Attached: 1440199727754.webm (1280x676, 2.49M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Rosie :)

Attached: D-ekoj-U0AUqd_O.jpeg.jpg (1363x2048, 234K)

I miss Minah

my daughter (right) and wife (left)

Attached: large.jpg (750x933, 66K)

Attached: DMPFKAsU8AAwhQ1.jpg (1080x1350, 134K)


Attached: EB3XP5iVAAAu9hj.jpg (800x1200, 155K)

Attached: 1565552976175.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

wait a minute...

chewy looks like she's going through menopause

Attached: kf10ok6477g31.jpg (1200x1920, 322K)

Attached: choa and a high resolution sandwich.jpg (4310x3356, 1.75M)

i've started cutting myself and listening to gothic doom metal because purepop is dead

Attached: DeGDIr2UQAALWkY.jpg (1200x800, 116K)

Gugudan comeback never

Attached: 170518 금오공과대학교 축제 구구단 Good Boy 미미 직캠 By 델네그로.webm (562x1000, 2.92M)

any shartman in?

whatever man, post basedee

Get banned pedo poster

Attached: BuzMQcwCMAAyQLp.jpg (512x512, 26K)

Attached: loona.webm (482x692, 752K)

kys shartman

Attached: EB3LsGIU0AAI3RI.jpg (1242x710, 50K)

chaeyoung is so shameless

Attached: 1565380820117.jpg (640x753, 103K)

Did jizoo really get bullied by horsey?

what the FUCK happened to her face?

Attached: 1440635253629.webm (516x720, 799K)

Attached: Sejeong.webm (606x1080, 2.87M)

Attached: SaltyDopeyKatydid.webm (1540x916, 2.93M)

she got a boyfriend :(

why the FUCK does chewy look older than irene now?

Attached: 1529676597300.jpg (1366x2048, 231K)


Attached: 1551906712974.webm (1920x1080, 922K)

the wall


Attached: Screenshot_20190813-193234_Instagram.jpg (1079x1318, 564K)

Cutest girl in the universe

Attached: 1565651771685.jpg (1000x1000, 112K)

someone post jennies facebook things


Attached: HauntingRepulsiveCattle.webm (588x1080, 2.94M)

Where's the audio of blackpink fighting?


rip mullet


who gives a shit about those whores

The funny part is if you watch the fan cam you can see Jisun and Chae planned it out before hand like they were unbothered by kissing or the awkwardness

Attached: 65420804_155966782209274_5534899158070571449_n.jpg (1080x1080, 148K)

Attached: DotERvsXgAA131x.jpg (800x1200, 120K)

Attached: FlashyFluidInexpectatumpleco.webm (554x1080, 2.97M)

Don't call them that, and we do. If blackpink are bullying Jisoo we'll declare war on them

Attached: CalmRealisticBlacklemur-2.webm (608x1080, 2.93M)

cub looks ill

Attached: cub.png (610x931, 957K)

Attached: gu9udan_65051876_454538372028648_3512183714118644556_n.jpg (1080x1350, 99K)

mimi was such a useful girl

Attached: 1543951075958.jpg (396x805, 311K)

such a pure brapper

Attached: GrossArcticCero.webm (654x1050, 287K)

im sorry twice but yall just got REPLACED

Attached: damn.png (2048x1452, 3.7M)

squid sisters are cute

Attached: 1565702570528.jpg (942x727, 127K)

we wanted a seulgi thread

are you a gerontophile


is her face bloated? she looks different here

Attached: EB2ytr9W4AISB-O.jpg (1338x2048, 291K)

sd card corrupted, all my twice pics are gone

lmao i dont even know who are they

Attached: _b_311h62_e_e4bUd018svc1uhh2r337g344_nw3ntd.jpg (720x583, 33K)

lmao she looks like the uggo from momoland.

Attached: EB2lKjZVUAA7xRU.jpg (1080x1620, 236K)

>lmao i dont even know who are they
its always an esl, fucking hell


someone post that cute girl from gugudan please

it's a good thing cos
abort now while you can user


Attached: 1538773633299.jpg (3000x2002, 1.06M)

maybe chaeyoung. jisun is not like that

Attached: D7azkJTUYAEmNA4.jpg (933x932, 91K)

Joy brings me joy

Attached: 1537616891210.jpg (1200x800, 682K)

go jerk off to your irrelevant group faggot

post her bum

look at that babby

Attached: baby kaeun.jpg (652x1028, 85K)


yikes the esl twicenigger is seething

Attached: EB3dLgmUIAA8nEC.jpg (1800x1200, 311K)

it's obviously just another seamonkey once

Attached: jisun.jpg (1536x2048, 429K)

i thought she was a PS monster but i guess she always looked simian

based ayy lmao

Attached: eunseo vs saerom.webm (1280x720, 1.89M)

*pppppftttttt prrrlllllll grrgrgrggr ppppshhhhh*

apologize to juchan

>seethe more

Attached: e_g04Ud018svc1sttvlr85zsl1_2jeacg.gif (244x247, 2.12M)

>we do

Attached: 1457498291905.jpg (1000x666, 72K)

for me it's The Female Group LOONA

Attached: the female group.jpg (1000x1000, 372K)

Whatever you gotta tell yourself.

