Ariel Pink recently did an interview with MDE-affrilates Tekwars. This is completely unacceptable and gross

Ariel Pink recently did an interview with MDE-affrilates Tekwars. This is completely unacceptable and gross.

How do I contact pitchfork/fader about this?

Attached: this is bad.png (765x676, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

kantbot moving up in this world

is Kantbot actually that well known? that boy's got clout.

Based Ariel
daily reminder that Ariel Pink is the god and saviour of independent music

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How does Ariel pink know of kantbot lmaoooo

sup "Kantbot"

based Ariel

They've been begging him to come on since forever

based schizo poster

reminder that pic-related is unironically the author of all these ariel pink thief threads. a no-name hack journalist who tried to hitpiece ariel and got btfo

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>inter milan
what an asshole

Jesus Christ

Damn, Will Toledo really looks like THAT?


Ariel Pink would literally do anything for money or attention.

He's friends with Schreiber, he can do whatever he wants. He's not held to the same standards that other artists Pitchfork praises are and they know that.
Alsop he sexually assaultedf women at a music festival.

>he sexually assaultedf women at a music festival. to elaborate

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OP is clearly an ariel pink fan who is just taking the piss. THe thief guy genuinely hates ariel and you can tell when he posts.

AP is lowkey right wing
Dude went on fucking Fox News to yuk it up with their talking heads

Post a link I’m not paying money for this