer, it's rhetorical
god, i just want them all to take turns punching me in the nuts
is that a yes?
eunhyuk cucked you~
do you mean kim lip
>nothing wrong with having boobies
1 It's disgusting
2 it's distracting
3 they don't let me touch them
>joining music "communities"
theres your problem those faggots are all hipsters competing against eachother on who has the most obscure "taste". just listen to your music and stop caring about what some autistic kid in a flannel shirt thinks.
take action retards
yes yes... keep fighting... everything is going accordingly...
you're missing out
are sana, momo, jeongyeon, nayeon, jihyo, and tzuyu trannies? they look like it
She's a used up whore!
user, see all the post above, kpop is about shitposting and fighting lol there's no "community"
exobros save us
looks like itzybros are the only normal people here
did the choerry post make you mad? dont answer i already know
>*someone gets injured somehow*
did *hic* you love *hic* yourself today?
>*bawling their eyes out*
we must love each other armyyyyy!
>*thinking of disbanding*
im so sick of th- *voice cracks* -fakey rove
>*african idol drum playing in his head*
duh i wanna big how, big car & big rang
>*something UN speech with broken english something*
>*voice cracks in his thoughts while contemplating suicide*
>*jimin in the background: AHHHHHH*voice cracks*HHHhhhh*
based gravekeeper
oh my god
that's a nice butt
im saving pics
based and sharkpilled
did my post make you mad? why did you respond otherwise?
dumb newfag
Glue outfits were so fucking good
seems like that post made you mad.
hot dilf
tranny in tears
hana a s*x
you missed cub, the one with linebacker shoulders and no hips
My favourite groups are Cherry On Top and Hi Cutie.
those lyrics are... interesting
until 9muses 2.0 debuts, im out of the game
Hana is for pretty cute posting only
elvis & pink pandas for me
Twicetrannies absolutely destroyed again
t-twice heeheehee i love them so much
word shartman
>I'm out forever
The only good Korean song I've seem in ages
so it did huh
taehyung cullen
God this is better than tzuyu's
instead of letting this shitflinging die down, twicefaggots will continue it into the next thread and probably for the rest of amerimutt hours
then they'll blame everyone else for shitting in their own bed
actually theyre twicecucks
it will never be the same
who the fuck is loona and why do people keep referencing them
twicekikes can't seem to get enough of them, so they're the only ones that ever mention loona here
delete that thread you dumb faggot
>yotsuba b
>default extension
i don't know what is going... but i like it :)
Edward Cullen isn't blond
at least we still have periscopes and youtube videos
>downloading additional software just to browse a website
i wanna trigger those who filtered the word kpop :)
hana can get it
oh is this a shit on loona thread? these are my favorites
reminds me of that one time I got attacked by an african on a bike for wearing a pink shirt
twiceshitters are so unfunny
twicetranny btfo
keep seething tranny this is gold
that thread is for music discussion
we dont discuss music
nice proportions
survival of the fittest
kinda based
it's about the eyes
>and it posts wenduggo
love when that happens. hope he gets a rangeban soon
why do you keep shilling generic shit like kokobop and love shot on Yea Forums?
all this just because no one cares about loona...
dudes now got not style and it's not even gay to fap to them
THIS on the other hand, is purely gay
twiceshitters sure seem to care. they've only been spamming about them for days now
4chanx is zoomer shit I'm with the wendyposter
actually its because the twicetranny was seething
i've been waiting all weki meki for this...
the wendy guy is the only nice poster in the universe
now post the other half
this is quality cope
yet you can't seem to prove it wrong
bro wtf is wrong with you
explain this
rat chewing on my drywalls...
your posts prove my point
another seething twiceshitter thread incoming
>posts the ordinary loona fan
>gets banned
the mod must be a lgbtq supporter too
eunha would enjoy it the most, and sinb would be the one who takes it too far and steals umji's turn
everybody already knows miracles are cancerous
mods he's evading
what did trump do to that love shot album
loonatrannies btfo
dilate and then join the other 43%
make it a yeji thread
>Bit Hit gets gfriend back
>instead of sexing, suga goes on the Eunha diet
kinda based
we support transexual’s rights here you cis scum
>Watching Izone Chu
God, why they are so perfect?
Izone made me hate white women and I am Asian (not MENA or India or ASEAN)
as expected of sinbully
i have never even heard of loona
amber is hot
word twicebro, when our girls sang about trannies and gays i was literally squeeing and shook!
wednesday song part 2 when?
did loonatrannies forgot to dilate again?
this is why most of us hate twiceshitters. it was the exact same shit a few weeks ago when they fought with blinks every day. cringey twitter screenshots, streamables spam, "everyone is a tranny". literally the same shit
based loonasis cant wait to see you at the pride parade next week