ITT: post an album and poorly describe its concept

>my daddy dead

Attached: Pink_Floyd_-_The_Wall.jpg (600x600, 93K)

bang bang bang you dead

Attached: crack.jpg (550x545, 111K)

>my paul dead

Attached: 2013TheBeatlessgtpepper950G020113-1-920x891.jpg (920x891, 186K)

>listening to The Wall
>oh this is pretty good so far
>look up what it’s about
>it’s about Syd
>turns off

wow you really poorly described the concept good job

>Joe's Garage
>Yea Forums will be a thing

isnt that WYWH?

It's about isolation. And people are influenced by events from their life such as losing a band member, so there were traces of his story in that album. Drawing from your personal experience doesn't make you a hack.

t. didn't listen to it

It’s pretty much all their albums after Obscured by Clouds

Let's go picnic with the Lord

Attached: 220px-Reign_in_blood.jpg (220x220, 16K)

Holy shit, where were you when you realized that Yea Forums is in fact the central scrutinizer? I was here in this thread.
>the k-pop general is for k-pop and k-pop discussion ONLY
>if you wish to discuss k-pop, please go to the k-pop general

>people taking the bait
Nice one, user

Attached: 1565465133661.jpg (500x695, 67K)

I'm cool now, but i really shouldn't be

Attached: pinky dinky.jpg (500x500, 39K)

>technology bad
>drugs bad

Attached: XBOX.jpg (400x400, 10K)

>my universe dead

Attached: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Murder Of The Universe.jpg (200x200, 16K)

Steampunk Candide
10% steampunk
90% Candide

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Attached: steven-wilson-1200-1000x534.jpg (1000x534, 137K)

Why does everyone speak in memes nowadays? It's especially bad in youtube comment sections. The internet was a lot better before the flock came in and realized that the nerds were onto something.

>so what happens if i slow this down?

Attached: 1420181681517.gif (400x300, 1.17M)

Clockwork Angels is honestly underrated and is very impressive for a final album after 40 years

because this is a thread for describing albums in memes, because that's amusing

it's a tradition that goes back to early Yea Forums

>tfw got kicked out of Metallica

Attached: Megadeth_Killing_Is_My_Business..._And_Business_Is_Good!.jpg (260x260, 15K)

>my mummy dead

Attached: Mother-Isolation-Look_at_Me-My_Mummy's_Dead_EP_cover.jpg (280x271, 19K)

>my son dead

Attached: CS495314-01A-BIG.jpg (700x701, 64K)

>my pal's name is Foot-Foot

Attached: image.jpg (500x500, 58K)


Attached: cold-lake-514ecf4f77b44.jpg (1000x1000, 179K)

that's a pretty good description op, you cant even follow your own rules

regular life is very strange

Attached: proxy.little.creatures.jpg (474x469, 78K)

>ketamine, autism and musicality

Attached: selectedambientworksII_1392901389_crop_550x550.jpg (550x550, 65K)

>goths taking lsd

Attached: bluesunshine.jpg (500x450, 71K)

>autism speaks

Attached: eccojams.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

>I did drugs n shieeet

Attached: R-1745094-1460812021-8254.jpeg.jpg (599x591, 137K)

>my son Dweezil born make feel good

Attached: 36pimp1.jpg (430x427, 21K)

>we wuz vikingz n shit

Attached: burzumdetsom.jpg (480x360, 18K)


Attached: cover.jpg (1500x1500, 2M)

>I cucked a guy in my past life

Attached: D24AAE1E-6EAE-44CB-B0BF-6B4A621DBCE1.jpg (1000x1000, 239K)

>nostalgia feel good

Attached: handcranked.jpg (600x600, 160K)


>lean good

Attached: ondatkickstand.jpg (500x500, 97K)

society fucking sucks

Attached: Remain-in-light.jpg (425x425, 51K)

>everyone in this band is completely fucked up atm

>sad cus my wife left me

Attached: 812FS2R2v6L._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 157K)

>so wait, goth isn't a thing anymore in 2006?