Attached: 1551143507535.webm (366x400, 64K)

mental illness

Attached: 1565588900207.webm (208x320, 132K)

Attached: EB162G6U4AEHIAy.jpg (1667x1000, 108K)

Attached: DpYOaXRWsAEb67r.jpg (1080x1146, 186K)

Attached: DUuUI_LUMAA7pTl.jpg (1280x1920, 328K)


Attached: 1492232936886.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

DJ Kaeun on the beatz

Attached: Cmz7YsOVYAA87s0.jpg (960x639, 130K)


Attached: ElectricGlamorousBlowfish.webm (600x506, 137K)

playgirlz here to support DJ Kaeun

>automatically makes you mad

Attached: mgma-twice-2.jpg (2620x2621, 1.08M)

>on the beatz
no one says this, even ironically

Attached: file.jpg (1080x1296, 153K)

Attached: 1559537224238.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)


Attached: 1563341831053.jpg (768x960, 80K)

Attached: minji_1611.jpg (1536x2048, 290K)

Attached: EBw4pHhU4AA0qlY.jpg (1619x2048, 382K)

Chewy wishes she had these TTs

Attached: 1564000335253.jpg (1080x1350, 142K)

that seamonkey twicenigger is still seething
you stupid brown esl monkey lmao go back to your rice fields

cute pretty and talented


haggybro what happened with that gay pop yesterday?

shame about the face

mmm yes sup- mmmm *shlurp* yes yes... SuPERM mmmm...

Attached: EBZopU2WwAAAsta.jpg (400x400, 15K)

Attached: 1564021475246.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Attached: 66835324_221233478798395_4265023905664193885_n.jpg (1080x1349, 284K)


Attached: DHo2FtWXYAAu5Dv.jpg (500x750, 83K)

Attached: EB0vwCZUcAAPF7C.jpg (1500x1000, 161K)

>You will never get body slammed by JiU

these fancams were great

Attached: EBxjTJWUYAMz1-Q.jpg (1335x2000, 506K)

why's she so weird looking

I've picked it up from a Tim and Eric's sketch.

Attached: DJ Kaeun at an Orange Caramel concert.png (433x646, 321K)

nothing has ever happened

Attached: 1565542000938.jpg (720x434, 56K)

What was SM thinking? I bet they asked the swedes and they okayed it


Attached: EBX_lcRU8AEPYrF.jpg (1000x1500, 366K)

JUEUN IS NOT FOR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she's not from around these parts

Attached: EB2bSaVWkAEZnje.jpg (2048x2048, 1019K)

cub mogging

too much ps, she's like chungha

Attached: Byf3Cs-CcAEusZJ.jpg (600x602, 45K)

Attached: 1551249372351.jpg (2029x3043, 808K)

oh im sorry, im new

post that one kpop slut with HUGE tattoos

So who is left in DIA?

what's the latest news on jucchan the dateslut?

Attached: 1565662020504.webm (1244x1080, 2.26M)

DIA only need Cathy, Chaeyeon, Jueun

Attached: 1564170715295.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

Attached: minji_1727.jpg (1000x1500, 233K)

LOONA>>>*your group*

ty next

what did she mean by that?

Attached: EBWI9SqU0AA2-gA.jpg (1536x2048, 408K)

Attached: 1560752959096.jpg (1616x1080, 177K)

that's some nigger
I meant the gook one

add Yebin too idiot!


Attached: DIA - Jooeun.webm (498x1080, 2.68M)

are you cheekily posting noonas?


Attached: EBrAp2HUYAAAj7j.jpg (3840x2160, 574K)

must have been that one chink nct

Attached: 64687593_596254907563586_2432206594268090252_n.jpg (1080x1349, 171K)

I had auto add and it got posted before I wrote Yebin

when did you realize the loona poster is the most mentally ill retard here?
for me it's when he got banned the other day and all his embarassing samefagging got exposed

Attached: DIA - Jooeun 3.webm (498x1080, 2.72M)


Attached: Raina Kaeun cafe.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

freaking idiots everywhere

Attached: 1539521861424.jpg (3276x2184, 2.42M)

uummmm ayo hol up

got more?

have you met keklo?

imagine ryujin doing this

that goes for all loona fags

Attached: Du8rJvKVsAYKhsx.jpg (2946x3465, 1.42M)

m8, youre the loona poster. its obvious, we all see your falseflag

I love Jisoo more than blackpink

this but twice

its the shart posters

any mommyman in?

