Friend and fellow user turned me onto this amazing band

friend and fellow user turned me onto this amazing band.

how many people have actually listened to Mr. Bungle?

Attached: MrBungle-MrBungle.jpg (220x220, 18K)


Attached: B06D5E37-67A2-4528-A545-577982604579.jpg (700x734, 80K)

They're literally just starting a reunion tour homie

Whom are you quoting?

babby's first sporkcore


He doesn't say that.


I've been listening to them since 2012, before Yea Forums became obsessed wtih hating them

Wow, who could have possibly heard this super obscure band? IDK

man i love mr bungle
great group great songs

Only their debut is good, the rest is shit

their second album is nothing special
but California is a fucking masterpiece

Been listening to them at least since year one of university. Te first album is far too corny for me these days, so I only revisit some songs now and then. California, on the other hand, is still beautiful.

are you that insufferable zoomer faggot that “interviewed” fantano on your college radio and got filtered by archers of loaf a few weeks ago

Fucking clown ass Mr. Bungle posters are the pussing acne of the sphincter of mu

i would argue that 100% of posters on mu is whats wrong with mu

I was like this a few years ago. Now I just exclusively listen to Faith No More

I started listening to them when a friend gave me one the demos, when it came out, and started to go see them in the clubs.

Don't really listen to them anymore, but those shows were a fucking blast. Everyone had fun. That was the point. The albums were just bonus.

>Literally everyone
>power gap
>Mr bungle and steve albini posters


listen nigger, where I live where people rave about Brad Paisley, Luke Bryant and Florida Georgia Line.

I do appreciate you knowing the band and talking shit to me tho

nice reddit spacing fag

Why does Yea Forums hate Mr. Bungle?
Hardmode: Actually explain why their music is shit.

Do you not realize that you’re outing yourself as the redditfag? How would anyone know what reddit spacing is unless they came from the site?

because people call each other out on it on here all the time

oh so you’re just parroting a meme you don’t understand because other people say it? you’re not making yourself sound any better

i don’t need to waste originality on someone who clearly isn’t mature enough to accept the fact that some people have different opinions than them

My bungle suck, except for perhaps the first song in California. Having said that I fucking loved disco volante when I was 18 back in 2000.

>DUDE.... what if frank zappa was METAL????!!!!?!!?! THAT WOULD BE SO FUNNY BRO EGG

>i don’t need to waste originality on someone
Sounds like a true redditfag :)
>who clearly isn’t mature enough to accept the fact that some people have different opinions than them
We aren’t even talking about Mr. Bungle at this point but go ahead and explain what you don’t like about them like said. Although I know you’ll probably just throw some more buzzwords around instead of trying to actually articulate your opinion.

whom are you quoting


The guy who started the egg xd meme is some 20/21 year old faggot born in 1998 who listens to derivative indie music and Oasis

As a Bungle fan who saw them in the clubs before their albums came out - it is shit. They were the leading band in the underground shitty music scene in SF, that also spawned shitty bands like the Deli Creeps, with Buckethead. But the shows were fun, nobody expected any of it to be successful - and the only reason Bungle got signed was Patton leveraging FTM.
I always saw Bungle as an elaborate inside joke. Who knew they'd get signed to a major label and tour?

But it was fucking fun shitty music, and I'd rather put on the first one or California, than other shitty band albums like The Velvet Underground.

I honestly just listen to their music for fun, and i was considering putting that in my post but whatever.
Looking for something more than fun in a Mr. Bungle album is just asking to get yourself fucked up at Slowly Growing Death's ending.