Attached: johnmaussongs.jpg (1417x1412, 118K)

Curtis' wife never left him.

>my ex-boyfriend

Attached: Cover.jpg (700x700, 46K)

>destroy earth with me plox

Attached: R-4493110-1424978840-4050.jpeg.jpg (300x300, 15K)

>*slapping noises*

Attached: 220px-Primus_Green_Naugahyde.jpg (220x198, 12K)

Isn’t that an actual weezer album? The one about the shack?

It just works.

Attached: 5A639FD3-BC1B-4EB3-BC11-CFD9B6B8F264.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>my furry boyfriend a tranny

Attached: a3471928093_10.jpg (715x704, 48K)

freestyle hip hop but with a funny looking guitar

Attached: live performance of traditional music in nong go village.png (650x650, 856K)

It's dark and I'm bored I should go for a walk

Attached: R-5611638-1397947975-4719.jpeg.jpg (600x597, 110K)

based Xasthur poster

Fucked if i know, i haven't heard anything after maladroit save the teal album


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black people i met

Attached: Benny-The-Butcher-The-Plugs-I-Met-1561127864-720x536.jpg (720x536, 99K)

Edward is a cuck confirmed

wahh I'm an autistic incel

Attached: the-beach-boys-pet-sounds-album-cover-billboard-1240.jpg (1240x1240, 1.04M)

more like
>dude government corrupt
what the fuck
>im special ed and sad
i like these
try harder
>i cant believe complications exist

>im going to fuck my atm because i love nothing and no one loves me

Attached: time.jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

i'm not dead, i'm in the process of dying

Attached: hanl.jpg (1024x1024, 252K)

underrated post

i am le sad :(

Attached: The_Cure_-_Pornography.jpg (300x300, 82K)

Chad puppet master vs virgin puppet boy and his crush

Attached: King_Diamond_-_The_Puppet_Master_(Special_Edition_w_DVD).jpg (500x478, 47K)

>homeless drug addict tells you tales of his fucked up past while you fear for your safety

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-14 at 2.16.22 AM.png (222x222, 137K)

I'm in love with an underaged dead jew

Attached: LIeFYaM-1518196561-640x640.jpg (640x640, 124K)

Anne frank?

>After years of posting Taxpayers into the abyss, someone else finally does the same.
This moment is beautiful.


>Rules are for fools!
>Stick it to the man, man.

Attached: Resistance.jpg (1500x1376, 725K)

>bro im sad in mcdonalds
>it’s raining

Attached: B23C0316-4ED4-44ED-BCDC-A43695DE1A38.png (700x700, 350K)

>licid dream
>taking acid in an old electrical factory

Deaf, Dumb and Blind boy is really good at pinball, starts a pinball cult and his creepy Uncle Rapes everyone at his Cult

Attached: tommy.png (600x600, 685K)

> thanks obama

Attached: Kendrick_Lamar_-_To_Pimp_a_Butterfly.png (300x300, 149K)


> so first time i took acid i was 5

Attached: mhtrtc.jpg (300x300, 59K)

"sometimes thoughts are bad, but all humans hvae thoughts that are bad. Also life exists"

Attached: 5395533.jpg (750x750, 37K)

If they had to die I wish they were truth someday


Attached: 220px-Clutch_-_Clutch.jpg (220x220, 11K)

>tfw no discord tranny GF

Attached: CSH_TF.jpg (700x700, 67K)

>we all hate each other

Attached: 7A27193F-383B-4305-9F5D-4E4A8C496A76.jpg (500x427, 6K)

We're all great friends

Attached: let it be.jpg (355x355, 21K)

i want to die in new orleans

Attached: FBC790DF-6C52-4B52-A88E-2A46617A990C.jpg (300x300, 17K)