Attached: 1562871741983.jpg (1068x1600, 108K)

Attached: Kahi Diva Beyonce.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

twice as much retarded? damn you're right

Attached: DqUGLQqWwAAm8TB.jpg (1200x1200, 151K)

what the FUCK did she mean by this??

Attached: ex2J9EA.png (1600x900, 1.45M)

I wonder if she made AS members suck her dick

id say twice is more so retarded

Attached: fromis_9_fun_mv_shooting_hayoung_3.jpg (2000x3000, 665K)

Attached: rs_1024x620-190801213006-exid-solji-bomi-mgma.jpg (1024x620, 62K)

twiceposters especially dubuposters are way more mentally ill than any posters here except for maybe "voldermort"

I was too big for her

I'd watch

Attached: EBqFZG_U4AAgf3z.jpg (1000x1500, 211K)

Attached: 1538897747045.jpg (991x750, 69K)

would you join tho?


this user posted the fancams

Attached: jueun.webm (608x922, 2.97M)

The badass ajumma has more balls than I have ever had.

Attached: D_oIniFWkAANM3P.jpg (1080x1350, 98K)

Yes he's choa-era keklo-tier.

Attached: 4bc887d5565233662c3246c2483816eb32acd625_hq.jpg (599x801, 71K)

Attached: 1537381622862.jpg (1500x1000, 909K)

Any Horny Popporn Fans (Honey Popcorn) here.

>comes back from damn near having her eyes pop out of her head
>group disbands

no, you're wrong

Attached: 196_DcXPhygXUAA38RM.jpg (355x471, 41K)

Attached: AcademicGreatDartfrog.webm (660x1174, 1.6M)

If it was Me, Nana and Kahi - Hell yeah
who would say no to that?

Based, we respect the LGBTQ community here

Attached: 1546863410865.webm (1280x720, 1.89M)

she took one for the team
she did literally nothing wrong

i am right you stupid faced avatar posting retard, now scram

Attached: CGvud3eVAAAwpjs.png (778x1168, 1.28M)

Attached: tumblr_ptlpptEy3L1uyyjg0_1280.jpg (660x1369, 180K)


Jueun is a good girl

based loonabro

that guy wasn't even a loona poster, just a shitposter who likes itzy. you're a shit detective

No we don't, faggot

hornyboi checking in!

Finally, an attractive girl.

Attached: 5901.gif (348x336, 2.07M)

i googled loona and it's some 40yo white bitch from netherlands

I would say no because Raina has to watch.

Attached: DdE-m3xV0AEaAcF.jpg (466x631, 68K)

These guys are capitalizing on the fact that being gay is considered cool now

what is she implying?

Attached: wWSdyDo.png (283x713, 270K)

>avatar posting
what a fucking newfag

Sucking Kahi's dick while Raina jerks you off....

Raina can watch you getting spit roasted by Kahi and Nana

Even Hwasa looks less busted.

Attached: DujvG74W4AUlBpD.jpg (872x1080, 506K)
based everglow giving a nugu group song a dance cover

I knew buddies were here somewhere

Attached: vlive_photo_1520401642904.jpg (719x952, 60K)

Attached: 1564187778142.webm (640x738, 1.41M)

Did you get lost on your way to twitter, hambeast?


Attached: images (22).jpg (629x487, 14K)

Top-tier visual.

Attached: jeonghwa 33.jpg (519x688, 41K)

lol nice cope faggot
I'm sure he was defending loona every other post because he likes itzy

it's just a bad pic
Jupal is still pretty

Attached: 65675956_133771817842720_998643919360506529_n.jpg (1080x1080, 222K)

Attached: 06655acc95556224b9b6f7105aa0295bffe6a858.gif (412x498, 3.45M)

wow, she's...

Attached: 1565603587475.png (631x458, 406K)

bts is unironically a nazi fyi

That she is the perfect wife

Attached: 1549307403447.jpg (1080x1080, 178K)

what the.....

Attached: 65850737_125566985382141_979123117872617789_n.jpg (1080x1349, 110K)


Attached: saves kpop.webm (1080x1920, 2.42M)

For me it's

Olivia Hye

We are legion.

Attached: Yerin8a.jpg (599x798, 46K)

why does dubuposter reply with as a avatar every time with that stupid face? see- and their stupid unfunny lame meme?

the most attractive woman I've ever seen

what is going on right now

Attached: Dx6cx_hV4AAMRQK.jpg (1920x1282, 298K)

I dont know about the rest of BTS, but RM is /ourguy/


who is the Hello Venus of this generation?

this but yeji and seulgi

Attached: 1547782953450.gif (450x667, 3.81M)

Shouldn't you be dilating?

rape monster is that nigga desu

she wears diapers during sex

I miss blonde Nara and Alice.....


your meme suck, tranny

This is pretty hot. not going to lie
Raina was a rebellious teen so she must've learnt a thing or too.

Attached: D8BNotMX4AQabd0.jpg (1920x1280, 183K)

Attached: based umji.webm (350x534, 429K)

only avatar fag here is keklo

Attached: 1563299172544.jpg (1000x1500, 369K)

Attached: 4f36bb23077cbfe56d42a89a7b6d0e4b82400b71.gif (440x550, 2.57M)

>wear nazi hat
>team palestine
>japan = NUKE shirt

g-guys i love bts i hate n-nazi EWW

Attached: 1558775884419.jpg (760x1352, 125K)

post some

Attached: 1314.gif (540x304, 1.72M)

hoes mad

Attached: 1535840770886.jpg (523x1034, 304K)

Alice would be a perfect mommy

look at this dumb fucks lol i feel sorry for you

lmao post pics

you don't even know what is an avatarfag

Attached: 30.jpg (800x83, 14K)

Attached: 1553364903513.webm (608x1080, 2.92M)

standing there with her ass up ready for some breeding

I haven't forgotten.

Attached: pretty lizzy ugly juppal.webm (854x480, 800K)


Attached: CwRc2CWsAAv1Rn.jpg (1000x1500, 273K)

Attached: 20140922_seoulbeats_bts_rap-monster_nazi-hat-detail.jpg (334x380, 129K)

i'll just post this to make you more mad

Attached: d_f3cUd018svc4u2dmatpm8ri_qk1r4a.jpg (800x800, 80K)

dubuchads assemble

Attached: 1546180137132.jpg (2048x1536, 472K)

hoe mentioned

Attached: 1552966403904.jpg (536x536, 94K)

I like Sana and Tzuyu too

Attached: EA9w_q5W4AAevXs.jpg (900x1200, 160K)

avatar is inserting self into a character, this dubuposters are obviously playing this stupid meme face HUH"???!! character user

Attached: 1541983561718.png (1349x834, 684K)


Attached: 011.jpg (1024x1094, 328K)

I never asked for this feel, user.

Attached: 0149.gif (200x262, 2.95M)


>tfw juppal will never give you her socks for sleeping with her
why even live?

Attached: EB3me3nX4AAqLt6.jpg (1200x1920, 390K)

hoes mentioned

Attached: 1553157223473.jpg (266x400, 62K)

Attached: 1558555182487.png (500x562, 492K)

Attached: best husbando.jpg (874x1182, 317K)


Attached: 15258800_1900193473547969_7946048904758296576_n.jpg (296x295, 17K)

is she preggo already?

Attached: yerin and eunha scissoring.webm (1066x600, 1.75M)

BTS are Nazis?

Attached: 1565568240695.jpg (1080x750, 188K)

hoes mentioned

Attached: 50072445_615294315565011_4780989939858800640_n.jpg (720x960, 57K)

it's more than one guy, you can't impersonate a bunch of posters

I miss my T-arabros

Attached: file.jpg (1080x1350, 209K)

Attached: loona salute.webm (1920x1080, 551K)


Attached: 1562154028110.webm (650x650, 862K)

based bts fag

*purifies the thread*

Attached: 1516062844108.jpg (2048x1366, 383K)

w-WHAT DID I DO??!???

Attached: cDpoe2fdfbda.jpg (718x718, 50K)

Attached: 1536545856848.jpg (2048x1346, 406K)

literally kys

shartbros, those dubuniggers are overtaking kpg!!! we should do something!!

>max images reached
>can't be mad because I was gonna post Dubu too

KPOP for this feel?

how do you feel about this twiceshitter?

was Nana Kahi's favorite because they were both trans?

it's a ujung



Uh oh

About what? A guy posting loona fans? Also the loonatranny was samefagging before that thread

atleast he's not replying to his own posts like the loona posters

i lowkey don't trust ujungs

why are dubu posters called niggers

this nigga went to kr only for isac, he should be in jail

>nugu group song
nice click bait

Thank you based vposter, I'm saving these.

Asia decorates stuff with a lot of symbols that Americans and other tards cry about.
they don't care about some historical crap involved with it.

>man face
>pretend to dance
i feel bad for knets if they liked it


make it a nugu thread

swastika is over 3k years old you dense faggots


i appreciate the irony of the weeb with the hello kitty avatar

that guy only spams stan loona trannies 'in retaliation' when people attack twice, it's pretty obvious what he is

Love Minah with all my heart